#' @importFrom stats median
#' @export
Prototypes <- function(label, x, prox, nProto = 5, nNbr = floor((min(table(label))-1)/nProto)) {
foo <- function(xx) {
getProto <- function(whichLab) {
l_prox <- prox
l_label <- label
xd <- list()
for(i in 1:nProto) {
## Find the nearest nNbr neighbors of each case
## (including the case itself).
idx <- t(apply(l_prox, 1, order, decreasing=TRUE)[1:nNbr,])
## Find the class labels of the neighbors.
cls <- l_label[idx]
dim(cls) <- dim(idx)
## Count the number of neighbors in the class for each case.
ncls <- rowSums(cls==whichLab)
## Find the case with most neighbors in that class.
clsMode <- sample(which(ncls == max(ncls)),size=1)
## Identify the neighbors of the class mode that are of the target class.
nbrList <- idx[clsMode,][label[idx[clsMode,]]==whichLab]
## Get the X data for the neighbors of the class mode.
xd[[i]] <- character()
for(k in 1:ncol(x)) xd[[i]][k] <- foo(x[nbrList,k])
l_prox <- l_prox[-nbrList,-nbrList]
l_label <- l_label[-nbrList]
res <- do.call('rbind',xd)
colnames(res) <- colnames(x)
label <- as.character(label)
clsLabel <- unique(label)
xdat <- lapply(clsLabel,getProto)
names(xdat) <- clsLabel
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