
Defines functions hcp_aws_url

Documented in hcp_aws_url

#' @title Construct AWS S3 String
#' @description Constructs url string for AWS S3 Bucket to pass in for HCP
#' downloading
#' @param path_to_file Path to file on HCP S3 Bucket
#' @param bucket Bucket to download from
#' @param region Region of S3 Bucket
#' @param access_key Amazon S3 Access Key
#' @param secret_key Amazon S3 Secret Key
#' @param lifetime_minutes Time that connection can be opened
#' @param query additional query to add to url
#' @param verb httr VERB to be used
#' @param sign Should the url be signed?
#' @return Character of the url to be passed to \code{httr} `VERB`s
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (have_aws_key()){
#' path_to_file <- "HCP_900/100206/MNINonLinear/100206.164k_fs_LR.wb.spec"
#' hcp_aws_url(path_to_file)
#' }
#' @importFrom digest hmac
#' @importFrom base64enc base64encode
#' @importFrom utils URLencode
hcp_aws_url <- function(
  path_to_file = "",
  bucket = "hcp-openaccess",
  region = "us-east-1",
  access_key = NULL,
  secret_key = NULL,
  lifetime_minutes = 20,
  query = NULL,
  verb = "GET",
  sign = TRUE
) {

  L = make_aws_call(
    path_to_file = path_to_file,
    bucket = bucket,
    region = region,
    access_key = access_key,
    secret_key = secret_key,
    lifetime_minutes = lifetime_minutes,
    query = query,
    verb = verb,
    sign = sign)

  authenticated_url = L$url
  ending = L$path
  query = L$query

  if (!sign) {
    query$AWSAccessKeyId = NULL
    query$Expires = NULL
    query$Signature = NULL
    if (length(query) == 0){
      query = NULL

  if (!is.null(query)) {
    nq = names(query)
    stopifnot(all(!nq %in% ""))
    stopifnot(length(nq) == length(query))

    query = paste0(nq, "=", query )
    query = paste(query, collapse = "&")
    query = paste0("?", query)

  authenticated_url <- paste0(

neuroconductor/neurohcp documentation built on Feb. 5, 2023, 6:19 a.m.