
Defines functions meanProbs_ binomProbs_ binomProbsPredVec_ rxErf isNullZero rxGetSeed rxordSelect rpp_ rxRmvnSEXP rxRmvn0 rxweibull_ rxunif_ rxt__ rxpois_ rxnorm_ rxgeom_ rxbeta_ rxgamma_ rxf_ rxexp_ rxchisq_ rxcauchy_ rxbinom_ rxnbinom_ rxnbinomMu_ rxSeedEng rxMvrandn_ rxNleq rxGradpsi rxCholperm rxMvnrnd rxRmvn_ rxModelVarsStack rxStack_ rxOptRep_ rxSymInvCholEnvCalculate rxSymInvChol rxInv rxSetSilentErr dropUnitsRxSolve rxUpdateTrans_ getProgSupported setProgSupported setRstudio rxDelete rxDynUnload rxUnloadAll_ rxAllowUnload rxUnlock rxLock rxDynLoad rxIsLoaded rxC rxDll rxAssignPtr rxIsCurrent rxGetrxode2 rxRmModelLib_ rxSolveSEXP rxSolveUpdate rxSolveGet rxSolveDollarNames rxSolve_ rxSolveSetup rxSolveFree rxSimThetaOmega atolRtolFactor_ rxSetupScale rxSetupIni rxInits rxLhs rxDfdy rxParams_ rxState rxModelVars_ dynLoad rxIs rxParseSetSilentErr rxode2parseSetRstudio rxQr rxQs convertId_ rxIndLin_ rxExpandNesting rxRepR0_ rxExpandFEta_ rxExpandSens2_ rxExpandSens_ rxExpandGrid_ rxEtTransAsDataFrame_ etTrans etTransEvidIsObs rxSetIni0 etRep_ etSeq_ et_ etUpdate etDollarNames omegaListRse swapMatListWithCube_ nestingInfo_ expandPars_ expandTheta_ cvPost_ rcvC1 invWR1d rLKJcvLsd1 rLKJcv1 rLKJ1 rinvchisq

Documented in etTrans invWR1d rinvchisq rLKJ1 rxAllowUnload rxAssignPtr rxC rxDelete rxDfdy rxDll rxDynLoad rxDynUnload rxExpandFEta_ rxExpandGrid_ rxExpandSens_ rxExpandSens2_ rxGetrxode2 rxGetSeed rxInits rxInv rxIs rxIsCurrent rxIsLoaded rxLhs rxLock rxParseSetSilentErr rxRepR0_ rxSeedEng rxSetIni0 rxSetSilentErr rxSetupIni rxSetupScale rxSimThetaOmega rxSolveFree rxSolveSetup rxState rxSymInvChol rxUnlock

# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

#' Scaled Inverse Chi Squared distribution
#' @param n Number of random samples
#' @param nu degrees of freedom of inverse chi square
#' @param scale  Scale of inverse chi squared distribution
#'         (default is 1).
#' @return a vector of inverse chi squared deviates.
#' @examples
#' rinvchisq(3, 4, 1) ## Scale = 1, degrees of freedom = 4
#' rinvchisq(2, 4, 2) ## Scale = 2, degrees of freedom = 4
#' @export
rinvchisq <- function(n = 1L, nu = 1.0, scale = 1) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rinvchisq`, n, nu, scale)

#' One correlation sample from the LKJ distribution
#' @param d The dimension of the correlation matrix
#' @param eta The scaling parameter of the LKJ distribution.
#'   Must be > 1.  Also related to the degrees of freedom nu.
#'   eta = (nu-1)/2.
#' @param cholesky boolean; If `TRUE` return the cholesky
#'   decomposition.
#' @return A correlation sample from the LKJ distribution
#' @author Matthew Fidler (translated to RcppArmadillo) and Emma Schwager
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
rLKJ1 <- function(d, eta = 1.0, cholesky = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rLKJ1`, d, eta, cholesky)

rLKJcv1 <- function(sd, eta = 1.0) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rLKJcv1`, sd, eta)

rLKJcvLsd1 <- function(logSd, logSdSD, eta = 1.0) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rLKJcvLsd1`, logSd, logSdSD, eta)

