Man pages for neuroconductor/eegUtils
Utilities for Electroencephalographic (EEG) Analysis

apply_icaRecreate channel timecourses from ICA decompositions.
ar_acfDetect low autocorrelation of ICA components
ar_chanfocDetect high channel focality of ICA components
ar_eogcorDetect high component correlation with eye channels
ar_eogregRemove EOG using regression
ar_FASTERFASTER EEG artefact rejection
arrange_chansTopographical channel ordering
ar_threshSimple absolute value thresholding
ar_trialfocDetect high trial focality of ICA components 'eeg_data' to 'data.frame' 'eeg_epochs' object to data.frame 'eeg_evoked' object to data frame 'eeg_ICA' object to data frame 'eeg_lm' to data.frame 'eeg_stats' objects to data frames 'eeg_tfr' objects to data frames
average_tfInternal function for averaging over epochs for eeg_tfr...
browse_dataBrowse EEG data.
bva_elecsConvert BVA spherical locations
calc_max_elecCalculate maximum electrode distance from origin.
cart_to_sphericalConvert 3D Cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates
channel_namesRetrieve signal/channel names
channelsModify channel information
channel_statsChannel statistics
check_ci_strCheck if chan_info is in old format
check_classesCheck that all classes in a list match
check_epochsCheck that all objects have the same number of trials
check_qValidate the q factor for downsampling
check_timingsCheck consistency of event and timing tables
circ_meanCalculate circular mean
circ_rad_funGenerate circle as radians
compute_csdConvert to Current Source Density
compute_gCompute the g function for two sets of locations of channel...
compute_hCompute the h function for two sets of locations of channel...
compute_ITCCalculate inter-trial coherence
compute_psdCompute power spectral density
compute_tfrCompute Time-Frequency representation of EEG data
convert_tfrConvert Fourier output to power, phase, or ITC as requested.
convert_to_csdCalculate current source densities
conv_to_matConvert to 3d matrix
cov_epochsCovariance of epoched data
create_erpimageFunction for creating an ERP image
create_psd_plotCreate a PSD plot
create_tcInternal function for creation of timecourse plots
cycle_calcCalculate cycles
deg2radConvert degrees to radians
demo_epochsA demo 'eeg_epochs' dataset
demo_spatialA demo 'eeg_epochs' dataset
downsample_eventsDownsample the events table
drop_pointsDrop points before downsampling
eeg_averageCalculate averages (e.g. ERPs) for single datasets
eeg_combineCombine 'eegUtils' objects
eeg_dataFunction to create an S3 object of class 'eeg_data'.
eeg_decomposeGeneralized eigenvalue decomposition based methods for EEG...
eeg_downsampleDownsampling EEG data
eeg_epochsFunction to create an S3 object of class 'eeg_epochs'.
eeg_evokedFunction to create an S3 object of class "eeg_evoked"
eeg_filterFilter EEG data
eeg_ICAFunction to create an S3 object of class 'eeg_ICA'.
eeg_psdFunction to create an object of class eeg_psd
eeg_statsFunction to create an S3 object of class "eeg_stats".
eeg_tfrObject creator for eeg_tfr objects.
eegUtils-packageeegUtils: Utilities for Electroencephalographic (EEG)...
electrode_locationsGet standard electrode locations
epoch_dataCreate epochs from EEG data
epoch_data.defaultCreate epochs from EEG data
epochsModify the epochs structure
epoch_statsEpoch statistics
erp_imagePlot ERP images
erp_rasterERP raster plot
erp_scalpPlot event-related potentials using a scalp based layout
est_filt_orderEstimate filter order
est_tbwEstimate transition bandwidth
eventsModify events structure
export_bvaExport continuous data in Brain Vision Analyzer format
faster_chansPerform global bad channel detection for FASTER
faster_cineFASTER detection of bad channels in single epochs
faster_epochsPerform global bad epoch detection for FASTER
faster_epo_statCalculate statistics for each channel in an epoch and...
fft_nN-point FFT
filter_coefsGenerate filter coefficients
filt_kernelCreate windowed-sinc filter kernel
find_timesFind times in an eeg_* object
fit_glmFit a linear model to EEG data
fix_grpdelayFix group delay
flip_xFlip x-axis coords
gauss_filterGaussian filter
geom_topoCreate a topographical plot
get_epoch_baselinesGet epoch baselines
get_lmCalculate coefficients and standard errors
get_participant_idQuery and set elements of the 'epochs' metadata structures
get_scalpmapCalculate an interpolated scalpmap
iir_filtButterworth IIR filter
import_chansImport channel locations from various file formats
import_cntImport Neuroscan .CNT file
import_elcImport ASA '.elc' electrode location files
import_elpImport electrode locations from '.elp' file
import_erplabImport from ERPLAB .erp files
import_ftImport Fieldtrip files
import_rawFunction for reading raw data.
