
DNA methylation is a fundamental epigenetic process known to play an important role in the regulation of gene expression. DNA methylation mostly commonly occurs at CpG sites and involves the addition of a methyl group ($\text{CH}3$) to the fifth carbon of the cytosine ring structure to form 5-methylcytosine. Numerous biological and medical studies have implicated DNA methylation as playing a role in disease and development [@robertson2005dna]. Perhaps unsurprisingly then, biotechnologies have been developed to rigorously probe the molecular mechanisms of this epigenetic process. Modern assays, like the Illumina _Infinium HumanMethylation BeadChip assay, allow for quantitative interrogation of DNA methylation, at single-nucleotide resolution, across a comprehensive set of CpG sites scattered across the genome; moreover, the computational biology community has invested significant effort in the development of tools for properly removing technological effects that may contaminate biological signatures measured by such assays [@fortin2014functional, @dedeurwaerder2013comprehensive]. Despite these advances in both biological and bioninformatical techniques, most statistical methods available for differential analysis of data produced by such assays rely on over-simplified models that do not readily extend to such high-dimensional data structures without restrictive modeling assumptions and the use of inferentially costly hypothesis testing corrections. When these standard assumptions are violated, estimates of the population-level effect of an exposure or treatment may suffer from large bias. What's more, reliance on restrictive and misspecified statistical models naturally leads to biased effect estimates that are not only misleading in assessing effect sizes but also result in false discoveries as these biased estimates are subject to testing and inferential procedures. Such predictably unreliable methods serve only to produce findings that are later invalidated by replication studies and add still further complexity to discovering biological targets for potential therapeutics. Data-adaptive estimation procedures that utilize machine learning provide a way to overcome many of the problems common in classical methods, controlling for potential confounding even in high-dimensional settings; however, interpretable statistical inference (i.e., confidence intervals and hypothesis tests) from such data-adaptive estimates is challenging to obtain [@libbrecht2015machine].

In this paper, we briefly present an alternative to such statistical analysis approaches in the form of a nonparametric estimation procedure that provides simple and readily interpretable statistical inference, discussing at length a recent implementation of the methodology in the methyvim R package. Inspired by recent advances in statistical causal inference and machine learning, we provide a computationally efficient technique for obtaining targeted estimates of nonparametric variable importance measures (VIMs) [@vdl2006statistical], estimated at a set of pre-screened CpG sites, controlling for the False Discovery Rate (FDR) as if all sites were tested. Under standard assumptions (e.g., identifiability, strong ignorability) [@pearl2009causality], targeted minimum loss-based estimators of regular asymptotically linear estimators have sampling distributions that are asymptotically normal, allowing for reliable point estimation and the construction of Wald-style confidence intervals [@vdl2011targeted, @vdl2018targeted]. In the context of DNA methylation studies, we define the counterfactual outcomes under a binary treatment as the observed methylation (whether Beta- or M-) values a CpG site would have if all subjects were administered the treatment and the methylation values a CpG site would have if treatment were withheld from all subjects. Although these counterfactual outcomes are, of course, impossible to observe, they do have statistical analogs that may be reliably estimated (i.e., identified) from observed data under a small number of untestable assumptions [@pearl2009causality]. We describe an algorithm that incorporates, in its final step, the use targeted minimum loss-based estimators (TMLE) [@vdl2006targeted] of a given VIM of interest, though we defer rigorous and detailed descriptions of this aspect of the statistical methodology to work outside the scope of the present manuscript [@vdl2006targeted, @vdl2011targeted, @vdl2018targeted]. The proposed methodology assesses the individual importance of a given CpG site, as a proposed measure of differential methylation, by utilizing state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms in deriving targeted estimates and robust inference of a VIM, as considered more broadly for biomarkers in @bembom2009biomarker and @tuglus2011targeted. In the present work, we focus on the methyvim software package, available through the Bioconductor project [@gentleman2004bioconductor, @huber2015orchestrating] for the R language and environment for statistical computing [@R], which implements a particular realization of this methodology specifically tailored for the analysis and identification of differentially methylated positions (DMPs).