#' One correlation sample from the Inverse Wishart distribution
#' This correlation is constructed by transformation of the Inverse Wishart
#' random covariate to a correlation.
#' @inheritParams rLKJ1
#' @param nu Degrees of freedom of the Wishart distribution
#' @inheritParams cvPost
#' @return One correlation sample from the inverse wishart
#' @author Matthew Fidler
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
invWR1d <- function(d, nu, omegaIsChol = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_invWR1d`, d, nu, omegaIsChol)

rcvC1 <- function(sdEst, nu = 3.0, diagXformType = 1L, rType = 1L, returnChol = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rcvC1`, sdEst, nu, diagXformType, rType, returnChol)

cvPost_ <- function(nuS, omegaS, nS, omegaIsCholS, returnCholS, typeS, diagXformTypeS) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_cvPost_`, nuS, omegaS, nS, omegaIsCholS, returnCholS, typeS, diagXformTypeS)

expandTheta_ <- function(thetaS, thetaMatS, thetaLowerS, thetaUpperS, nStudS, nCoresRVS) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_expandTheta_`, thetaS, thetaMatS, thetaLowerS, thetaUpperS, nStudS, nCoresRVS)

expandPars_ <- function(objectS, paramsS, eventsS, controlS) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_expandPars_`, objectS, paramsS, eventsS, controlS)

nestingInfo_ <- function(omega, data) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_nestingInfo_`, omega, data)

swapMatListWithCube_ <- function(inO) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_swapMatListWithCube_`, inO)

omegaListRse <- function(omegaIn) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_omegaListRse`, omegaIn)

etDollarNames <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_etDollarNames`, obj)

etUpdate <- function(obj, arg = NULL, value = NULL, exact = TRUE) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_etUpdate`, obj, arg, value, exact)

et_ <- function(input, et__) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_et_`, input, et__)

etSeq_ <- function(ets, handleSamples = 0L, waitType = 0L, defaultIi = 0, rbind = FALSE, uniqueId = 0L, reserveLen = 0L, needSort = TRUE, newUnits = as.character( c()), newShow = as.logical( c()), isCmtIntIn = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_etSeq_`, ets, handleSamples, waitType, defaultIi, rbind, uniqueId, reserveLen, needSort, newUnits, newShow, isCmtIntIn)

etRep_ <- function(curEt, times, wait, ids, handleSamples, waitType, ii) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_etRep_`, curEt, times, wait, ids, handleSamples, waitType, ii)

#' Set Initial conditions to time zero instead of the first observed/dosed time
#' @param ini0 When `TRUE` (default), set initial conditions to time
#'   zero. Otherwise the initial conditions are the first observed
#'   time.
#' @return the boolean ini0, though this is called for its side effects
#' @export
rxSetIni0 <- function(ini0 = TRUE) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxSetIni0`, ini0)

etTransEvidIsObs <- function(isObsSexp) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_etTransEvidIsObs`, isObsSexp)

#' Event translation for rxode2
#' @param inData Data frame to translate
#' @param obj object where model variables can be extracted from
#' @param addCmt Add compartment to data frame (default `FALSE`).
#' @param dropUnits Boolean to drop the units (default `FALSE`).
#' @param allTimeVar Treat all covariates as if they were time-varying
#' @param keepDosingOnly keep the individuals who only have dosing records and any
#'   trailing dosing records after the last observation.
#' @param combineDvid is a boolean indicating if rxode2 will use `DVID` on observation
#'     records to change the `cmt` value; Useful for multiple-endpoint nlmixr models.  By default
#'     this is determined by `option("rxode2.combine.dvid")` and if the option has not been set,
#'     this is `TRUE`. This typically does not affect rxode2 simulations.
#' @param keep This is a named vector of items you want to keep in the final rxode2 dataset.
#'     For added rxode2 event records (if seen), last observation carried forward will be used.
#' @param addlKeepsCov This determines if the additional dosing items
#'   repeats the dose only (`FALSE`) or keeps the covariates at the
#'   record of the dose (`TRUE`)
#' @param addlDropSs When there are steady state doses with an `addl`
#'   specification the steady state flag is dropped with repeated
#'   doses (when `TRUE`) or retained (when `FALSE`)
#' @param ssAtDoseTime Boolean that when `TRUE` back calculates the
#'   steady concentration at the actual time of dose, otherwise when
#'   `FALSE` the doses are shifted
#' @inheritParams rxSolve
#' @return Object for solving in rxode2
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
etTrans <- function(inData, obj, addCmt = FALSE, dropUnits = FALSE, allTimeVar = FALSE, keepDosingOnly = FALSE, combineDvid = NULL, keep = character(0), addlKeepsCov = FALSE, addlDropSs = TRUE, ssAtDoseTime = TRUE, iCov = NULL) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_etTrans`, inData, obj, addCmt, dropUnits, allTimeVar, keepDosingOnly, combineDvid, keep, addlKeepsCov, addlDropSs, ssAtDoseTime, iCov)

