MMLOS: MMLOS: A package for calculating multi-modal level of service...

Description Functions


The MMLOS package currently provides level of service (LOS) calculation for bicycles and pedestrians. Automobile and transit LOS are accommodated in the data input format for implementation in future versions.


The main user functions are:
loaddat – which loads in the user specified data for links and intersections, and
calcMMLOS – which calculates the multi-modal level of service score using the data loaded.

The following supporting sub-functions are derived from the 6th Highway Capacity Manual (the "og" prefix denotes existing HCM 6th edition methodology, not the proposed revisions):

Bicycle LOS sub-functions

bike.d_1stageleft – calculates the bicycle delay for one-stage left turns,
bike.d_2stageleft – calculates the bicycle delay for two-stage left turns,
bike.d_bS – calculates bicycle control delay for signalized intersection,
bike.d_signal – calculates bicycle delay from signal and right turning vehicles,
bike.d_twsc – calculates bicycle delay at two-way stop controlled intersections,
bike.d_bd and ogped.d_pd – calculates average bicycle delay for an intersection, and – calculates the traffic speed factor, and – calculates cross-sectional width factor,
bike.I_int and ogbike.I_int – calculates the numeric bicycle LOS score for intersections,
bike.I_link and ogbike.I_link – calculates the numeric bicycle LOS score for links, and
bike.I_seg and ogbike.I_seg – calculates the combined numeric link and intersection LOS score for segments.

Pedestrian LOS sub-functions:

ped.d_pd – calculates pedestrian control delay,
ped.d_signal – calculates pedestrian delay from signal,
ped.d_twsc and ogped.d_twsc – calculates pedestrian delay at two-way stop controlled intersection, – calculates traffic speed adjustment factor, and – calculates cross-sectional width factor,
ogped.F_cd – calculates the pedestrian crossing difficulty factor (removed from revisions),
ped.I_int and ogped.I_int – calculates the numeric pedestrian LOS score for intersections,
ped.I_link and ogped.I_link – calculates the numeric pedestrian LOS score for links,
ped.I_mx – calculates pedestrian LOS for mid-segment crossing, and
ped.I_seg and ogped.I_seg – calculates the combined numeric link and intersection LOS score for segments.

Automobile LOS sub-functions

auto.S_R – calculates the automobile running speed of the segment,
auto.satflow – calculates saturation flow rate of the segment, and
auto.VCratio – calculates the volume-to-capacity ratio for the segment.

Transit LOS sub-functions

transit.I_seg – calculates motorized running speed for the segment. (Note: For transit, there is no separate calculation for intersections or links).

General functions:

score2LOS -- converts numeric LOS score to discrete letter grades.

For more details, see help for individual functions.

nick-fournier/complete-streets-los documentation built on June 24, 2021, 3:09 p.m.