Man pages for nick-murray/redlistr
Tools for the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems and Species

createGridCreate empty Area of Occupancy (AOO) Grid.
extrapolateEstimateExtrapolate Estimate
futureAreaEstimateFuture Area Estimate
getAOOCompute Area of Occupancy (AOO)
getAOOSilentAlternate function for getting AOO (with custom grid)
getAreaCalculates the Area of a Raster.
getAreaEOOCalculates area of the created EOO polygon.
getAreaLossArea change between two inputs in km2
getArea.RasterLayerCalculates the Area of a Raster from RasterLayer.
getArea.sfCalculates the Area of a Raster from sf object
getArea.SpatialPolygonsCalculates the Area of a Raster from SpatialPolygons.
getArea.SpatRasterCalculates the Area of a Raster from SpatRaster.
getArea.SpatVectCalculates the Area of a Raster from SpatVect.
getDeclineStatsChange statistics.
gridUncertaintyFunction to compute AOO with grid uncertainty systematically...
gridUncertaintyBaseBase function to compute AOO with grid uncertainty...
gridUncertaintyRandomFunction to compute AOO with grid uncertainty randomly with...
gridUncertaintyRandomManualManual function to compute AOO with grid uncertainty randomly
gridUncertaintyRestrictedFunction to compute AOO with grid uncertainty systematically...
gridUncertaintySimulationFunction to investigate behaviour of AOO under various split...
makeAOOGridCreate Area of Occupancy (AOO) grid for an ecosystem or...
makeEOOCreates Extent of occurrence (EOO) Polygon
sequentialExtrapolateSequential extrapolation estimate
nick-murray/redlistr documentation built on Oct. 12, 2023, 5:45 p.m.