rxEtTransAsDataFrame_ <- function(inData1) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxEtTransAsDataFrame_`, inData1)

#' Expand grid internal function
#' @param c1 character vector of items to be expanded
#' @param c2 second character vector of items to be expanded
#' @param type 0 for a typical data frame, 1 for symengine sensitivity expansion
#' @return data frame (when type = 0) or symengine string (when type=1)
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
rxExpandGrid_ <- function(c1, c2, type) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxExpandGrid_`, c1, c2, type)

#' Expand sensitivity
#' @param state is the state to expand
#' @param calcSens is the variables to calculate sensitivity
#' @keywords internal
#' @return symengine string for expanded sensitivity
#' @export
rxExpandSens_ <- function(state, calcSens) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxExpandSens_`, state, calcSens)

#' Expand second order sensitivity
#' @param state is the state to expand
#' @param s1 is the variables to calculate sensitivity
#' @param s2 is the variables to calculate second order sensitivity
#' @keywords internal
#' @return string for symengine second order sensitivity
#' @export
rxExpandSens2_ <- function(state, s1, s2) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxExpandSens2_`, state, s1, s2)

#' Expand d(f)/d(eta)
#' @param state is the state to expand
#' @param neta is the number of etas
#' @param pred type of prediction
#' @param isTheta logical, is the expansion actually for thetas instead of etas
#' @keywords internal
#' @return String of symengine expressions to evaluate to calculate df/deta
#' @export
rxExpandFEta_ <- function(state, neta, pred, isTheta = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxExpandFEta_`, state, neta, pred, isTheta)

#' Rep R0 for foce
#' @param neta ETA to substitute
#' @return Returns a string of R code to substitute the rx_r expression in the symengine environment .s
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
rxRepR0_ <- function(neta) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxRepR0_`, neta)

rxExpandNesting <- function(obj, nestingInfo, compile = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxExpandNesting`, obj, nestingInfo, compile)

#' Inductive linearization solver
#' @param cSub = Current subject number
#' @param op - rxode2 solving options
#' @param tp - Prior time point/time zero
#' @param yp - Prior state;  vector size = neq; Final state is updated here
#' @param tf - Final Time
#' @param InfusionRate = Rates of each compartment;  vector size = neq
#' @param on Indicator for if the compartment is "on"
#' @param cache
#'    0 = no Cache
#'    When doIndLin == 0, cache > 0 = nInf-1
#' @param ME the rxode2 matrix exponential function
#' @param IndF The rxode2 Inductive Linearization function F
#' @return Returns a status for solving
#'   1 = Successful solve
#'   -1 = Maximum number of iterations reached when doing
#'        inductive linearization
#' @name rxIndLin_
#' @noRd

rxIndLin_ <- function(states) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxIndLin_`, states)

convertId_ <- function(x) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_convertId_`, x)

rxQs <- function(x) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxQs`, x)

rxQr <- function(encoded_string) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxQr`, encoded_string)

rxode2parseSetRstudio <- function(isRstudio = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxode2parseSetRstudio`, isRstudio)

#' Silence some of rxode2's C/C++ messages
#' @param silent can be 0L "noisy"  or 1L "silent"
#' @keywords internal
#' @return TRUE; called for side effects
#' @export
rxParseSetSilentErr <- function(silent) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxParseSetSilentErr`, silent)

