
This is a package which reproduces all IHW paper figures (as well as some additional figures for presentations etc.). The package is available on Bioconductor.

Installing the package and reproducing all simulations

You can install the package as follows:

# install FDRreg (at specific version used for simulations here)
install_github(repo= "jgscott/FDRreg", subdir="R_pkg/", ref = "a63cebae6faecb1fb0ebee634195296f39faa11b")
# Use Bioconductor to install IHWpaper
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))

Afterwards you can view the pre-built vignettes or rebuild them yourself.

Notice that the vignettes load binary .Rds files which are stored in inst/real_data_examples/result_files and inst/simulations_benchmarks/result_files. These have been generated by longer lasting jobs, the code for which can be found in inst/real_data_examples and inst/simulation_benchmarks.

nignatiadis/IHWpaper documentation built on Jan. 18, 2021, 2:24 p.m.