
DMU Diff Report

This report provides text differencing capabilities, applied to DMU/component records and component/horizon records queried from the selected set. Differences are higlighted in blue, deletions are in red, and additions are in green.

Local NASIS DB setup: * load a single project by name * add data for new MLRA MU via project mapunit -> mapunit table * add data for related DMU via mapunit/correlation -> data mapunit table

Typical Usage

Load the local NASIS database with two DMU that represent "pre" and "post" SDJR/update work. It is essential that the mapunit, correlation, and DMU objects are loaded in the selected set.

Run the following commands to setup a report template.

# load this library

# install required packages for this report

# copy report file 'MU-comparison' to your current working directory
reportInit(reportName='region2/dmu-diff', outputDir='DMU-diff')

Open report.Rmd and then click "knit". Configuration is based on the single project loaded into your selected set.

ncss-tech/soilReports documentation built on April 25, 2024, 1:03 a.m.