
#' imputation_plot
#' \code{imputation_plot} graphically compare values across imputations
#' This code takes an object fitted with the `mice` package and plots a density
#' of each of the specified variables. Currently the variables have to be
#' specified but in the future they might not be
#' @param mice.object is an object of class `mids`
#' @param vars a vector of variables as character
#' @param include.data logical: Do you want to include the original data?
#' @return a density plot from the ggplot2 package
#' @examples
#'    imp <- mice(nhanes)
#'    plot1 <- imputation_plot(mice.object = imp,
#'                             vars = c("age", "bmi"),
#'                             include.data = F)
#'    # show the density
#'    plot1
#' @export
imputation_plot <- function(mice.object,

  # this is an error catcher, it checks if `mice.object` is of class `mids`
  # and if it is not, it stops the function and displays the message
  if (class(mice.object) != "mids") stop("mice.object must be of class `mids`")

  # get the number of imputations used and store
  m <- mice.object$m

  # make a list to contain all of the imputed dataframes (m times)
  dat.mi.list <- list("vector", m)

  # now, go through 1...m times and do the following
  for (i in (1:m)){

    # set the data to be
    dat.mi.list[[i]] <-
      # the i-th completed dataset from multiple imputation
      complete(mice.object, i) %>%
      # then subset the data based upon the variables specified
      select(one_of(vars)) %>%
      # then make a column called `m`, and make this a factor
      mutate(m = as.factor(i)) %>%
      # then reshape the data according to the ID var being `m`
      reshape2::melt(id.vars = "m")


  # are we including the original data into the plot?
  if (include.data == F){

  #combine data
  dat.combine <-
    do.call("rbind", # do this
            dat.mi.list) # to this list

  # Plotting

  # do a density plot
  ggplot2::ggplot(data = dat.combine,
         ggplot2::aes(x = value,
             fill = m)) +
    ggplot2::geom_density(alpha = (1/m)) +  # set alpha to be a fraction of m
    ggplot2::facet_wrap(~variable,         # facet by variable
               scales = "free") +

  # want to include the original data in the plot?
  } else if (include.data ==T){

    #combine data
    data.imputed.melt <-
      do.call("rbind", # do this
              dat.mi.list) # to this list

    #grab the data used by imputation
    data.melt <-
      mice.object$data %>%
      select(one_of(vars)) %>%
      mutate(m = as.factor(0)) %>%
      reshape2::melt(id.vars = "m")

    ## plot the data
    ggplot2::ggplot(data = data.imputed.melt,
           ggplot2::aes(x = value,
               fill = m)) +
      ggplot2::geom_density(data = data.melt,
                   aes(x = value),
                   fill = "black") +
      ggplot2::geom_density(alpha = (1/6)) +
                 scales = "free") +

} # end if statement

} # end function

#' future work, plot histograms and other plots
#'     ############
#'     # Histogram
#'     ############
#'       # as a histogram with counts
#'       histogram <- ggplot(data = dat.combine,
#'                           aes(x = value,
#'                               fill = m)) +
#'         # plot a histogram with binwidth 1, a transparency of set to the number
#'         # of imputations
#'         # position is set to identity so that it doesn't stack the plots
#'         geom_histogram(binwidth = 1,
#'                        alpha = (1/m),
#'                        position = "identity") +
#'         # facet by variable, set the scales to be free
#'         facet_wrap(~variable,
#'                    scales = "free"
#' this function will return these values, which you can call - see example
#' # return(list(histogram, density))
njtierney/neato documentation built on May 23, 2019, 8:22 p.m.