The purpose of this document is to explain how and why rstatic generates code when extracting control flow graphs from abstract syntax trees. The intended audience is compiler developers interested in tweaking the way rstatic extracts control flow graphs.


For-loops are a high-level control flow structure. In addition to branching to different program points based on a condition, they automatically set a variable on each iteration. Thus when the control flow graph is extracted for a for-loop, some code must be generated to set the loop variable.

Developers may want to customize how code generated for the control flow graph. For example, there are multiple strategies to generate the code for for-loops; these are discussed here. More generally, we want to enable developers to create extensions for the R language and custom languages based on R. These languages could introduce new control flow structures that require special handling when the control flow graph is extracted.

Consider a for-loop that adds up the first ten numbers

x = 0
for (i in 1:10) {
  x = x + i

To extract the control flow graph, we first need to translate the for-loop into a while-loop. The while-loop captures the underlying control flow but does not include any other (implicit) operations. One way we can do this is

x = 0

iterator = 1:10
counter = 1
while (counter <= length(iterator)) {
  i = iterator[counter]
  counter = counter + 1

  x = x + i

In this case, we use the variable iterator to store the object being iterated over and counter to explicitly count the iterations. Using iterator is important because 1:10 is not a constant, but rather a call to :, the sequence operator. Evaluating 1:10 at each point where we need to use it would waste CPU cycles. The length of the iterator is explicitly computed in the condition because in the general case, the value of iterator might not be known until run-time. We could precompute the length and store it in a variable, but the performance benefit would likely be miniscule.

For for-loops where the iterator is a sequence, such as 1:10 here, there's a better translation. Instead of computing the entire sequence before the loop and holding it in memory, we can compute the next element of the sequence at the beginning of each iteration

x = 0

i = 1
while (i <= 10) {
  x = x + i

  i = i + 1

Now the iterator and counter variables are no longer needed, and the loop is substanstially simpler. Because the elements are computed one-by-one, this version of the loop uses less memory than the previous version. Only one element needs to be held in memory at a time. There's also no time wasted on computing unnused elements of the iterator if the program exits the loop early. However, notice that we need explicit information about the beginning, end, and step size of the sequence at compile time. We do not need to know the exact values, but if these values are set at run-time, we need to know where to find them. When the iterator is an arbitrary vector rather than a sequence, we can't use this strategy at all.

This second strategy also fails if the loop variable i is set by the program within the loop. For instance, consider

x = 0
for (i in 1:10) {
  i = i^2
  x = x + i

A literal translation of this code to a while-loop using the second strategy gives us

x = 0

i = 1
while (i <= 10) {
  i = i^2
  x = x + i

  i = i + 1

This is clearly not correct, as i will take values 1, 2, 5 and then the loop will exit due to the condition. Thus we need to use static analysis to make sure that the loop variable is not set within the loop. In the case where it is, the counter variable is needed to keep track of the current element, as in

x = 0

counter = 1
while (i <= 10) {
  i = counter
  counter = counter + 1

  i = i^2
  x = x + i

This strategy has most of the advantages of the second strategy, but requires storing two scalar values (the counter and the loop variable) instead of just one. Like the second strategy, it does not apply when the iterator is not a sequence.

The functions for extracting control flow graphs don't explicitly translate the R code for a for-loop into R code for a while-loop. Instead, the translation happens when the basic blocks for the loop are created. This is because there's no obvious benefit in constructing the translation as R code only to immediately extract basic blocks, although it's possible that there are applications where this would be useful.

One way explicit translation could be used here is to decouple the translation strategy from control flow graph extraction. However, this would require additional bookkeeping in order to keep track of the fact that the loop was originally a for-loop. We want to keep this information may because it indicates the high-level intent of the program's author, and may be useful in later stages of analysis and compilation.

Generating basic blocks for a for-loop is similar to generating basic blocks for a while-loop. First, an entry block, body block, and exit block are created for the loop. The entry block is where the loop counter and variable are updated. The entry block terminates with a conditional branch; control flows to the body block if the loop condition is true, and the exit block if not. The terminator instruction has the special class IterTerminator to indicate that it's part of a loop rather than an if-statement. Control flow for the body of the loop is computed recursively. The body block is used as a starting point for code insertion, but additional blocks are added if there is nested control flow. Once the control flow graph has been computed for the body of the loop, the last block is set to branch back to the entry block, which creates a literal loop (a cycle) in the graph. Finally, the insertion point for the CFG is set to the exit block, so that extraction can proceed for any code that comes after the loop.

nick-ulle/ast documentation built on May 14, 2024, 7:40 p.m.