#' This handles the drop list
#' @param drop a character vector representing the list of items to
#'   drop from the output
#' @param input The input data frame (technically a data.frame is a
#'   special list)
#' @param warnDrop is a boolean that will determine if nonsense drops
#'   should be warned about in R.
#' @return a data-frame with the requested items dropped.
#' @noRd

#' This gets the rxModels_ environment from the rxode2 namespace
#' @return `rxModels_` environment
#' @noRd

#' This allows assignment inside the `rxModels_` environment
#' @param string that should be assigned
#' @param a R/S expression (SEXP) to assign in the `rxModels_`
#'   environment
#' @return nothing, called for side effects
#' @noRd

#' Returns (unsurprisingly) if the file exists
#' @param file name
#' @return boolean of if the file exists
#' @noRd

#' If nothing else works, try dispatching the `rxModelVarsS3`
#' dispatch
#' @param obj is the R object trying to get the model variables from
#' @return model variables (or error from `rxModelVarsS3` default method)
#' @noRd

#' Get the rxModelVars from an rxode2 object
#' @param obj is the rxode2 object to get the model variables from
#' @return model variables
#' @noRd

#' This gives a blank model variables object
#' @return blank model variables object (though has same structure)
#' @noRd

#' Get the model variables object from a character object
#' @param obj character vector to convert to model variables object
#' @return model variables
#' @noRd

#' List to convert Model variables object into
#' @param obj R list to extract model variable from.
#' @return model variable object
#' @noRd

#' Check the type of an object using Rcpp
#' @param obj Object to check
#' @param cls Type of class.  Only s3 classes for lists/environments
#'   and primitive classes are checked.  For matrix types they are
#'   distinguished as `numeric.matrix`, `integer.matrix`,
#'   `logical.matrix`, and `character.matrix` as well as the
#'   traditional `matrix` class. Additionally checks for
#'   `event.data.frame` which is an `data.frame` object with `time`,
#'   `evid` and `amt`. (UPPER, lower or Title cases accepted)
#' @return A boolean indicating if the object is a member of the class.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @export
rxIs <- function(obj, cls) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxIs`, obj, cls)

dynLoad <- function(dll) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_dynLoad`, dll)

#' Get the model variables for an object
#' @param obj the R object to try to extract the model variable object from.
#' @return model variable object or error
#' @noRd
rxModelVars_ <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxModelVars_`, obj)

#' State variables
#' This returns the model's compartments or states.
#' @inheritParams rxModelVars
#' @param state is a string indicating the state or compartment that
#'     you would like to lookup.
#' @return If state is missing, return a character vector of all the states.
#' If state is a string, return the compartment number of the named state.
#' @seealso [rxode2()]
#' @family Query model information
#' @author Matthew L.Fidler
#' @export
rxState <- function(obj = NULL, state = NULL) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxState`, obj, state)

rxParams_ <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxParams_`, obj)

#' Jacobian and parameter derivatives
#' Return Jacobain and parameter derivatives
#' @inheritParams rxModelVars
#' @return A list of the jacobian parameters defined in this rxode2
#'     object.
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @family Query model information
#' @export
rxDfdy <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxDfdy`, obj)

#' Left handed Variables
#' This returns the model calculated variables
#' @inheritParams rxModelVars
#' @return a character vector listing the calculated parameters
#' @seealso \code{\link{rxode2}}
#' @family Query model information
#' @author Matthew L.Fidler
#' @export
rxLhs <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxLhs`, obj)

#' Initial Values and State values for a rxode2 object
#' Returns the initial values of the rxDll object
#' @param obj rxDll, rxode2, or named vector representing default
#'     initial arguments
#' @param vec If supplied, named vector for the model.
#' @param req Required names, and the required order for the ODE solver
#' @param defaultValue a number or NA representing the default value for
#'     parameters missing in `vec`, but required in `req`.
#' @param noerror is a boolean specifying if an error should be thrown
#'     for missing parameter values when `default` = `NA`
#' @return Initial values of the rxDll object
#' @keywords internal
#' @family Query model information
#' @author Matthew L.Fidler
#' @export
rxInits <- function(obj, vec = NULL, req = NULL, defaultValue = 0, noerror = FALSE, noini = FALSE, rxLines = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxInits`, obj, vec, req, defaultValue, noerror, noini, rxLines)

