library(knitr, quietly=TRUE)

# package options
opts_knit$set(message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, progress=FALSE)

# chunk options
opts_chunk$set(message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, background='#F7F7F7', fig.align='center', fig.retina=2, dev='png', antialias='cleartype', tidy=FALSE)

# R session options
options(width=100, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

## custom functions
kdeContours <- function(i, prob) { <- unique(i$.id)
  this.col <- cols[match(, mu.set)]
  dens <- kde2d(i$x, i$y, n=200); ## estimate the z counts

  dx <- diff(dens$x[1:2])
  dy <- diff(dens$y[1:2])
  sz <- sort(dens$z)
  c1 <- cumsum(sz) * dx * dy
  levels <- sapply(prob, function(x) {
    approx(c1, sz, xout = 1 - x)$y

  # add contours
  contour(dens, levels=levels, drawlabels=FALSE, add=TRUE, col=this.col, lwd=2)

  # add bivariate medians
  points(median(i$x), median(i$y), pch=3, lwd=2, col=this.col)

# masking function applied to a "wide" data.frame of sampled raster data
# function is applied column-wise <- function(i) {
  res <- i > quantile(i, prob=0.05, na.rm=TRUE) & i < quantile(i, prob=0.95, na.rm=TRUE)

## TODO: ID columns are hard-coded
# cut down to reasonable size: using cLHS
f.subset <- function(i, n) {
    # if there are more than n records, then sub-sample
    if(nrow(i) > n) {
      # all columns except the first 2: IDs
        idx <- clhs(i[, -c(1:2)], size=n, progress=FALSE, simple=TRUE, iter=1000)
        i.sub <- i[idx, ]
    #   otherwise use what we have
        i.sub <- i


# set multi-row figure based on number of groups and fixed number of columns
dynamicPar <- function(n, max.cols=3) {
  # simplest case, fewer than max number of allowed columns
  if(n <= max.cols) {
    n.rows <- 1
    n.cols <- n
  } else {

    # simplest case, a square
    if(n %% max.cols == 0) {
      n.rows <- n / max.cols
      n.cols <- max.cols
    } else {
      # ragged
      n.rows <- round(n / max.cols) + 1
      n.cols <- max.cols

  par(mar=c(0,0,0,0), mfrow=c(n.rows, n.cols))
  # invisibly return geometry
  invisible(c(n.rows, n.cols))

# stat summary function
f.summary <- function(i, p) {

  # remove NA
  v <- na.omit(i$value)

  # compute quantiles
  q <- quantile(v, probs=p)
  res <- data.frame(t(q))

  ## TODO: implement better MADM processing and explanation  
  if(nrow(res) > 0) {
#     # MADM: MAD / median
#     # take the natural log of absolute values of MADM
#     res$log_abs_madm <- log(abs(mad(v) / median(v)))
#     # 0's become -Inf: convert to 0
#     res$log_abs_madm[which(is.infinite(res$log_abs_madm))] <- 0

    # assign reasonable names (quantiles)
    names(res) <- c(paste0('Q', p * 100))


# custom stats for box-whisker plot: 5th-25th-50th-75th-95th percentiles
custom.bwplot <- function(x, coef=NA, do.out=FALSE) {
  stats <- quantile(x, p=c(0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95), na.rm = TRUE)
  n <- length(na.omit(x))
  out.low <- x[which(x < stats[1])]
  out.high <- x[which(x > stats[5])]
  return(list(stats=stats, n=n, conf=NA, out=c(out.low, out.high)))

## TODO: trim this down
# load required packages
library(rgdal, quietly=TRUE)
library(raster, quietly=TRUE)
library(plyr, quietly=TRUE)
library(reshape2, quietly=TRUE)
library(sharpshootR, quietly=TRUE)
library(latticeExtra, quietly=TRUE)
library(cluster, quietly=TRUE)
library(MASS, quietly=TRUE)
library(clhs, quietly=TRUE)
library(RColorBrewer, quietly=TRUE)

