
Defines functions dueling.dendrograms

Documented in dueling.dendrograms

#' @title Dueling Dendrograms
#' @description Graphically compare two related dendrograms
#' @param p.1 left-hand phylo-class dendrogram
#' @param p.2 right-hand phylo-class dendrogram
#' @param lab.1 left-hand title
#' @param lab.2 right-hand title
#' @param cex.nodelabels character expansion size for node labels
#' @param arrow.length arrow head size
#' @details Connector arrows are used to link nodes from the left-hand dendrogram to the right-hand dendrogram.
#' @keywords hplots
#' @return nothing is returned, function is called to generate graphical output
#' @author D.E. Beaudette
#' @export
dueling.dendrograms <- function(p.1, p.2, lab.1='D1', lab.2='D2', cex.nodelabels=0.75, arrow.length=0.05) {
  .Deprecated(new = 'dendextend::tanglegram', msg = 'This function is now deprecated, and will be removed in a future release of `sharpshootR`. Consdier using dendextend::tanglegram() instead.')
  # this function only works with ultrametric objects
  if(!is.ultrametric(p.1) || !is.ultrametric(p.2))
    stop('both phylo objects must be ultrametric')
	# setup some geometry for connecting lines / arrows
	arrow.left <- 0.1
	arrow.right <- 0.9
	arrow.length <- 0.1

	# setup plot layout
	lo <- layout(matrix(c(1,3,2), ncol=3), widths=c(1, 1, 1)) # check with: layout.show(lo)

	# left-hand side dendrogram
	plot(p.1, cex=cex.nodelabels, font=1, no.margin=TRUE, direction='rightwards', label.offset=0.015)
	mtext(lab.1, side=3, line=-1.5, font=2, cex=0.75)

	# save results of phylo environment
	p.left <- get("last_plot.phylo", envir = .PlotPhyloEnv)
  # get left-hand IDs
  p.left.ids <- as.hclust(p.1)$labels
	# right-hand side dendrogram
	plot(p.2, cex=cex.nodelabels, font=1, direction='leftwards', no.margin=TRUE, label.offset=0.015)
	mtext(lab.2, side=3, line=-1.5, font=2, cex=0.75)

	# save results of phylo environment
	p.right <- get("last_plot.phylo", envir = .PlotPhyloEnv)

	# get right-hand IDs
	p.right.ids <- as.hclust(p.2)$labels
	# get ordering of pedon IDs on each side
	left.new_order <- sapply(1:p.left$Ntip, function(i) which(as.integer(p.left$yy[1:p.left$Ntip]) == i))
	right.new_order <- sapply(1:p.right$Ntip, function(i) which(as.integer(p.right$yy[1:p.right$Ntip]) == i))

	# re-order right-hand side nodes so that they match the ordering of left-side nodes
	left.right.converstion.order <- right.new_order[match(left.new_order, right.new_order)]

	# setup new plot region
	# warning: this will reset the device coordinates!
	op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
	plot(0, 0, type='n', xlim=c(0,1), ylim=range(p.left$yy), axes=FALSE, xpd=FALSE)

	# plot connecting segments
	segments(x0=arrow.left, y0=p.left$yy[left.new_order], x1=arrow.right, 
y1=p.right$yy[left.right.converstion.order], col='RoyalBlue')

	# plot helper arrows
	arrows(x0=arrow.left, y0=p.left$yy[left.new_order], x1=arrow.left-arrow.length, y1=p.left$yy[left.new_order], col='RoyalBlue', code=2, length=arrow.length)
	arrows(x0=arrow.right, y0=p.right$yy[right.new_order], x1=arrow.right+arrow.length, y1=p.right$yy[right.new_order], col='RoyalBlue', code=2, length=arrow.length)
ncss-tech/sharpshootR documentation built on Oct. 12, 2024, 4:30 a.m.