
EDIT Soil Features Report

This report consists of two Rmarkdown files. report.Rmd is the main workhorse. It can be run for individual ecological sites by updating the default values in the YAML header params section. batch.Rmd is used to run multiple instances of report.Rmd on sets of ecological sites that have data in your local NASIS database; it programatically updates the Rmarkdown parameters for each run, and stores some of the data from your local database in memory between runs to save time.

  1. Navigate to your desired parent working directory in R.

  2. Run soilReports::reportSetup("region2/edit-soil-features") to install dependencies

  3. Run soilReports::reportInit("region2/edit-soil-features", outputDir = "EDITSoilFeatures") to install a report instance in outputDir. Specify overwrite argument as needed.

  4. Navigate to "EDITSoilFeatures" directory and inspect report contents. Open report.Rmd in RStudio and click "Knit" button, or render() with {rmarkdown} manually.

Core Report Components

ncss-tech/soilReports documentation built on Oct. 12, 2024, 4:39 a.m.