
MUPOLYGON Summary by Project

This report summarizes the zonal statistics for an MUPOLYGON layer within a file geodatabase. The spatial variables summarized include: elevation, slope, aspect, relief, preciptation, temperature, frost free period, and landcover. The report assumes the spatial data follows the proper folder hierachy and naming conventions (e.g. C:/geodata/project_data/11IND).

The spatial extent for the summary is derived from an MUPOLYGON layer contained in a file geodatabase. To select the desired map units for analysis specify the NASIS projectname. The projectname will be used to query NASIS via a web report and the nationalmusym linked to the project will be identified and used to subset the MUPOLYGON layer.

Report Parameters


|Abbreviation |Measures |Unit |Source | |:------------|:-----------------------------------|:------------------------------------|:----------------------------------------------------------------| |elev |elevation |meters |30-meter USGS National Elevation Dataset (NED) | |slope |slope gradient |percent |10-meter NED | |aspect |slope aspect |degrees |10-meter NED | |valley |multiresolution valley bottom index |unitless |30-meter NED | |wetness |topographic Wetness index |unitless |30-meter NED | |relief |height above channel |meters |30-meter NED | |ppt |annual precipitation |millimeters |800-meter 30-year normals (1981-2010) from PRISM Climate Dataset | |temp |annual air temperature |degrees Celsius |800-meter 30-year normals (1981-2010) from PRISM Climate Dataset | |ffp |frost free period |days |1000-meter 30-year normals (1961-1990) from USFS RMRS | |lulc |land use and land cover |landcover class (e.g. Wood Wetlands) |2011 National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) |

Example Output

summary of mupolygon layer


# load the soilReports package

# run the report manually
## copy to your workspace2 folder

copyReport(reportName = "region11/mupolygon_summary_by_project", outputDir = "C:/workspace2/mupolygon_summary")

## Open the "report.Rmd" file from "C:/workspace2/mupolygon_summary" in RStudio, and hit the "Knit HTML" drop down arrow and select "Knit with Paramters..." menu item. Modify the parameters accordingly. 

## run the report via commandline
reports = listReports()
reports = subset(reports, name == "region11/mupolygon_summary_by_project")
render(input = "C:/workspace2/mupolygon_summary/report.Rmd", 
       output_dir = "C:/workspace2", 
       output_file = "C:/workspace2/mupolygon_summary.html", 
       envir = new.env(), 
       params = list(
              projectname = "EVAL - MLRA 111D - Fincastle silt loam, Southern Ohio Till Plain, 2 to 4 percent slopes",
              geodatabase = "RTSD_MLRA_11-IND_FY18.gdb",
              project_data = "M:/geodata/project_data/",
              mlrassoarea = "11-IND"

ncss-tech/soilReports documentation built on April 25, 2024, 1:03 a.m.