#' PP optimization using LDA index same as original
#' Find the q-dimensional optimal projection using LDA projectin pursuit index
#' @title PP optimization using LDA index
#' @usage LDAopt_MOD(origclass,origdata,q=1,weight=TRUE,...) 
#' @param origclass class information vector of data
#' @param origdata data matrix without class information
#' @param q dimension of projection vector
#' @param weight weight flag in LDA index
#' @param ... arguments to be passed to methods
#' @return indexbest maximum LDA index value
#' @return projbest optimal q-dimensional projection matrix
#' @return origclass original class information vector
#' @return origdata  original data matrix  without class information
#' @references Lee, EK., Cook, D., Klinke, S., and Lumley, T.(2005) 
#' Projection Pursuit for Exploratory Supervised Classification, 
#' Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 14(4):831-846.
#' @useDynLib PPtreeExt
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @export

LDAopt_MOD <- function (origclass, origdata, q = 1, weight = TRUE, ...) 
  origdata <- as.matrix(origdata)
  class.table <- table(origclass)
  class.name <- names(class.table)
  p <- ncol(origdata)
  mean.g <- matrix(apply(origdata, 2, function(x) tapply(x, origclass, mean, na.rm = TRUE)), ncol = p)
  mean.all <- matrix(apply(origdata, 2, mean), ncol = p)
  B <- matrix(0, ncol = p, nrow = p)
  W <- matrix(0, ncol = p, nrow = p)
  g <- length(class.table)
  n <- length(origclass)
  for (i in 1:g) {
    sel.id <- which(origclass == class.name[i])
    temp.m1 <- mean.g[i, ] - mean.all
    temp.m2 <- origdata[sel.id, ] - matrix(1, length(sel.id), ncol = 1) %*% mean.g[i, , drop = FALSE]
    gn1 <- ifelse(weight, length(sel.id), n/g)
    B <- B + gn1 * t(temp.m1) %*% temp.m1
    W <- W + gn1 * t(temp.m2) %*% temp.m2/length(sel.id)
  opt <- eigen(MASS::ginv(W + B) %*% B)
  optVector <- matrix(as.numeric(opt$vectors[, 1:q]), ncol = q)
  proj.data <- origdata %*% optVector
  optindex <- LDAindex2(origclass, origdata, optVector, weight)
  #optindex = 1
  optobj <- list(indexbest = optindex, projbest = optVector, 
                 origclass = origclass, origdata = origdata)
  class(optobj) <- append(class(optobj), "PPoptim")
natydasilva/PPtreeExt documentation built on July 4, 2024, 11:18 p.m.