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colmaps - colombian maps or color maps (your choice) - is an R package with current boundaries data of Colombia plus a minimal ggplot2::geom_map() wrapper to make choropleth maps with selected default color scales.


You can install colmaps from GitHub with devtools:

# install.packages("devtools")


There are two SpatialPolygonsDataFrames provided in the package, one for municipalities and one for departments, municipios and departamentos respectively. You can see details of each at the documentation: ?municipios ?departamentos.

The data frame part looks like:


The wrapper around ggplot2::geom_map() is colmap(), it will take a map and some data as arguments and ggplot it with a selected color scale and a good theme for maps taken from ggmap::theme_nothing(). Since it is build with ggplot it also returns a ggplot object so one can further alter the plot in ggplot idiom, note however that you need to explicitly load ggplot2 to add further layers and modifications.

By default the id of each area will be used as a variable:


colmap(municipios) +
  ggtitle("Colombia - Fronteras Municipales")

But if you have data of each geographical unit you can pass it, specifying how to relate the map and the data frame. For example, from the homicidios package we have historical population, homicides and homicide rates data for municipalities:

# devtools::install_github("nebulae-co/homicidios")


And we can easily plot a thematic map of the data:

colmap(municipios, subset(homicidios, año == 2000), var = "tasa")

Tragically (and also ironically?!) on the year 2000, the municipality of Matanza, Santander had a homicide rate of over 1200 murders per 100.000 inhabitants, which distorts the default color scale dramatically, but we can manually re-scale the variable to be mapped into the color aesthetic, for example we can plot log(tasa + 1) instead of tasa and also we can override the default color scale in ggplot idiom. We will use dplyr and the pipe operator (%>%) from here on to handle the data with ease:


homicidios %>%
  filter(año == 2000) %>%
  mutate(log_tasa = log1p(tasa)) %>%
  colmap(municipios, data = ., var = "log_tasa") +
  scale_fill_continuous(low = "#bcbddc", high = "#3f007d", na.value = "wheat")

Lets make the same map but by department to see other arguments:

homicidios %>%
  filter(año == 2000) %>%
  group_by(id_depto) %>%
  summarise(tasa = 10^5 * sum(homicidios, na.rm = TRUE) /
                          sum(poblacion, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  colmap(departamentos, data = ., data_id = "id_depto")

Here we note two things, var by default is the first non data_id column present on data so we may ommit the argument. Second we use data_id to specify the key by which the map is to be joined.

Color scales

The color scales depend on the class of the variable the map is being colored by:

We have already seen numeric data and factors (with more than ten levels in the first plot). To ilustrate ordered factors we will make again the homicides map by municipality but first transforming the homicide rate to an ordered factor defining groups by deciles:

homicidios %>%
  filter(año == 2000) %>%
  mutate(tasa = round(tasa, 2),
         Tasa = cut(x = tasa,
                     breaks = c("0%" = -Inf,
                                quantile(tasa, seq(0.1, 1, 0.1), na.rm = TRUE)),
                     ordered_result = TRUE,
                     dig.lab = 6)) %>%
  colmap(municipios, data = ., var = "Tasa")

Using ggplot2

As shown above, with ggplot, you can add components (e.g. ggtitle) to the plot or alter them (e.g. scale_fill_*). A nice example of this is facetting. Here we use the year (año) variable passed in data to make a grid of plots, trellis style: one per level of the variable - in this case one per year, from 2008 to 2013.

gg <- homicidios %>%
  filter(año >= 2008) %>%
  colmap(municipios, data = ., var = "tasa")

gg + facet_wrap(~ año, nrow = 2)

(It is encouraging to see how this particular map has been getting somewhat paler with time.)


This is the result of a sub-project we started with various goals:

nebulae-co/colmaps documentation built on May 23, 2019, 1:30 p.m.