


context("Testing miscellaneous QuerySpec properties")

test_that("named list input works", {
  ## when list with query conditions
  ## in QuerySpec is a named list, this
  ## should not occur in the JSON representation
  ## see https://github.com/naturalis/nbaR/issues/29

  ## make QuerySpec from not-named list and query
  field <- "identifications.defaultClassification.genus"
  qc <- QueryCondition$new(
    field = field,
    operator = "EQUALS",
    value = "Solanum"
  qs <- QuerySpec$new(conditions = list(qc))
  res <- sc$query(querySpec = qs)

  ## make QuerySpec from named list and query
  qc_list <- list("solanum" = qc)
  qs2 <- QuerySpec$new(conditions = qc_list)
  res2 <- sc$query(querySpec = qs2)

  expect_true(qs$toJSONString() == qs2$toJSONString())
  expect_equal(res$content$totalSize, res2$content$totalSize)
naturalis/nbaR documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 4:47 p.m.