For an extended discussion of the general framework of targeted minimum loss-based estimation and detailed accounts of how this approach may be brought to bear in developing answers to complex scientific problems through tatistical and causal inference, the interested reader is invited to consult @vdl2011targeted and @vdl2018targeted. For a more general introduction to causal inference, @pearl2009causality and @hernan2018causal may be of interest.



The core functionality of this package is made available via the eponymous methyvim function, which implements a statistical algorithm designed to compute targeted estimates of VIMs, defined in such a way that the VIMs represent parameters of scientific interest in computational biology experiments; moreover, these VIMs are defined such that they may be estimated in a manner that is very nearly assumption-free, that is, within a fully nonparametric statistical model. The statistical algorithm consists in the several major steps summarized below. Additional methodological details on the use of targeted minimum loss-based estimation in this problem setting is provided in a brief appendix (see section Appendix).

  1. Pre-screening of genomic sites is used to isolate a subset of sites for which there is cursory evidence of differential methylation. Currently, the available screening approach adapts core routines from the limma R package. Following the style of the function for performing screening via limma, users may write their own screening functions and are invited to contribute such functions to the core software package by opening pull requests at the GitHub repository: \url{}.

  2. Nonparametric estimates of VIMs, for the specified target parameter, are computed at each of the CpG sites passing the screening step. The VIMs are defined in such a way that the estimated effects is of an binary treatment on the methylation status of a target CpG site, controlling for the observed methylation status of the neighbors of that site. Currently, routines are adapted from the tmle R package.

  3. Since pre-screening is performed prior to estimating VIMs, we apply the modified marginal Benjamini and Hochberg step-up False Discovery Rate controlling procedure for multi-stage analyses (FDR-MSA), which is well-suited for avoiding false positive discoveries when testing is only performed on a subset of potential targets.

Parameters of Interest

For CpG sites that pass the pre-screening step, a user-specified target parameter of interest is estimated independently at each site. In all cases, an estimator of the parameter of interest is constructed via targeted minimum loss-based estimation.

Two popular target causal parameters for discrete-valued treatments or exposures are

Estimating the VIM corresponding to the parameters above, for discrete-valued treatments or exposures, requires two separate regression steps: one for the treatment mechanism (propensity score) and one for the outcome regression. Technical details on the nature of these regressions are discussed in @hernan2018causal, and details for estimating these regressions in the framework of targeted minimum loss-based estimation are discussed in @vdl2011targeted.

Class methytmle

We have adopted a class methytmle to help organize the functionality within this package. The methytmle class builds upon the GenomicRatioSet class provided by the minfi package so all of the slots of GenomicRatioSet are contained in a methytmle object. The new class introduced in the methyvim package includes several new slots:

The show method of the methytmle class summarizes a selection of the above information for the user while masking some of the wealth of information given when calling the same method for GenomicRatioSet. All information contained in GenomicRatioSet objects is preserved in methytmle objects, so as to easen interoperability with other differential methylation software for experienced users. We refer the reader to the package vignette, "methyvim: Targeted Data-Adaptive Estimation and Inference for Differential Methylation Analysis," included in any distribution of the software package, for further details.


A standard computer with the latest version of R and Bioconductor 3.6 installed will handle applications of the methyvim package.

Use Cases

To examine the practical applications and the full set of utilities of the methyvim package, we will use a publicly available example data set produced by the Illumina 450K array, from the minfiData R package.

Preliminaries: Setting up the Data

We begin by loading the package and the data set. After loading the data, which comes in the form of a raw MethylSet object, we perform some further processing by mapping to the genome (with mapToGenome) and converting the values from the methylated and unmethylated channels to Beta-values (via ratioConvert). These two steps together produce an object of class GenomicRatioSet, provided by the minfi package.

  # numerous messages displayed at time of loading
mset <- mapToGenome(MsetEx)
grs <- ratioConvert(mset)

We can create an object of class methytmle from any GenomicRatioSet object simply invoking the S4 class constructor .methytmle:

grs_mtmle <- .methytmle(grs)

Additionally, a GenomicRatioSet can be created from a matrix with the function makeGenomicRatioSetFromMatrix provided by the minfi package.

