
Defines functions cast_shadow_shift_label cast_shadow_shift cast_shadow

Documented in cast_shadow cast_shadow_shift cast_shadow_shift_label

#' Add a shadow column to a dataset
#' Casting a shadow shifted column performs the equivalent pattern to
#'   data %>% select(var) %>% impute_below(). This is a convenience function
#'   that makes it easy to perform certain visualisations, in line with the
#'   principle that the user should have a way to flexibly return data formats
#'   containing information about the missing data. It forms the base building
#'   block for the functions `cast_shadow_shift`, and `cast_shadow_shift_label`.
#'   It also respects the dplyr verbs `starts_with`, `contains`, `ends_with`, etc.
#'   to select variables.
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param ... One or more unquoted variable names separated by commas. These
#'   respect the dplyr verbs `starts_with`, `contains`, `ends_with`, etc.
#' @return data with the added variable shifted and the suffix `_NA`
#' @seealso [cast_shadow_shift()], [cast_shadow_shift_label()] [bind_shadow()] [add_any_miss()] [add_label_missings()] [add_label_shadow()] [add_miss_cluster()] [add_prop_miss()] [add_shadow_shift()]

#' @export
#' @examples
#' airquality %>% cast_shadow(Ozone, Solar.R)
#' \dontrun{
#' library(ggplot2)
#' library(magrittr)
#' airquality  %>%
#'   cast_shadow(Ozone,Solar.R) %>%
#'   ggplot(aes(x = Ozone,
#'              colour = Solar.R_NA)) +
#'         geom_density()
#' }
cast_shadow <- function(data, ...){

    dots_empty = missing(...),
    msg = "{.fun cast_shadow} requires variables to be selected after the data"

    shadow_vars <- tibble::as_tibble(as_shadow(dplyr::select(data, ...)))
    my_data <- tibble::as_tibble(dplyr::select(data, ...))

    dplyr::bind_cols(my_data, shadow_vars)

#' Add a shadow and a shadow_shift column to a dataset
#' Shift the values and add a shadow column.  It also respects the dplyr
#'   verbs `starts_with`, `contains`, `ends_with`, etc.
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param ... One or more unquoted variable names separated by commas. These
#'   respect the dplyr verbs `starts_with`, `contains`, `ends_with`, etc.
#' @return data.frame with the shadow and shadow_shift vars
#' @export
#' @seealso [cast_shadow_shift()], [cast_shadow_shift_label()] [bind_shadow()] [add_any_miss()] [add_label_missings()] [add_label_shadow()] [add_miss_cluster()] [add_prop_miss()] [add_shadow_shift()]
#' @examples
#' airquality %>% cast_shadow_shift(Ozone,Temp)
#' airquality %>% cast_shadow_shift(dplyr::contains("o"))
cast_shadow_shift <- function(data, ...){

  shadow_vars <- dplyr::select(data, ...) %>% cast_shadow(...)

  # shift those values selected
  add_shadow_shift(shadow_vars, ...)


#' Add a shadow column and a shadow shifted column to a dataset
#' Shift the values, add shadow, add missing label
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param ... One or more unquoted expressions separated by commas. These also
#'   respect the dplyr verbs "starts_with", "contains", "ends_with", etc.
#' @return data.frame with the shadow and shadow_shift vars, and missing labels
#' @export
#' @seealso [cast_shadow_shift()], [cast_shadow_shift_label()] [bind_shadow()] [add_any_miss()] [add_label_missings()] [add_label_shadow()] [add_miss_cluster()] [add_prop_miss()] [add_shadow_shift()]
#' @examples
#' airquality %>% cast_shadow_shift_label(Ozone, Solar.R)
#' # replicate the plot generated by geom_miss_point()
#' \dontrun{
#' library(ggplot2)
#' airquality %>%
#'   cast_shadow_shift_label(Ozone,Solar.R) %>%
#'   ggplot(aes(x = Ozone_shift,
#'              y = Solar.R_shift,
#'              colour = any_missing)) +
#'         geom_point()
#' }
cast_shadow_shift_label <- function(data, ...){

    dots_empty = missing(...),
    msg = "{.fun cast_shadow_shift_label} requires variables to be selected after the data"

  shadow_vars <- dplyr::select(data, ...) %>% cast_shadow(...)

  # shift those values selected
  add_shadow_shift(shadow_vars, ...) %>% add_label_missings()

njtierney/ggmissing documentation built on March 19, 2024, 9:40 p.m.