type_to_flag <- function(x = NULL) {
pars <- c('id_con', 'id')
types <- c('concept', 'indicator')
map <- rlang::set_names(pars, nm = types)
flags <- map[x]
names(flags) <- NULL
as_response <- function(x, type = c('concept', 'indicator')) {
if (methods::is(x, 'response')) {
# If `x` is already a httr::GET response, then nothing
# to be done, just return.
} else
# Otherwise, take `x` to be an id and go fetch a response.
type <- rlang::arg_match(type)
flag <- type_to_flag(type)
url <- glue::glue('{sdm_server()}/bi.aspx?{flag}={x}')
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.