Man pages for neurogenomics/scFlowExamples
Provide example datsets to run scFlow

downsample_cellsDownsample to get fewer cells from the specified cell type
ds_cellDownsampling function for a single cell type
indvExpZeisel 2018 dataset for TEINH15, TEINH19, MGL1, MOL1 cells
indvExp_dsDownsampled cells Zeisel 2018 dataset for TEINH15, TEINH19,...
indvExp_ds_4KDownsampled cells and genes Zeisel 2018 dataset for TEINH15,...
merge_zeisel_celltypesGiven a list of data from each celltype, keep only the...
mouse_symbol_to_human_ensemblConvert gene symbols from mouse to human and then to human...
mouseSymbol_to_humanEnsemblConvert gene symbols from mouse to human and then to human...
prep_zeisel2018Prep the zeisel2018 dataset so that it is in sparse matrix...
write_dataGenerate scFlowExample dataset for scFlow and nf-core-scflow
write_scflow_manifestWrite Manifest file to be run by scFlow and nf-core-scflow
write_scflow_samplesheetWrite SampleSheet file to be run by scFlow and nf-core-scflow
neurogenomics/scFlowExamples documentation built on Dec. 22, 2021, 1:13 a.m.