apply_ica | Recreate channel timecourses from ICA decompositions. |
ar_acf | Detect low autocorrelation of ICA components |
ar_chanfoc | Detect high channel focality of ICA components |
ar_eogcor | Detect high component correlation with eye channels |
ar_eogreg | Remove EOG using regression |
ar_FASTER | FASTER EEG artefact rejection |
arrange_chans | Topographical channel ordering |
ar_thresh | Simple absolute value thresholding |
ar_trialfoc | Detect high trial focality of ICA components | | Convert 'eeg_data' to 'data.frame' | | Convert 'eeg_epochs' object to data.frame | | Convert 'eeg_evoked' object to data frame | | Convert 'eeg_ICA' object to data frame | | Convert 'eeg_lm' to data.frame | | Convert 'eeg_stats' objects to data frames | | Convert 'eeg_tfr' objects to data frames |
average_tf | Internal function for averaging over epochs for eeg_tfr... |
browse_data | Browse EEG data. |
bva_elecs | Convert BVA spherical locations |
calc_max_elec | Calculate maximum electrode distance from origin. |
cart_to_spherical | Convert 3D Cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates |
channel_names | Retrieve signal/channel names |
channels | Modify channel information |
channel_stats | Channel statistics |
check_ci_str | Check if chan_info is in old format |
check_classes | Check that all classes in a list match |
check_epochs | Check that all objects have the same number of trials |
check_q | Validate the q factor for downsampling |
check_timings | Check consistency of event and timing tables |
circ_mean | Calculate circular mean |
circ_rad_fun | Generate circle as radians |
compute_csd | Convert to Current Source Density |
compute_g | Compute the g function for two sets of locations of channel... |
compute_h | Compute the h function for two sets of locations of channel... |
compute_ITC | Calculate inter-trial coherence |
compute_psd | Compute power spectral density |
compute_tfr | Compute Time-Frequency representation of EEG data |
convert_tfr | Convert Fourier output to power, phase, or ITC as requested. |
convert_to_csd | Calculate current source densities |
conv_to_mat | Convert to 3d matrix |
cov_epochs | Covariance of epoched data |
create_erpimage | Function for creating an ERP image |
create_psd_plot | Create a PSD plot |
create_tc | Internal function for creation of timecourse plots |
cycle_calc | Calculate cycles |
deg2rad | Convert degrees to radians |
demo_epochs | A demo 'eeg_epochs' dataset |
demo_spatial | A demo 'eeg_epochs' dataset |
downsample_events | Downsample the events table |
drop_points | Drop points before downsampling |
eeg_average | Calculate averages (e.g. ERPs) for single datasets |
eeg_combine | Combine 'eegUtils' objects |
eeg_data | Function to create an S3 object of class 'eeg_data'. |
eeg_decompose | Generalized eigenvalue decomposition based methods for EEG... |
eeg_downsample | Downsampling EEG data |
eeg_epochs | Function to create an S3 object of class 'eeg_epochs'. |
eeg_evoked | Function to create an S3 object of class "eeg_evoked" |
eeg_filter | Filter EEG data |
eeg_ICA | Function to create an S3 object of class 'eeg_ICA'. |
eeg_psd | Function to create an object of class eeg_psd |
eeg_reference | Referencing |
eeg_stats | Function to create an S3 object of class "eeg_stats". |
eeg_tfr | Object creator for eeg_tfr objects. |
eegUtils-package | eegUtils: Utilities for Electroencephalographic (EEG)... |
electrode_locations | Get standard electrode locations |
epoch_data | Create epochs from EEG data |
epoch_data.default | Create epochs from EEG data |
epochs | Modify the epochs structure |
epoch_stats | Epoch statistics |
erp_image | Plot ERP images |
erp_raster | ERP raster plot |
erp_scalp | Plot event-related potentials using a scalp based layout |
est_filt_order | Estimate filter order |
est_tbw | Estimate transition bandwidth |
events | Modify events structure |
export_bva | Export continuous data in Brain Vision Analyzer format |
faster_chans | Perform global bad channel detection for FASTER |
faster_cine | FASTER detection of bad channels in single epochs |
faster_epochs | Perform global bad epoch detection for FASTER |
faster_epo_stat | Calculate statistics for each channel in an epoch and... |
fft_n | N-point FFT |
filter_coefs | Generate filter coefficients |
filt_kernel | Create windowed-sinc filter kernel |
find_times | Find times in an eeg_* object |
fit_glm | Fit a linear model to EEG data |
fix_grpdelay | Fix group delay |
flip_x | Flip x-axis coords |
gauss_filter | Gaussian filter |
geom_topo | Create a topographical plot |
get_epoch_baselines | Get epoch baselines |
get_lm | Calculate coefficients and standard errors |
get_participant_id | Query and set elements of the 'epochs' metadata structures |