Differential Methylation Analysis

For this example analysis, we'll treat the condition of the patients as the exposure/treatment variable of interest. The methyvim function requires that this variable either be numeric or easily coercible to numeric. To facilitate this, we'll simply convert the covariate (currently a character):

var_int <- (as.numeric(as.factor(colData(grs)$status)) - 1)

n.b., the re-coding process results in "normal" patients being assigned a value of 1 and cancer patients a 0.

Now, we are ready to analyze the effects of cancer status on DNA methylation using this data set. We proceed as follows with a targeted minimum loss-based estimate of the Average Treatment Effect.

methyvim_cancer_ate <- methyvim(data_grs = grs, var_int = var_int,
                                vim = "ate", type = "Beta", filter = "limma",
                                filter_cutoff = 0.20, obs_per_covar = 2,
                                parallel = FALSE, sites_comp = 250,
                                tmle_type = "glm"

Note that we set the obs_per_covar argument to a relatively low value (just 2, even though the recommended value, and default, is 20) for the purposes of this example as the sample size is only 10. We do this only to exemplify the estimation procedure and it is important to point out that such low values for obs_per_covar will compromise the quality of inference obtained because this setting directly affects the definition of the target parameter.

Further, note that here we apply the glm flavor of the tmle_type argument, which produces faster results by fitting models for the propensity score and outcome regressions using a limited number of parametric models. By contrast, the sl (for "Super Learning") flavor fits these two regressions using highly nonparametric and data-adaptive procedures (i.e., via machine learning). Obtaining the estimates via GLMs results in each of the regression steps being less robust than if nonparametric regressions were used.

We can view a table of results by examining the vim slot of the produced object, most easily displayed by simply printing the resultant object:


Finally, we may compute FDR-corrected p-values, by applying a modified procedure for controlling the False Discovery Rate for multi-stage analyses (FDR-MSA) [@tuglus2009modified]. We do this by simply applying the fdr_msa function.

fdr_p <- fdr_msa(pvals = vim(methyvim_cancer_ate)$pval,
                 total_obs = nrow(methyvim_cancer_ate))

Having explored the results of our analysis numerically, we now proceed to use the visualization tools provided with the methyvim R package to further enhance our understanding of the results.

Visualization of Results

While making allowance for users to explore the full set of results produced by the estimation procedure (by way of exposing these directly to the user), the methyvim package also provides three (3) visualization utilities that produce plots commonly used in examining the results of differential methylation analyses.

A simple call to plot produces side-by-side histograms of the raw p-values computed as part of the estimation process and the corrected p-values obtained from using the FDR-MSA procedure.

plot(methyvim_cancer_ate, type = "raw_pvals")
plot(methyvim_cancer_ate, type = "fdr_pvals")

Remark: The plots displayed above may also be generated as side-by-side histograms in a single plot object. This is the default for the plot method and may easily be invoked by specifying no additional arguments to the plot function, unlike in the above.

While histograms of the p-values may be generally useful in inspecting the results of the estimation procedure, a more common plot used in examining the results of differential methylation procedures is the volcano plot, which plots the parameter estimate along the x-axis and $-\text{log}_{10}(\text{p-value})$ along the y-axis. We implement such a plot in the methyvolc function:


The purpose of such a plot is to ensure that very low (possibly statistically significant) p-values do not arise from cases of low variance. This appears to be the case in the plot above (notice that most parameter estimates are near zero, even in cases where the raw p-values are quite low).

Yet another popular plot for visualizing effects in such settings is the heatmap, which plots estimates of the raw methylation effects (as measured by the assay) across subjects using a heat gradient. We implement this in the methyheat function:

methyheat(methyvim_cancer_ate, smooth.heat = TRUE, left.label = "none")

Remark: Invoking methyheat in this manner produces a plot of the top sites ($25$, by default) based on the raw p-value, using the raw methylation measures in the plot. This uses the exceptional superheat R package [@barter2017superheat], to which we can easily pass additional parameters. In particulat, we hide the CpG site labels that would appear by default on the left of the heatmap (by setting left.label = "none") to emphasize that this is only an example and not a scientific discovery.


