API for nick-murray/redlistr
Tools for the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems and Species

Global functions
createGrid Man page Source code
extrapolateEstimate Man page Source code
futureAreaEstimate Man page Source code
getAOO Man page Source code
getAOOSilent Man page Source code
getAOOSilent.RasterLayer Source code
getAOOSilent.SpatialPoints Source code
getAOOSilent.SpatialPolygons Source code
getArea Man page Source code
getArea.RasterLayer Man page Source code
getArea.SpatRaster Man page Source code
getArea.SpatVect Man page Source code
getArea.SpatialPolygons Man page Source code
getArea.sf Man page Source code
getAreaEOO Man page Source code
getAreaLoss Man page Source code
getDeclineStats Man page
gridUncertainty Man page Source code
gridUncertaintyBase Man page Source code
gridUncertaintyRandom Man page Source code
gridUncertaintyRandomManual Man page Source code
gridUncertaintyRestricted Man page Source code
gridUncertaintySimulation Man page Source code
makeAOOGrid Man page Source code
makeAOOGrid.RasterLayer Source code
makeAOOGrid.SpatialPoints Source code
makeAOOGrid.SpatialPolygons Source code
makeEOO Man page Source code
makeEOO.RasterLayer Source code
makeEOO.SpatRaster Source code
makeEOO.SpatVector Source code
makeEOO.SpatialPoints Source code
makeEOO.SpatialPolygons Source code
sequentialExtrapolate Man page Source code
nick-murray/redlistr documentation built on Oct. 12, 2023, 5:45 p.m.