Man pages for nesscoder/TimeCycle
TimeCycle: Topology Inspired MEthod for the Detection of Cycling Transcripts

averageRepsHandles Sample Replicates in Single Time-Series
buildTakens_ndimGenerates Takens' Embedding For a Time-Series
computeLaplacianEmbeddingComputes the Laplacian Eigenmap For Dimension Reduction
computePersistenceComputes Persistence Scores For a Data.Frame of Time-Series...
detrendLinearly Detrends a 'data.frame' of Gene Expression...
getFFTComputes the Fast Fourier Transform of a Time-Series
getPersistenceComputes Persistence Scores For a Single Time-Series Across a...
getRepAvgedDataFrameHandles Sample Replicates in a 'data.frame' of Time-Series
getTimeSpanComputes Algorithm Run Time
imputeMissingDataImputates Missing Time-Points in Data
matrixLaplacianComputes Laplacian Eigenmaping
meanCenterMean Centers a 'data.frame'
movingAverageComputes the Moving Average of a Single Time-Series
movingAverageDFComputes the Moving Average By Row in a 'data.frame' of...
nullResamplingGenerates a 'data.frame' of Resampled Time-Series for...
periodFinderEstimates the period, amp, and phase of a 'data.frame' of...
preprocess_acfComputes Time-Series Autocovariance Function
resampleTimeSeriesGenerates a 'data.frame' of Resampled Time-Series
scaleTimeSeriesScales a Time-Series
TimeCycleMain TimeCycle Function
zhang2014Example data set of normalized microarray time-series...
nesscoder/TimeCycle documentation built on June 29, 2021, 5:16 a.m.