# load configuration

# load cached samples

# terrible hack: rename filtered data <-
mu.area <- mu.area.filtered

# find special variables and split
# gracefully handle missing rasters

# aspect
circ.vars <- names(raster.list)[grep('aspect', names(raster.list), = TRUE)]
if(length(circ.vars) > 0) {
  do.aspect <- TRUE
  d.circ <- subset(, subset=variable %in% circ.vars)
} else do.aspect <- FALSE

# geomorphons
geomorphons.vars <- names(raster.list)[grep('geomorphon', names(raster.list), = TRUE)]
if(length(geomorphons.vars) > 0) {
  do.geomorphons <- TRUE
  d.geomorphons <- subset(, subset=variable == geomorphons.vars)
} else do.geomorphons <- FALSE

# curvature classes
curvature.classes <- names(raster.list)[grep('curvature', names(raster.list), = TRUE)]
if(length(curvature.classes) > 0) {
  do.curvature.classes <- TRUE
  d.curvature.classes <- subset(, subset=variable == curvature.classes)
} else do.curvature.classes <- FALSE

# everything else <- subset(, subset=! variable %in% c(circ.vars, geomorphons.vars, curvature.classes))

Map units (r mu.col): r paste(mu.set, collapse = ", ")
report version r .report.version
r format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d")

This report is designed to provide statistical summaries of the environmental properties of one or more map units. Summaries are based on raster data extracted from fixed-density sampling (r print(pts.per.acre) samples / acre) of map unit polygons. Please see the document titled R-Based Map Unit Summary Report Introduction and Description for background and more information.

Map Unit Polygon Data Source

fd <- data.frame(`MU Polygons`=mu.dsn, `File or Feature`=mu.layer)
kable(fd, row.names = FALSE)

Raster Data Sources

fd <- sapply(raster.list, '[')
fd <- gsub('\\\\', '/', fd)
fd <- data.frame(Variable=names(fd), File=fd)
kable(fd, row.names = FALSE)

Area Summaries

Consider increasing the sampling density (r pts.per.acre points/ac.) in config.R if there are unsampled polygons.

kable(mu.area, caption='Map Unit Acreage by Polygon', align = 'r', col.names=c(mu.col, names(mu.area)[-1]))

Modified Box and Whisker Plots

Whiskers extend from the 5th to 95th percentiles, the body represents the 25th through 75th percentiles, and the dot is the 50th percentile.

tps <- list(box.rectangle=list(col='black'), box.umbrella=list(col='black', lty=1),, plot.symbol=list(col=rgb(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, alpha = 0.25, maxColorValue = 1), cex=0.25))

bwplot(.id ~ value | variable,, stats=custom.bwplot, scales=list(y=list(alternating=3), x=list(relation='free', tick.number=10)), as.table=TRUE, col='black', layout=c(1, length(unique($variable))), strip=strip.custom(bg=grey(0.85)), xlab='', par.settings=tps, 
panel=function(...) {
  panel.grid(h=0, v=-1, col='grey', lty=3)
  panel.abline(h=1:length(unique($.id)), col='grey', lty=3)

Density Plots

These plots are a smooth alternative (denisty estimation) to the classic "binned"" (histogram) approach to visualizing distributions. Peaks coorrospond to values that are most frequent within a dataset.

tps <- list(superpose.line=list(col=cols, lwd=2, lend=2))

densityplot(~ value | variable,,, xlab='', ylab='', scales=list(relation='free', x=list(tick.number=10), y=list(at=NULL)), plot.points=FALSE, strip=strip.custom(bg=grey(0.85)), as.table=TRUE, layout=c(1, length(unique($variable))), auto.key=list(lines=TRUE, points=FALSE, columns=1), par.settings=tps, type=c('l','g'))

Tabular Summaries

Table of select percentiles, by variable.

