
Defines functions make_bw

Documented in make_bw

#' Changes a grayscale image to black and white
#' Takes in a grayscale image and finds the best threshold for binarization of the image.
#' This function uses the \url{https://github.com/aoles/EBImage/blob/master/R/otsu.R} otsu function from EBImage to make the grayscale image into a binary black and white image. How the otsu transformation works and chooses the threshold can be understood more clearly at \url{http://www.labbookpages.co.uk/software/imgProc/otsuThreshold.html}.
#' @importFrom EBImage otsu
#' @param image The image generated after the ExG transformation in the EBImage format.
#' @return A binary image
#' @examples \donttest{BW_Image <- make_bw(image)}
#' @export

make_bw <- function(image){

  BW <- image > otsu(image, range = c(max(image),min(image)))
niconaut/crop.row.finder documentation built on June 29, 2020, 6:10 a.m.