
Defines functions fsl_atlas_dir fsl_std_dir fsl_data_dir

Documented in fsl_atlas_dir fsl_data_dir fsl_std_dir

#' @title Get FSL's Data Directory 
#' @description Finds the FSLDIR from system environment or \code{getOption("fsl.path")}
#' and pastes on ``data''
#' @return Character path
#' @export
fsl_data_dir = function(){
  file.path(fsldir(), "data")

#' @title Get FSL's Standard Data Directory 
#' @description Finds the FSLDIR from system environment or \code{getOption("fsl.path")}
#' and pastes on ``data/standard''
#' @return Character path
#' @export
fsl_std_dir = function(){
  file.path(fsl_data_dir(), "standard")

#' @title Get FSL's Standard Data Directory 
#' @description Finds the FSLDIR from system environment or \code{getOption("fsl.path")}
#' and pastes on ``data/standard''
#' @return Character path
#' @export
fsl_atlas_dir = function(){
  file.path(fsl_data_dir(), "atlases")
neuroconductor-releases/fslr documentation built on Nov. 14, 2020, 11:55 p.m.