library(DT, quietly = TRUE)
library(sf, quietly = TRUE)
library(soilDB, quietly = TRUE)
library(knitr, quietly = TRUE)

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)

cat(paste0("## ", area.symbol))
get_NASIS_legendmu <- function() {
  soilDB::dbQueryNASIS(soilDB::NASIS(), "SELECT nationalmusym, lmapunitiid, musym, dmudesc,
                                                mustatus, muacres, liidref FROM lmapunit
                                         LEFT JOIN mapunit ON lmapunit.muiidref = mapunit.muiid
                                         INNER JOIN correlation ON correlation.muiidref = mapunit.muiid
                                         INNER JOIN datamapunit ON correlation.dmuiidref = datamapunit.dmuiid 
                                         WHERE repdmu = 'true';")

get_NASIS_legend <- function(areasymbol) {
  soilDB::dbQueryNASIS(soilDB::NASIS(), sprintf("SELECT * FROM legend_View_1 lv
                       INNER JOIN area ar ON lv.areaiidref = ar.areaiid
                       WHERE areasymbol IN %s",

# Get map unit data
mu <- sf::st_read(dsn = poly.dsn,
                  layer = poly.layer,
                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
gdb_data <-

# sq. meters to acres
gdb_data$Acres_calc <- gdb_data$Shape_Area / 4046.86

spatial_mu <-'rbind', lapply(split(gdb_data, gdb_data$MUSYM, drop = TRUE), function(x) {

  data.frame(MUSYM = unique(x$MUSYM),
             Spatial_Acres = sum(x$Acres_calc)) }))
spatial_mu$Spatial_Acres <- round(spatial_mu$Spatial_Acres)

legend_mu <- soilDB::uncode(get_NASIS_legendmu(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
leg <- get_NASIS_legend(area.symbol)
legend_mu1 <- merge(legend_mu, soilDB::uncode(leg,
                                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE), 
                   by.x = "liidref", by.y = "liid", 
                   all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
cat("#### Nominal Area ", sum(leg$areaacres), "acres v.s.",
    "Calculated Total Area ", sum(spatial_mu$Spatial_Acres), "acres --",
    round(sum(spatial_mu$Spatial_Acres) / sum(leg$areaacres) * 100) - 100 ,
    "% difference \n\n")
legend_mu2 <- legend_mu1[,c("areasymbol", "nationalmusym",
                            "lmapunitiid", "musym", "dmudesc",
                            "mustatus", "muacres")]
legend_mu3 <-  rbind(subset(legend_mu2, areasymbol == eval(area.symbol)))
names(legend_mu3) <- c("Area", "NMUSYM", "MUKEY", "MUSYM", "DMUDESC", "Status", "Legend_Acres")

missing.musyms <- spatial_mu$MUSYM[!spatial_mu$MUSYM %in% legend_mu3$MUSYM]
if (length(missing.musyms)) {
  legend_missing <- legend_mu3[0,][1:length(missing.musyms),]
  legend_missing$Area <- "missing"
  legend_missing$NMUSYM <- "missing"
  legend_missing$MUKEY <- "missing"
  legend_missing$DMUDESC <- "missing"
  legend_missing$Status <- "missing"
  legend_missing$MUSYM <- missing.musyms
  legend_mu3 <- rbind(legend_mu3, legend_missing)

legend_mu4 <- merge(legend_mu3, spatial_mu, by = c("MUSYM"),
                    all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE, sort = FALSE)

legend_mu4$Legend_Acres[$Legend_Acres)] <- 0
legend_mu4$Spatial_Acres[$Spatial_Acres)] <- 0
legend_mu4$Change <- legend_mu4$Spatial_Acres - legend_mu4$Legend_Acres
legend_mu4$Match = (legend_mu4$Legend_Acres == legend_mu4$Spatial_Acres)

legend_mu5 <- legend_mu4[order(legend_mu4[[]], decreasing = TRUE),]

write.csv(legend_mu5, file = paste0("GDBAcreageReport_", poly.layer,
                                    "_", format(Sys.time(), '%Y%m%d'),".csv"))

# used as input for Legend Mapunit calculation "Assign Total muacres - MU Symbol"
# move to c:\temp\musymacres.txt
write.table(legend_mu5[, c(musymacres_field, 'Spatial_Acres')], 
            file = paste0("musymacres_", poly.layer, "_",
                          format(Sys.time(), '%Y%m%d'),".txt"), 
            quote = FALSE, sep = "|", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)

colnames(legend_mu5) <- gsub("_", " ", colnames(legend_mu5))

# hide dmudesc (can be too long)
if (!include_dmudesc) {
  legend_mu5$DMUDESC <- NULL

DT::datatable(legend_mu5, rownames = FALSE, options = list(
        columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 1:6)),
        lengthMenu = list(c(10, 25, 50, -1), c('10', '25', '50', 'All')),
        pageLength = 50,
        initComplete = DT::JS(
            "function(settings, json) {",
            "$(this.api().table().header()).css( {",
            " 'background-color': '#216734',", # javascript for DT style
            " 'color': '#fff'",
            "}"), searchHighlight = TRUE),
    escape = 1, filter = "bottom")

ncss-tech/soilReports documentation built on Oct. 12, 2024, 4:39 a.m.