# summarize raster data for tabular output
mu.stats <- ddply(, c('variable', '.id'), f.summary, p=p.quantiles)

# print medians
dg <- c(0, rep(2, times=length(unique(mu.stats$variable))))
mu.stats.wide <- dcast(mu.stats, .id ~ variable, value.var = 'Q50')
kable(mu.stats.wide, row.names=FALSE, caption = 'Median Values', align = 'r', digits=dg, col.names=c(mu.col, names(mu.stats.wide)[-1]))
# iterate over variables and print smaller tables
# note:
l_ply(split(mu.stats, mu.stats$variable), function(i) {
  # remove variable column <- unique(i$variable)
  i$variable <- NULL
  dg <- c(0, rep(2, times=length(p.quantiles)), 3)
  print(kable(i, caption =, row.names=FALSE, align = 'r', digits=dg, col.names=c(mu.col, names(i)[-1])))

Slope Aspect

A graphical summary of slope aspect values using density and percentile estimation methods adapated to circular data. Spread and central tendency are depicted with a combination of (circular) kernel density estimate and arrows. The 50th percentile value is shown with a red arrow and the 10th and 90th percentile values are shown with gray arrows. Arrow length is proportional to the strength of directionality.

## circular stats, by map unit
d.circ.list <- split(d.circ, d.circ$.id)

# this has to be called 2x, as we are adjusting the device settings on the fly
fig.geom <- dynamicPar(1)

# update default device output size
opts_chunk$set(fig.height=fig.geom[1] * 5) # rows
opts_chunk$set(fig.width=fig.geom[2] * 5) # cols
# reset multi-figure plotting parameters

res <- ldply(d.circ.list, function(i) {
  mu <- unique(i$.id)
  circ.stats <- aspect.plot(i$value, q=c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9), plot.title=mu, pch=NA, bg='RoyalBlue', col='black', arrow.col=c('grey', 'red', 'grey'), stack=FALSE,


# tabular summary
kable(res, align = 'r', col.names=c(mu.col, names(res)[-1]))

Slope Shape (Curvature) Summary

The classes were generated using a 5x5 moving window, from a regional 30m DEM. The precision may be limited, use with caution. See instructions for using your own (higher resolution) curvature classification raster.

# set names: from Field Guide for description of soils
## source data: opposite convention
# 1's place: profile curvature
# 10's place: plan curvature
## adapted from above
## data are reported down/across slope
# L/L | L/V | L/C         22 | 32 | 12  
# V/L | V/V | V/C   ----> 23 | 33 | 13
# C/L | C/V | C/C         21 | 31 | 11
# order according to approximate "shedding"" -> "accumulating" gradient:
# 'V/V', 'L/V', 'V/L', 'C/V', 'LL', 'C/L', 'V/C', 'L/C', 'C/C'
d.curvature.classes$value <- factor(d.curvature.classes$value, 
                                    levels=c(33, 32, 23, 31, 22, 21, 13, 12, 11), 
                                    labels = c('V/V', 'L/V', 'V/L', 'C/V', 'LL', 'C/L', 'V/C', 'L/C', 'C/C'))

# tabulate and convert to proportions
x <- xtabs(~ .id + value, data=d.curvature.classes)
x <- round(sweep(x, MARGIN = 1, STATS = rowSums(x), FUN = '/'), 2)

# print

# convert to long format for plotting
x.long <- melt(x)
# fix names: second column contains curvature class labels
names(x.long)[2] <- 'curvature.class'

# make some colors, and set style
cols.curvature.classes <- brewer.pal(9, 'Spectral')
tps <- list(superpose.polygon=list(col=cols.curvature.classes, lwd=2, lend=2))

# no re-ordering of musym
barchart(as.character(.id) ~ value, groups=curvature.class, data=x.long, horiz=TRUE, stack=TRUE, xlab='Proportion of Samples', scales=list(cex=1.5), key=simpleKey(space='top', columns=3, text=levels(x.long$curvature.class), rectangles = TRUE, points=FALSE))

Geomorphon Landform Classification

Proportion of samples within each map unit that corrospond to 1 of 10 possible landform positions, as generated via geomporphon algorithm.

