MMLOSload: Load the link and intersection data into R

Description Usage Arguments Value Examples

View source: R/main_functions.R


Load the link and intersection data into R





String vector containing the file locations of two CSV files for intersection and link data. Leave blank as loadMMLOS() to use GUI. For demonstration purposes, template data can be loaded by entering dir ="template". The input data format and description are as follows:

link_id LINK Link Identification, name and direction or number
link_dir LINK Direction
boundary_id LINK Corresponding segment boundary intersection
LL LINK Link length (ft)
N_aps LINK Number of access point approaches on right side of subject direction
P_HV LINK Heavy vehicle percentage
S_lim LINK Posted speed limit (mi/hr)
S_f LINK Free-flow speed (mi/hr). If not measured, leave blank, it will be calculated using HCM methodology.
S_85mj LINK 85th Percentile speed along midsegment. If unavailable, leave blank. Defaults to free-flow speed.
S_pf LINK Pedestrian walking speeed (ft/s)
S_b LINK Bicycle running speed (mph)
N_mth LINK Number of midsegment through lanes in the subject direction of travel
W_T LINK Total walkway width
W_bl LINK Bicycle lane width (ft) (Entire entire width if shared with peds)
W_swbuf LINK Buffer width from sidewalk to street (ft)
W_blbuf LINK Buffer width from bike lane to street (ft)
W_os LINK Paved outside shoulder width includes parking (ft)
W_ol LINK Outside travel lane (closest to sidewalk) width (ft)
w_oi LINK Fixed object width on inside of sidewalk
w_oo LINK Fixed object width on outside of sidewalk
pwindow LINK Portion of sidewalk length adjacent to window display
pbuilding LINK Portion of sidewalk adjacent to building face
pfence LINK Portion of sidewalk adjacent to fence or low wall
p_pk LINK Proportion of on-street parking occupied
p_g LINK Approach grade
P_c LINK Pavement condition rating (0 to 5)
p_mx LINK Proportion of midblock pedestrian demand (default = 0.35)
H_blbuf LINK Height of barrier between street and bike lane
H_swbuf LINK Height of barrier between street and sidewalk
protected LINK Is the bike lane protected by parking?
div LINK Percent of street divided by median (decimal).
p_strp LINK Are parking spaces striped?
curb LINK Curb is present?
sharedbl LINK Shared bike and pedestrian path? (bikelane and sidewalk)
n_bus LINK Number of local buses on street segment per hour (bus/h)
n_xbus LINK Number of express buses stopping in segment per hour (bus/h)
p_ot LINK Proportion of transit vehicles arriving on-time, within the threshold late time. Default = 0.75
t_late LINK Threshold late time. Deault = 5 min
F_l LINK Average passenger load factor (p/seat)
L_pt LINK Average passenger trip length (mi)
pop LINK Is the segment in the CBD of a metro area of 5 million or more?
p_sh LINK Percent stops in segment with a shelter
p_be LINK Percent stops in segment with a bench
bus LINK Does the link direction has bus service?
nearside LINK Is the bus stop on the near-side of the intersection?
int_id INT Intersection identification, name and direction or number
app_dir INT Intersection approach direction
traf_dir INT Traffic direction
N_dc INT Number of traffic lanes crossed when traversing the crosswalk
N_th INT Number of through lanes in the midsegment (both directions)
v_rt INT Right-turn demand flow rate (veh/h)
v_lt INT Left-turn demand flow rate (veh/h)
v_th INT Through movement demand flow rate (veh/h)
v_rtor INT Right-turn-on-red flow rate (veh/h)
v_ltperm INT Permited left-turn demand flow rate (veh/h)
v_p INT Pedestrian demand flow rate (ped/h)
v_bth INT Bicycle flow rate
v_bl INT Bicycle left turn volume (veh/hr)
v_br INT Bicycle right turn volume (veh/hr)
p_bl2 INT Proportion of two-stage left turns for bicycles (decimal)
N_rtcid INT Number of right-turn channelizing islands along the crosswalk
g INT Green time (s)
gped INT Green time for pedestrians (s)
l INT Clearance time
C INT Cycle length (s)
Walkmi INT Pedestrian walk setting for the phase serving the minor street through movement (s)
W_c INT Crosswalk width (ft)
W_cd INT Curb-to-curb width of the street being crossed i.e., crosswalk length (ft)
M_yp INT Motorist pedestrian yield rate (decimal)
M_yb INT Motorist bicycle yield rate (decimal)
S_p INT Pedestrian crossing speed (ft/s)
S_b INT Bicycle crossing speed (ft/s)
t_sb INT Bicycle start-up and clearance time (s)
t_sp INT Pedestrian start-up and clearance time (s)
control INT Traffic control?


Returns a list containing two data tables for intersections and links.


loadMMLOS(dirs = c(intersections = "./data/input_intersection_template.csv", 
                 links = "./data/input_link_template.csv"))

nick-fournier/complete-streets-los documentation built on June 24, 2021, 3:09 p.m.