Man pages for neobernad/evaluomeR
Evaluation of Bioinformatics Metrics

annotateClustersByMetricCalculate the cluster ID from the optimal cluster per metric...
ATSCAutomated Trimmed & Sparse Clustering
bioMetricsDataset: Metrics for biological pathways
cleanDatasetClean Dataset
determineNumberOfFactorsDetermine Number of Factors
evaluomeRSupportedCBIGet supported CBIs in evaluomeR.
getDataQualityRangeDataframe getter for 'qualityRange' function.
getMetricRangeByClusterGet the range of each metric per cluster from the optimal...
getMetricsRelevancyGet the range of each metric per cluster from the optimal...
getOptimalKValueCalculating the optimal value of k. getOptimalKValue
getRSKCAlphaComputes best alpha using Robust and Sparse Clustering...
getRSKCL1BoundryComputes L1 boundry getRSKCL1Boundry
globalMetricGlobal metric score defined by a prediction.
metricsCorrelationsCalculation of Pearson correlation coefficient.
ontMetricsDataset: Structural ontology metrics
PCASuitabilityPCA Suitability
performPCAPerform PCA
plotMetricsBoxplotMetric values as a boxplot.
plotMetricsClusterMetric values clustering.
plotMetricsClusterComparisonComparison between two clusterings as plot....
plotMetricsMinMaxMinimum and maximum metric values plot.
plotMetricsViolinMetric values as violin plot.
plotPCA_fviz_biplotPCA Biplot
plotPCA_fviz_screeplotScree Plot for PCA
qualityGoodness of classifications.
qualityRangeGoodness of classifications for a range of k clusters.
qualitySetGoodness of classifications for a set of k clusters.
removeCorrelationsRemove Correlations
removeNonNumericColumnsRemove Non-Numeric Columns
rnaMetricsDataset: RNA quality metrics
stabilityStability index.
stabilityRangeStability index for a range of k clusters.
stabilitySetStability index for a set of k clusters.
neobernad/evaluomeR documentation built on March 29, 2025, 3:35 p.m.