add2rdat: Add elements to rdat

View source: R/add2rdat.r

add2rdatR Documentation

Add elements to rdat


Add elements to rdat


  fleet_sel_abb_key = data.frame(F = c("cHL.D", "rHB.D", "rGN.D"), sel = c("D", "D",
  F_names_exclude = c("F.Fmsy", "F.full", "F.sum", "F.F30.ratio", "F.F40.ratio")



BAM output rdat (list) object read in with dget()


Data frame for specifying which selectivities to use with time series of fishing mortality (F) for individual fleets when the abbreviations in the rdat do not exactly match with a selectivity matrix. Column F lists the abbreviations F time series. Column sel lists the abbreviations associated with the selectivity you want to use with the F time series. This is used to compute fleet-specific F-age matrices (year,age).


Character vector of names of columns in t.series that you want to exclude. The function identifies any columns that begin with "F." The default value of F_names_exclude is a character vector of column names found in some BAM rdat files that that begin with "F." but are not fleet-specific F time series. to a single fleet.


Nikolai Klibansky


## Not run: 
# Add to any of the current BAM models
rdat_AtMe <- add2rdat(rdat_AtlanticMenhaden)
rdat_BlSB <- add2rdat(rdat_BlackSeaBass)
rdat_BlTi <- add2rdat(rdat_BluelineTilefish)
rdat_Cobi <- add2rdat(rdat_Cobia)
rdat_GagG <- add2rdat(rdat_GagGrouper,fleet_sel_abb_key=data.frame("F"=c("cHL.D","rHB.D","rGN.D"),"sel"=c("D","D","D")))
rdat_GrTr <- add2rdat(rdat_GrayTriggerfish)
rdat_GrAm <- add2rdat(rdat_GreaterAmberjack)
rdat_ReGr <- add2rdat(rdat_RedGrouper)
rdat_RePo <- add2rdat(rdat_RedPorgy)
rdat_ReSn <- add2rdat(rdat_RedSnapper)
rdat_SnGr <- add2rdat(rdat_SnowyGrouper)
rdat_Tile <- add2rdat(rdat_Tilefish)
rdat_VeSn <- add2rdat(rdat_VermilionSnapper,fleet_sel_abb_key=data.frame("F"=c("rGN.D"),"sel"=c("rHB.D")))

## End(Not run)

nikolaifish/bamExtras documentation built on July 21, 2023, 8:26 a.m.