
#' Data Set 3: Body Temperatures (in degrees Fahrenheit) of Healthy Adults
#' A data set containing 107 adult body temperatures taken on two consecutive days at 8am and 12am.  Data provided by
#' Dr. Steven Wasserman, Dr. Philips Mackowiak, and Dr. Myron
#' Levine of the University of Maryland.
#' \itemize{
#' \item SEX is the gender of the subject
#' \item SMOKE indicates if subject smokes (Y) or does not smoke (N)
#' \item DAY_1_8AM is the 8am body temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit) of an
#' adult on the first day of the research study.
#' \item DAY_1_12AM is the 12am body temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit) of an
#' adult on the first day of the research study.
#' \item DAY_2_8AM is the 8am body temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit) of an
#' adult on the second day of the research study.
#' \item DAY_2_12AM is the 12am body temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit) of an
#' adult on the second day of the research study.
#' }
#' @format A data frame with 107 rows and 6 variables.
#' @source Triola, M. 2018. Elementary Statistics, 13th ed. Boston, MA: Pearson.
#' @name ds03_body_temperatures
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