## TODO: convert proportions into signature
## geomorphons:
# set names
d.geomorphons$value <- factor(d.geomorphons$value, levels=1:10, labels = c('flat', 'summit', 'ridge', 'shoulder', 'spur', 'slope', 'hollow', 'footslope', 'valley', 'depression'))

## TODO: why would some of these not sum to 1?
# tabulate and convert to proportions
x <- xtabs(~ .id + value, data=d.geomorphons)
x <- round(sweep(x, MARGIN = 1, STATS = rowSums(x), FUN = '/'), 2)

# print
# convert to long format for plotting
x.long <- melt(x)
# fix names: second column contains geomorphon labels
names(x.long)[2] <- 'geomorphon'

# make some colors, and set style
cols.geomorphons <- c('grey', brewer.pal(9, 'Spectral'))
tps <- list(superpose.polygon=list(col=cols.geomorphons, lwd=2, lend=2))

# clustering of proportions only works with >1 group
if(length(unique(x.long$.id)) > 1) {
  # cluster proportions
  x.d <- as.hclust(diana(daisy(x)))
  # re-order MU labels levels based on clustering
  x.long$.id <- factor(x.long$.id, levels=x.long$.id[x.d$order])

  # musym are re-ordered according to clustering
  barchart(.id ~ value, groups=geomorphon, data=x.long, horiz=TRUE, stack=TRUE, xlab='Proportion of Samples', scales=list(cex=1.5), key=simpleKey(space='top', columns=5, text=levels(x.long$geomorphon), rectangles = TRUE, points=FALSE), legend=list(right=list(fun=dendrogramGrob, args=list(x = as.dendrogram(x.d), side="right", size=10))))
} else {
  # re-order MU labels levels based on clustering
  x.long$.id <- factor(x.long$.id)

  barchart(.id ~ value, groups=geomorphon, data=x.long, horiz=TRUE, stack=TRUE, xlab='Proportion of Samples', scales=list(cex=1.5), key=simpleKey(space='top', columns=5, text=levels(x.long$geomorphon), rectangles = TRUE, points=FALSE))

Multivariate Summary (TODO: is this useful?)

This plot displays the similarity of the map units across the set of environmental variables used in this report. The contours contain 50% of the points (sub-sampled via cLHS) in an optimal 2D projection of multivariate data space.

## notes:
# 1. tried other MDS methods:
#  * MASS::sammon() fails when there are duplicates in the initial configuration
#  * vegan::monoMDS() gives similar results as MASS::isoMDS()
#  * MASS::isoMDS() is the fastest, most stable algorithm I have tried
# 2. tried `tsne` algorithm (, slow and runs out of memory with large datasets
# TODO: combine with supervised classification for more informative eval of env. data / overlap

# cast to wide format <- dcast(, sid + .id ~ variable, value.var = 'value')

# mask values outside of 5-95 percentile range
# ommit first two columns,
mask <- apply([, -c(1:2)], 2,
row.idx <- which(apply(mask, 1, all)) <-[row.idx, ]

## TODO: what is a reasonable sample size?
# sub-sample via LHS: this takes time
d.sub <- ddply(, '.id', f.subset, n=50)

# remove NA
d.sub <- na.omit(d.sub)

# eval numerical distance, removing 'sid' and '.id' columns
d.dist <- daisy(d.sub[, -c(1:2)], stand=TRUE)

# map distance matrix to 2D space via MDS
# there may be very tiny distances, add some noise
fuzz <- 0.0001
if(min(d.dist) < fuzz) {
  d.dist <- as.matrix(d.dist)
  d.dist[d.dist <= fuzz] <- fuzz
  d.dist <- as.dist(d.dist)

