  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  out.width = "100%",
  fig.path = "man/img/README-",
  fig.retina = 3,
  echo = TRUE



R build status CRAN status Coverage status Lifecycle: maturing

This package mainly contains a plotting function ggseg and data.frames of different brain atlases for plotting. Plotting results of analyses on regions or networks often involves swapping between statistical tools, like R, and software for brain imaging to correctly visualise analysis results.

This package aims to make it possible to plot results directly through R.


There are currently four atlases available in the package:

  1. dk - Desikan-Killany atlas (aparc).
  2. aseg - Automatic subcortical segmentation.

We are working on creating a detailed description in the wiki on how to create and contribute atlases to the package. The ggseg function already allows you to provide it with a data.frame of a custom atlas if you have it, but is must correspond to certain specifications to work.

Note: As of version 1.5.3, ggseg was split into two packages: one for 2d polygon plots in ggplot, and another for 3d mesh plots through plotly. This was done to reduce package size, dependencies, and also to simplify maintenance. If you want the 3d plotting tool, please go the ggseg3d repository.

Please see the wiki for information on adding atlases, or inspect the included datasets for requirements. If anything is unclear in the wiki, give us a shout out in the issues!

You may find more atlases in the companion package ggsegExtra.


The package can be installed using devtools. The package includes some large datasets for the brain coordinates. Please be patient during download and install, it will take some time.

remotes::install_github("LCBC-UiO/ggseg", build_vignettes = TRUE)

The functions are now installed, and you may load them when you want to use them. All functions are documented in standard R fashion.



The package also has several vignettes, to help you get started using it. You can access it here, or via R:


You can also see one of the creators blog for introductions to its use here

Report bugs or requests

Don't hesitate to ask for support using github issues, or requesting new atlases. While we would love getting help in creating new atlases, you may also request atlases through the issues, and we will try to get to it.


This tool is partly funded by:

EU Horizon 2020 Grant: Healthy minds 0-100 years: Optimising the use of European brain imaging cohorts (Lifebrain).

Grant agreement number: 732592.

Call: Societal challenges: Health, demographic change and well-being

neuroconductor/ggseg documentation built on May 15, 2021, 11:21 p.m.