Here we introduce the R package methyvim, an implementation of a general algorithm for differential methylation analysis that allows for recent advances in causal inference and machine learning to be leveraged in computational biology settings. The estimation procedure produces straightforward statistical inference and takes great care to ensure computationally efficiency of the technique for obtaining targeted estimates of nonparametric variable importance measures. The software package includes techniques for pre-screening a set of CpG sites, controlling for the False Discovery Rate as if all sites were tested, and for visualzing the results of the analyses in a variety of ways. The anatomy of the software package is dissected and the design described in detail. The methyvim R package is available via the Bioconductor project.

Software availability

Latest source code (development version):

Bioconductor (stable release):

Archived source code as at time of publication:

Documentation (development version):

Software license: The MIT License, copyright Nima S. Hejazi

Author contributions

NH designed and implemented the software package, applied the tool to the use cases presented, and co-drafted the present manuscript. RP helped in designing the software and co-drafted the present manuscript. AH and ML served as advisors for the development of this software and the general statistical algorithm it implements.

Competing interests

No competing interests were disclosed at the time of publication.

Grant information

NH was supported in part by the National Library of Medicine of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number T32-LM012417, by P42-ES004705, and by R01-ES021369. RP was supported by P42-ES004705. The content of this work is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the various funding sources and agencies.


Data Structure

We consider an observed data structure, on a single experimental subject (e.g., a patient), $O = (W, A, (Y(j) : j))$, where $(Y(j) : j = 1, \ldots J)$ is the set of CpG sites measured by the assay in question, $A \in {0, 1}$ represents a binary phenotype-level treatment, and $W$ is a vector of the phenotype-level baseline covariates that are potential confounders (e.g., age, sex). We consider having access to measurements on a large number $J$ of CpG sites (e.g., $850,000$, as measured by the Illumina MethylationEPIC BeadChip arrays). Further, let $K: j \to S_j$ be a procedure that assigns to a given CpG site $j$ a set of neighbors $S_j$ -- that is, $S_j$ is a collection of indices of the neighbors of $j$ just as $j$ indexes the full set of CpG sites; moreover, since $Y(j)$ is the measured methylation value for a given CpG site $j$, $Y(S_j)$ is the measured methylation values at the neighbors $S_j$ of $j$. Note that the definition of a neighborhood ${j, S_j}$ is left vague so as to facilitate the use of user-specified strategies in implementation. We consider the case of observing $n$ iid copies of $O$ (i.e., $O_1, \ldots, O_n$), where $O \sim P_0 \in \mathcal{M}$, which is to say that the random variable $O$ is governed by an unknown probability distribution $P_0$, assumed only to reside in a nonparametric statistical model $\mathcal{M}$ that places no restrictions on the data-generating process.

Variable Importance Measure

With the data structure above in hand, we let the estimand of interest be a $j$-specific variable importance measure (VIM) $\Psi_j(P_0)$, which is defined through the true (and unknown) probability distribution $P_0$. As a motivating example, consider the case where $\Psi_j(P_0)$ is \begin{equation}\label{vim_param} \Psi_j(P_0) = \mathbb{E}{P_0}(\mathbb{E}{P_0}(Y(j) \mid A = 1, W, Y(S_j)) - \mathbb{E}{P_0} \mathbb{E}{P_0}(Y(j) \mid A = 0, W, Y(S_j)), \end{equation} where $Y(S_j)$ is the subvector of $Y$ that contains the measured methylation values of the neighboring sites of $j$ (but not site $j$ itself). This parameter of interest is a variant of the average treatment effect, which has been the subject of much attention in statistical causal inference [@holland1986statistics, @hahn1998role, @hirano2003efficient]. As a measure of variable importance, we seek to estimate this target parameter ($\Psi_j(P_0)$), which quantifies the effect of changing a treatment $A$ on the methylation $Y(j)$ of a CpG site $j$, accounting for any potential confounding from phenotype-level covariates $W$ and observed methylation $Y(S_j)$ at the neighboring sites $S_j$ of $j$. Importantly, the use of such well-defined parameters as variable importance measures allows the construction of inferential procedures (e.g., confidence intervals and hypothesis tests) for the estimate [@vdl2006statistical]. We propose a procedure that estimates this target parameter $\Psi_j(P_0)$ across all CpG sites of interest $j: 1, \ldots, J$. When data-adaptive regression procedures (i.e., machine learning) are employed in estimating $\Psi_j(P_0)$, this produces a nonparametric variable importance measure of differential methylation, allowing for the identification of differentially methylated positions (DMPs) while avoiding many assumptions common in the use of standard parametric regression procedures. We propose estimating $\Psi_j(P)$ via targeted minimum loss-based estimation, which allows for data-adaptive regression procedures to be employed in a straightforward manner using the Super Learner algorithm for the construction of ensemble models [@vdl2007super, @wolpert1992stacked, @breiman1996stacked, @gruber2009targeted, @vdl2011targeted].