# ordination via Kruskal's Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling
d.MDS <- isoMDS(d.dist)

## TODO: there might be a better way to do this, ask Jay
# contour density estimates
# add contours for fixed pct of data density using KDE
# other ideas:
s <- data.frame(x=d.MDS$points[, 1], y=d.MDS$points[, 2], .id=d.sub$.id)
s <- split(s, s$.id)

# plot
plot(d.MDS$points, type='n', axes=FALSE, asp=1)
abline(h=0, v=0, lty=2, col='grey')

# add contours of prob density
res <- lapply(s, kdeContours, prob=c(0.5))

points(d.MDS$points, cex=0.45, col=cols[match(d.sub$.id, mu.set)], pch=16)
title('Ordination of Raster Samples (cLHS Subset) with 50% Density Contour')
legend('topleft', legend=mu.set, lwd=NA, pch=16, col=cols[1:length(mu.set)], bty='n', cex=1.25)

Save Results Locally (TODO: is this useful?)

Results are saved in a folder called "output" in the working directory.

# make an output dir if it doesn't exist
if(!dir.exists('output')) dir.create('./output')

# save SHP with any un-sampled polygons
if(length(unsampled.idx) > 0) {
  shp.fname <- paste0('un-sampled-', paste(mu.set, collapse='_'))
  writeOGR(mu[unsampled.idx, ], dsn='output', layer=shp.fname, driver='ESRI Shapefile', overwrite_layer=TRUE)

# compute summaries
poly.stats <- ddply(, c('pID', 'variable'), f.summary, p=p.quantiles)

# convert to wide format, keeping median value
poly.stats.wide.1 <- dcast(poly.stats, pID ~ variable, value.var = 'Q50')
# # convert to wide format, keeping log_abs_madm
# poly.stats.wide.2 <- dcast(poly.stats, pID ~ variable, value.var = 'log_abs_madm')

# add a suffix to variable names so that we can combine
names(poly.stats.wide.1)[-1] <- paste0(names(poly.stats.wide.1)[-1], '_med')
# names(poly.stats.wide.2)[-1] <- paste0(names(poly.stats.wide.2)[-1], '_var')

## TODO: pending further review
# join median + MADM stats for each polygon
# poly.stats.wide <- join(poly.stats.wide.1, poly.stats.wide.2, by='pID')
poly.stats.wide <- poly.stats.wide.1

# save
poly.stats.fname <- paste0('output/poly-stats-', paste(mu.set, collapse='_'), '.csv')
write.csv(poly.stats.wide, file=poly.stats.fname, row.names=FALSE)

## prep variable names for SHP column names
# cannot contain reserved characters
# 10 char limit
names(poly.stats.wide)[-1] <- sapply(names(poly.stats.wide[, -1]), function(i) {
  # remove '.' and get prefix
  prfx <- gsub('.', '', substr(i, 1, nchar(i)-4), fixed=TRUE)
  # abbreviate after filtering other bad chars
  abbr <- abbreviate(gsub('%|/|\\(|\\)', '', prfx), minlength = 6)
  # extract suffix
  suffix <- substr(i, nchar(i)-3, nchar(i))
  # re-combine
  res <- paste0(abbr, suffix)

# join stats to map unit polygon attribute table
mu@data <- join(mu@data, poly.stats.wide, by='pID', type='left')
# save to file
shp.fname <- paste0('polygons-with-stats-', paste(mu.set, collapse='_'))
writeOGR(mu, dsn='output', layer=shp.fname, driver='ESRI Shapefile', overwrite_layer=TRUE)

## TODO: how do you trap warnings within a .Rmd knitting session?
# save warnings to log file
# cat(warnings(), file = 'output/warning-log.txt')

This document is based on sharpshootR version r utils::packageDescription("sharpshootR", field="Version").
Report configuration and source code are hosted on GitHub.

ncss-tech/soilReports documentation built on April 25, 2024, 1:03 a.m.