  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "README-",
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Spectroscopy Analysis Tools (spant)

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spant provides a full suite of tools to build automated analysis pipelines for Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) data. The following features and algorithms are included:


Download and install the latest version of R (, or with your package manager if using a recent Linux distribution, eg sudo apt install r-base.

It is also strongly recommended to install RStudio Desktop ( to provide a modern environment for interactive data analysis.

Once R and RStudio have been installed, open the RStudio application and type the following in the Console (lower left panel) to install the latest stable version of spant:

install.packages("spant", dependencies = TRUE)

Or the the development version from GitHub (requires the devtools package):

devtools::install_github("martin3141/spant", ref = "devel")


Quick introduction to the basic analysis workflow :

Short tutorials :

Function reference :

Once the spant library has been loaded with library(spant), type ?spant on the console for instructions on how to access the offline documentation. Note that offline help on the available functions can be quickly shown in RStudio using ?function_name, eg ?read_mrs.

neuroconductor-devel/spant documentation built on May 18, 2021, 9:12 p.m.