Man pages for nlmixr2/babelmixr
Use 'nlmixr2' to Interact with Open Source and Commercial Software

as.nlmixr2Convert an object to a nlmixr2 fit object
babelBpopIdxGet the bpop_idx by variable name for a poped database...
babel.poped.databaseExpand a babelmixr2 PopED database
bblDatToMonolixConvert nlmixr2-compatible data to other formats (if...
dot-popedClusterInternal function to use with PopED to run PopED in parallel...
dot-popedFGet the function value from the rxode2 solve
dot-popedFreeFree Poped memory (if any is allocated)
dot-popedRxRunSetupSetup poped if needed
dot-popedSetupSetup the PopED environment
dot-popedSolveIdMESolve poped problem for appropriate times with...
dot-popedWGet the weight from the rxode2 solve
dot-setupPopEDdatabaseSetup the poped database
getStandardColNamesDetermine standardized rxode2 column names from data
modelUnitConversionUnit conversion for pharmacokinetic models
monolixControlMonolix Controller for nlmixr2
nlmixr2Est.pkncaEstimate starting parameters using PKNCA
nmGetDistributionMonolixLinesThis is a S3 method for getting the distribution lines for a...
nmGetDistributionNonmemLinesThis is a S3 method for getting the distribution lines for a...
nonmemControlNONMEM estimation control
pkncaControlPKNCA estimation control
popedControlControl for a PopED design task
popedGetMultipleEndpointModelingTimesGet Multiple Endpoint Modeling Times
popedMultipleEndpointParamPopulates Multiple Endpoint Parameters for internal solving
popedMultipleEndpointResetTimeIndexReset the Global Time Indexer for Multiple Endpoint Modeling
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
rxToMonolixConvert RxODE syntax to monolix syntax
rxToNonmemConvert RxODE syntax to NONMEM syntax
simplifyUnitSimplify units by removing repeated units from the numerator...
nlmixr2/babelmixr documentation built on Jan. 21, 2025, 7:38 p.m.