Man pages for nguforche/UnsupRF
Unsupervised Random Forest Clustering

bestPartitionsBest number of cluster partitions.
clusterCompactnesscluster compactness measures
clusterConnectivitycluster connectivity measure
clusterSeparationcluster Separation measures
clusterStabilityCluster Stability. J = \frac{n_{11}}{n_{11} + n_{10} +...
clvpredictStrengthcluster validation by prediction strength
jaccardIndexThe Jaccard similarity coefficient is defined as: J =...
mediodmediods of a clustering procedure
nselectbootSelection of optimal number of clusters using bootstrap. This...
predict.mediodpredict cluster memberships for new data.
RFdistUnsupervised Random Forest
successiveOmitClusterValidationCluster Validation by Successive Omission
UnsupRFUnsupervised random forest clustering with fpc.
UnsupRFhclustUnsupervised random forest with hclust: cluster data and...
UnsupRFvarImpPlotUnsupervised random forest variable importance
nguforche/UnsupRF documentation built on May 5, 2019, 4:51 p.m.