import_setLoad 'EEGLAB' .set files
import_txtImport electrode locations from text
import_vhdrFunction for importing Brain Vision Analyzer files
interactive_scalpInteractive scalp maps
interp_chansInterpolate channels
interp_elecsChannel interpolation
is.eeg_dataCheck if object is of class 'eeg_data'.
is.eeg_epochsCheck if object is of class 'eeg_epochs'.
is.eeg_evokedCheck if object is of class 'eeg_evoked'
is.eeg_groupCheck if object is of class 'eeg_group'
is.eeg_ICACheck if object is of class 'eeg_ICA'
is.eeg_statsCheck if object is of class 'eeg_stats'
is.eeg_tfrCheck if object is of class 'eeg_tfr'
kurtosisCalculate kurtosis
label_checkCheck consistency of labels
list_epochsList epochs
list_eventsList events
make_headCreate a headshape
make_l_earMake left ear
make_r_earMake right ear
montage_checkMontage check
morletMorlet wavelet
morlet_resMorlet wavelet resolutions
norm_sphereNormalize 3d Cartesian co-ordinates to unit sphere
ortho_normOrthographic electrode projection
padPad a vector with zeros
parse_argsThis function checks which elements of the object need to be...
parse_chaninfoParse channel info from an EEGLAB set file
parse_filt_freqsParse filter frequency input
parse_for_bfParse data for butterfly plots
parse_for_tcParse data for timecourses
parse_vhdr_chansParse BVA channel info
plot_butterflyCreate a butterfly plot from timecourse data
plot_differencePlot ERP difference waves
plot_electrodesPlot electrode locations
plot_psdPlot Power Spectral Density
plot_tfrTime-frequency plot
plot_timecoursePlot 1-D timecourse data.
print.eeg_dataPrint 'eeg_data' summary
print.eeg_epochsPrint 'eeg_epochs' summary
print.eeg_evokedPrint 'eeg_evoked' summary
print.eeg_groupPrint 'eeg_group' summary
print.eeg_ICAPrint 'eeg_epochs' summary
print.eeg_lmPrint 'eeg_lm' summary
print.eeg_statsPrint 'eeg_stats' summary
print.eeg_tfrPrint 'eeg_tfr' summary
proc_eventsInternal function for processing epoch_events during...
project_elecsElectrode projection
quick_hurstQuickly calculate simple Hurst exponent for a matrix
rad2degConvert radians to degrees
read_datRead the raw data for a BVA file.
read_vmrkRead BVA markers
rearrange_tfrRearrange and combine 'tfr_average' objects
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
remove_edgesRemove convolution edges
rm_baselineBaseline correction
rob_serobust standard error calculation
rotate_angleRotate channel locations
run_firRun FIR filter using overlap-add FFT
run_ICAIndependent Component Analysis for EEG data
run_iirInternal function for running IIR filtering
run_SSDInternal function for running SSD algorithm
samplesGet number of samples
select_elecsSelect electrodes from a given dataset
select_epochsSelect epochs
select_freqsSelect frequencies
select_timesSelect timerange
select_windowCreate windowing function
set_paletteSet palette and limits for topoplot
spec_invSpectral inversion
spheric_splineCalculate a spherical spline smooth for interpolation of...
sph_to_cartConvert spherical co-ordinates to Cartesian 3D co-ordinates
split_vecSegment data
stat_scalpcontoursCreate an interpolated scalp surface
stat_scalpmapCreate an interpolated scalp surface
stereo_normStereographic electrode projection
tag_epochsTag epochs with labels
tag_eventsTag events
tf_hanningPerform Hanning time-frequency analysis
tf_morletPerform Morlet time-frequency analysis
topo_normConvert topographical 2d to cartesian 2d
topoplotTopographical Plotting Function for EEG
unpadUnpad a vector
update_rUpdate radius
validate_channelsChan_info checker
validate_eeg_dataCheck eeg_data structure
view_artefactsArtefact browser
view_icaEEG component viewer
wavelet_normNormalise Morlet wavelets
welch_fftWelch fft
zero_vecGenerate a zero centred vector
neuroconductor/eegUtils documentation built on Feb. 3, 2023, 5:33 p.m.