Pre-Screening Procedure

As a matter of practicality, we consider only estimating the target VIM $\Psi_j(P_0)$ at a subset of CpG sites, so that $j: 1, \ldots J$ does not, in fact span the full set of assayed CpG sites. In order to determine this subset of CpG sites, we propose the use of a pre-screening procedure, which need be nothing more than a method for differential methylation analysis that is computationally less demanding than the method proposed here. Formally, let the pre-screening procedure $\theta(j): j \to {0, 1}$, which is to say that $\theta$ takes as input a CpG site $j$ and returns a binary decision rule of whether to include CpG site $j$ in a subset to be evaluated further or not. As an example, one might consider employing a classical differential methylation analysis procedure, such as the linear modeling approach of the limma R package [@smyth2004linear, @robinson2014statistical], using only CpG sites that pass a reasonable cutoff based on the linear model (e.g., magnitude of t-statistics, p-values) for the subsequent analysis steps in the methyvim pipeline.

Reducing Neighbors via Clustering

Due to the data-adaptive nature of the regression procedures employed in evaluating the target VIM $\Psi_j(P_0)$ via targeted minimum loss-based estimation, it is possible that a given CpG site $j$ may have too many neighbors $S_j$ to be controlled for in the estimation procedure. Heuristically, the inclusion of too many neighbors when controlling for potential confounders may lead to instability in the estimates produced. In such cases, we propose and implement the use of a clustering technique (e.g., partitioning around medoids) to select a representative subset of neighbors. Formally, there is likely no best choice of a specific clustering algorithm, so we leave this aspect of the proposed algorithm as flexible for the user [@kleinberg2003impossibility]. Note that the goal of employing a clustering procedure in methyvim is to obtain a smaller but still highly representative set of neighbors $S(j)$, so as to allow for estimates of $\Psi_j(P_0)$ to account for as much confounding from neighboring sites as is allowed by the available data.

Targeted Minimum Loss-Based Estimation and Statistical Inference

Given the choice of target parameter $\Psi_j(P_0)$, we propose the use of targeted minimum loss-based estimation (TMLE) to construct and evaluate an estimator $\psi_{n, j}$ of $\Psi_j(P_0)$. In the case of our motivating example, where the target VIM is based on the average treatment effect, we make use of a TML estimator of this parameter, which has been implemented for a general case in the tmle R package [@gruber2011tmle]; users of methyvim may wish to consult the documentation of that software package as a supplement. Generally speaking, a TML estimator is constructed from a few simple components: (1) an estimator of the propensity score [@rosenbaum1983central], often denoted $g(A \mid W)$; (2) an estimator of the outcome regression, often denoted $\bar{Q}(A, W)$; and (3) a targeting step that revises the initial estimators of the aforementioned components such that the resultant estimator satisfies a set of score-like equations [@gruber2009targeted]. While we describe a few of the key properties of TML estimators in the sequel, extended technical discussion is deferred to more comprehensive work [@vdl2011targeted, @vdl2018targeted]. In order to construct an estimate $\psi_{n, j}$ of $\Psi_j(P_0)$, it is necessary to accurately estimate two nuisance parameters, these being the propensity score ($g(A \mid W)$) and the outcome regression ($\bar{Q}(A, W)$); moreover, data-adaptive regression procedures may be used to obtain consistent estimates of these quantities through the creation of a stacked regression model via the Super Learner algorithm [@wolpert1992stacked, @breiman1996stacked, @vdl2007super], which ensures that the resulting ensemble model satisfies important optimality properties with respect to cross-validation [@vdl2004asymptotic, @dudoit2005asymptotics, @vdl2003unified]. To use our running example, one would construct a TML estimator of the average treatment effect (ATE) as a variable importance measure in the following short series of steps:

  1. Construct initial estimates of the propensity score $g(A \mid W)$ and outcome regression $\bar{Q}(A, W)$. As noted previously, the Super Learner algorithm may be employed to construct such estimates.
  2. Update these initial estimates (e.g., iteratively) so as to solve the efficient influence function estimation equation of the parameter of interest relative to a nonparametric statistical model.
  3. In the efficient influence function for the ATE, $\text{EIF}(P_0)(O) = H_n(Y - \bar{Q}(A, W))$, the auxiliary term $H_n$ may be denoted as $H_n = \frac{\mathbb{I}(A = 1)}{g(1 \mid W)} - \frac{\mathbb{I}(A = 0)}{g(0 \mid W)}$. Note that the exact form of the efficient influence function and auxiliary covariate varies with the target parameter of interest.
  4. The TML estimator of the parameter of interest is constructed by a procedure that updates the initial estimators such that the empirical mean of the efficient influence function estimating equation(s) is nearly zero (with respect to an error proportional to the sample size, i.e., $\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}$).

Importantly, TML estimators are well-suited for statistical inference, having an asymptotically normal limiting distribution [@tsiatis2007semiparametric, @vdl2006targeted], which allows for a closed-form expression of the variance to be derived: \begin{equation}\label{eqn:lim_psi} \sqrt{n}(\psi_{n, j} - \Psi_j(P_0)) \sim N(0, \sigma_{\text{EIF}}^2), \end{equation} where $\sigma_{\text{EIF}}^2$ is the variance of the efficient influence function, with respect to a nonparametric statistical model, of the target parameter evaluated at the observed data. Such a convenience allows for confidence intervals and hypothesis tests to be constructed (i.e., $H_{0, j}: \Psi_j(P_0) = 0$) in a straightforward manner. What's more, under standard regularity conditions, and with consistent estimation of the propensity score and outcome regression, the TML estimator is asymptotically efficient and achieve the lowest possible variance among a large class of estimators [@bickel1993efficient].

Correction for Multiple Testing

Given that we seek to estimate $\Psi_j(P_0)$ for a possibly large number of CpG sites $(j: 1, \ldots J)$, the need to perform corrections for multiple testing is clear. In order to curb the potential for false discoveries, we recommend the use of the Benjamini and Hochberg procedure for controlling the False Discovery Rate (FDR) [@benjamini1995controlling]; however, as the proposed procedure involves a pre-screening step, naive application of the Benjamini and Hochberg procedure (BH) is invalid -- instead, we rely on a modification of the procedure to control the FDR, with established theoretical guarantees when pre-screening is employed [@tuglus2009modified]. In brief, the modified marginal Benjamini and Hochberg procedure to control the FDR under pre-screening works by applying the standard BH procedure to a padded vector of p-values -- that is, letting $J$ be the number of CpG sites tested and $K$ the number of CpG sites filtered out (so that $J + K = P$, where $P$ is the original dimension of the genomic assay), the modified marginal BH procedure is the application of the original BH procedure to a vector of p-values, composed of the $J$ p-values from performing $J$ hypothesis tests (of the form $H_{0, j}: \Psi_j(P_0) = 0$) and $K$ additional p-values automatically set to $1$ (for the hypothesis tests not performed on account of pre-screening). This procedure is guaranteed to control the FDR at the same desired rate when pre-screening is performed whereas naive application of the BH procedure fails to do so.


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