get_scalpmap | Calculate an interpolated scalpmap |
iir_filt | Butterworth IIR filter |
import_chans | Import channel locations from various file formats |
import_cnt | Import Neuroscan .CNT file |
import_elc | Import ASA '.elc' electrode location files |
import_elp | Import electrode locations from '.elp' file |
import_erplab | Import from ERPLAB .erp files |
import_ft | Import Fieldtrip files |
import_raw | Function for reading raw data. |
import_set | Load 'EEGLAB' .set files |
import_txt | Import electrode locations from text |
import_vhdr | Function for importing Brain Vision Analyzer files |
interactive_scalp | Interactive scalp maps |
interp_chans | Interpolate channels |
interp_elecs | Channel interpolation |
is.eeg_data | Check if object is of class 'eeg_data'. |
is.eeg_epochs | Check if object is of class 'eeg_epochs'. |
is.eeg_evoked | Check if object is of class 'eeg_evoked' |
is.eeg_group | Check if object is of class 'eeg_group' |
is.eeg_ICA | Check if object is of class 'eeg_ICA' |
is.eeg_stats | Check if object is of class 'eeg_stats' |
is.eeg_tfr | Check if object is of class 'eeg_tfr' |
kurtosis | Calculate kurtosis |
label_check | Check consistency of labels |
list_epochs | List epochs |
list_events | List events |
make_head | Create a headshape |
make_l_ear | Make left ear |
make_r_ear | Make right ear |
montage_check | Montage check |
morlet | Morlet wavelet |
morlet_res | Morlet wavelet resolutions |
norm_sphere | Normalize 3d Cartesian co-ordinates to unit sphere |
ortho_norm | Orthographic electrode projection |
pad | Pad a vector with zeros |
parse_args | This function checks which elements of the object need to be... |
parse_chaninfo | Parse channel info from an EEGLAB set file |
parse_filt_freqs | Parse filter frequency input |
parse_for_bf | Parse data for butterfly plots |
parse_for_tc | Parse data for timecourses |
parse_vhdr_chans | Parse BVA channel info |
plot_butterfly | Create a butterfly plot from timecourse data |
plot_difference | Plot ERP difference waves |
plot_electrodes | Plot electrode locations |
plot_psd | Plot Power Spectral Density |
plot_tfr | Time-frequency plot |
plot_timecourse | Plot 1-D timecourse data. |
print.eeg_data | Print 'eeg_data' summary |
print.eeg_epochs | Print 'eeg_epochs' summary |
print.eeg_evoked | Print 'eeg_evoked' summary |
print.eeg_group | Print 'eeg_group' summary |
print.eeg_ICA | Print 'eeg_epochs' summary |
print.eeg_lm | Print 'eeg_lm' summary |
print.eeg_stats | Print 'eeg_stats' summary |
print.eeg_tfr | Print 'eeg_tfr' summary |
proc_events | Internal function for processing epoch_events during... |
project_elecs | Electrode projection |
quick_hurst | Quickly calculate simple Hurst exponent for a matrix |
rad2deg | Convert radians to degrees |
read_dat | Read the raw data for a BVA file. |
read_vmrk | Read BVA markers |
rearrange_tfr | Rearrange and combine 'tfr_average' objects |
reexports | Objects exported from other packages |
remove_edges | Remove convolution edges |
rm_baseline | Baseline correction |
rob_se | robust standard error calculation |
rotate_angle | Rotate channel locations |
run_fir | Run FIR filter using overlap-add FFT |
run_ICA | Independent Component Analysis for EEG data |
run_iir | Internal function for running IIR filtering |
run_SSD | Internal function for running SSD algorithm |
samples | Get number of samples |
select_elecs | Select electrodes from a given dataset |
select_epochs | Select epochs |
select_freqs | Select frequencies |
select_times | Select timerange |
select_window | Create windowing function |
set_palette | Set palette and limits for topoplot |
sobi_ICA | SOBI ICA |
spec_inv | Spectral inversion |
spheric_spline | Calculate a spherical spline smooth for interpolation of... |
sph_to_cart | Convert spherical co-ordinates to Cartesian 3D co-ordinates |
split_vec | Segment data |
stat_scalpcontours | Create an interpolated scalp surface |
StatScalpContours | StatScalpcontours |
stat_scalpmap | Create an interpolated scalp surface |
StatScalpmap | StatScalpmap |
stereo_norm | Stereographic electrode projection |
tag_epochs | Tag epochs with labels |
tag_events | Tag events |
tf_hanning | Perform Hanning time-frequency analysis |
tf_morlet | Perform Morlet time-frequency analysis |
topo_norm | Convert topographical 2d to cartesian 2d |
topoplot | Topographical Plotting Function for EEG |
unpad | Unpad a vector |
update_r | Update radius |
validate_channels | Chan_info checker |
validate_eeg_data | Check eeg_data structure |
view_artefacts | Artefact browser |
view_ica | EEG component viewer |
wavelet_norm | Normalise Morlet wavelets |
welch_fft | Welch fft |
zero_vec | Generate a zero centred vector |
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