knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, results = "markup", include = TRUE, fig.height = 10, fig.width = 10)
percent_format <- function(x, decim = 2L) sprintf(paste0("%.", decim, "f%%"), x * 100)

Pre-processing of input data

numRecords <- nrow(params$InputData$Table)
missGenderReplaced <- params$InputData$Artifacts$MissGenderReplaced
missGenderImputed <- params$InputData$Artifacts$MissGenderImputed
  sprintf("<p>%d (and %s of total records) of missing gender cases were replaced with ``Male`` because transmission was
          reported as ``MSM``.</br>", missGenderReplaced, percent_format(missGenderReplaced / numRecords)),
  sprintf("%d (and %s of total records) cases with missing gender were imputed through single imputation as this is required 
          for the main multiple imputations procedures.<p>", missGenderImputed, percent_format(missGenderImputed / numRecords)),
  sep = ""

nextpagesoft/hivEstimatesAccuracyReloaded documentation built on March 14, 2020, 7:06 a.m.