
context("PLSS Conversion")

# S4 dispatch for plot()

test_that("formatPLSS, PLSS2LL, LL2PLSS works", {
  # test takes ~30seconds to run, and probably need to bump up timeout for stability against BLM server
  options(timeout = 60000)
  d <- data.frame(
    id = c(1:2, NA, 3),
    qq = c('SW', NA, NA, NA), # note: deliberately drop section in 2, quarter quarter and quarter in 4
    q = c('NE', NA, NA, NA),  # because qq comes before q, the case where q is defined and q is not is not valid.
    s = c(17, NA, NA, 30),
    t = c('T36N', 'T35N', NA, 'T35N'),
    r = c('R29W', 'R28W', NA, 'R28W'),
    type = 'SN',
    m = 'MT20',
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  # generate formatted PLSS codes
  expect_warning(d$plssid <- formatPLSS(d))
  # one or more results is NA; check with `attr(,'na.action')`
  # it is index #3
  d2 <- data.frame(
    id = 1,
    qq = 'SW',
    q = 'NE',
    s = 'foobar',
    t = 'T36N',
    r = 'R29W',
    type = 'SN',
    m = 'MT20',
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  expect_warning(formatPLSS(d2)) # cannot convert "foobar"->integer
  # fetch lat/long coordinates (warnings because of NA)
  expect_silent({res <- PLSS2LL(d)})
  # check type and length
  expect_true(inherits(res, 'data.frame'), TRUE)
  expect_equal(nrow(res), 4)
  # position of NA inputs is preserved
  # expect null object and message: lng/lat reversed
  expect_message({badres <- LL2PLSS(res$lat[1], res$lon[1])})
  expect_true(inherits(badres[[1]], 'SpatialPolygons'))
  # expect silent: LL2PLSS now vectorized (warnings because of NA DROPPED from SpatialPolygons)
  expect_warning({res2 <- LL2PLSS(res$lon, res$lat)})
  # check value for back-transforming first result MT20 T36N R29W Sec. 17 SW NE
  expect_equal(length(res2), 2)
  expect_equal(res2$plss[1], "MT200360N0290W0SN170ASWNE")
  # na.omit
  plssna <- attr(res2$plss, "na.action")
  expect_true(attr(plssna,"class") == 'omit')
  expect_equal(as.numeric(plssna), 3)

test_that("LL2PLSS details", {
  # constraints
  options(timeout = 60000)
  # north of Clovis, CA
  x <- -119.711302
  y <- 36.928449
  # do they work?
  x.I <- LL2PLSS(x = x, y = y, returnlevel = 'I')
  x.S <- LL2PLSS(x = x, y = y, returnlevel = 'S')
  # structure
  expect_true(length(x.I) == 2)
  expect_true(length(x.S) == 2)
  expect_true(inherits(x.I, 'list'))
  expect_true(inherits(x.S, 'list'))
  expect_true(inherits(x.I$geom, 'SpatialPolygons'))
  expect_true(inherits(x.S$geom, 'SpatialPolygons'))
  ## graphical check: verified
  plot(x.I$geom, add = TRUE)
  points(x = x, y = y)
  # try a location without section fabric
  # near Knight's Landing, CA
  x <- -120.73314
  y <- 37.847644
  x.I <- LL2PLSS(x = x, y = y, returnlevel = 'I')
  x.S <- LL2PLSS(x = x, y = y, returnlevel = 'S')
  expect_true(length(x.I) == 2)
  expect_true(length(x.S) == 2)
  expect_true(inherits(x.I, 'list'))
  expect_true(inherits(x.S, 'list'))
  expect_true(inherits(x.I$geom, 'SpatialPolygons'))
  expect_true(inherits(x.S$geom, 'SpatialPolygons'))
  # no section
  expect_equal(x.S$plss, 'CA210010S0110E0SN000')
  expect_equal(x.I$plss, 'CA210010S0110E0SN000L37')
  # attempt inverse
  d <- data.frame(
    id = 1,
    plssid = x.I$plss
  # resulting coordinates will not match query coords
  ll <- PLSS2LL(d)
  expect_true(inherits(ll, 'data.frame'))
  # PLSS -> LL conversion (centroid) will not match query coords
  expect_false(x == ll$lon)
  expect_false(y == ll$lat)
  ## graphical check: verified
  plot(x.I$geom, add = TRUE)
  # query point
  points(x = x, y = y)
  # PLSS -> LL conversion (centroid)
  points(ll$lon, ll$lat, col = 'red')
ncss-tech/sharpshootR documentation built on April 9, 2024, 4:27 a.m.