#' Setup the initial conditions.
#' @param obj rxode2 object
#' @param inits A numeric vector of initial conditions.
#' @return initial conditions that were setup
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
rxSetupIni <- function(obj, inits = NULL) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxSetupIni`, obj, inits)

#' Setup the initial conditions.
#' @param obj rxode2 object
#' @param scale A numeric vector scales
#' @param extraArgs A list of extra args to parse for initial conditions.
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
#' @return setup scale for changing compartment values
#' @export
rxSetupScale <- function(obj, scale = NULL, extraArgs = NULL) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxSetupScale`, obj, scale, extraArgs)

atolRtolFactor_ <- function(factor) {
    invisible(.Call(`_rxode2_atolRtolFactor_`, factor))

#' Simulate Parameters from a Theta/Omega specification
#' @param params Named Vector of rxode2 model parameters
#' @param nObs Number of observations to simulate (with `sigma` matrix)
#' @inheritParams rxSolve
#' @param simSubjects boolean indicated rxode2 should simulate subjects in studies (`TRUE`,
#'         default) or studies (`FALSE`)
#' @return a data frame with the simulated subjects
#' @author Matthew L.Fidler
#' @export
rxSimThetaOmega <- function(params = NULL, omega = NULL, omegaDf = NULL, omegaLower = as.numeric( c(R_NegInf)), omegaUpper = as.numeric( c(R_PosInf)), omegaIsChol = FALSE, omegaSeparation = "auto", omegaXform = 1L, nSub = 1L, thetaMat = NULL, thetaLower = as.numeric( c(R_NegInf)), thetaUpper = as.numeric( c(R_PosInf)), thetaDf = NULL, thetaIsChol = FALSE, nStud = 1L, sigma = NULL, sigmaLower = as.numeric( c(R_NegInf)), sigmaUpper = as.numeric( c(R_PosInf)), sigmaDf = NULL, sigmaIsChol = FALSE, sigmaSeparation = "auto", sigmaXform = 1L, nCoresRV = 1L, nObs = 1L, dfSub = 0, dfObs = 0, simSubjects = TRUE, simVariability = as.logical( c(NA_LOGICAL))) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxSimThetaOmega`, params, omega, omegaDf, omegaLower, omegaUpper, omegaIsChol, omegaSeparation, omegaXform, nSub, thetaMat, thetaLower, thetaUpper, thetaDf, thetaIsChol, nStud, sigma, sigmaLower, sigmaUpper, sigmaDf, sigmaIsChol, sigmaSeparation, sigmaXform, nCoresRV, nObs, dfSub, dfObs, simSubjects, simVariability)

#' Free the C solving/parsing information.
#' Take the ODE C system and free it.
#' @keywords internal
#' @return logical indicating if the memory was successfully freed
#' @export
rxSolveFree <- function() {

#' See if the memory is installed for a solve
#' @return boolean saying if the memnory is currently free for rxode2
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
rxSolveSetup <- function() {

rxSolve_ <- function(obj, rxControl, specParams, extraArgs, params, events, inits, setupOnly) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxSolve_`, obj, rxControl, specParams, extraArgs, params, events, inits, setupOnly)

rxSolveDollarNames <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxSolveDollarNames`, obj)

rxSolveGet <- function(obj, arg, exact = TRUE) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxSolveGet`, obj, arg, exact)

rxSolveUpdate <- function(obj, arg = NULL, value = NULL) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxSolveUpdate`, obj, arg, value)

rxSolveSEXP <- function(objS, rxControlS, specParamsS, extraArgsS, paramsS, eventsS, initsS, setupOnlyS) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxSolveSEXP`, objS, rxControlS, specParamsS, extraArgsS, paramsS, eventsS, initsS, setupOnlyS)

rxRmModelLib_ <- function(str) {
    invisible(.Call(`_rxode2_rxRmModelLib_`, str))

#' Get rxode2 model from object
#' @param obj rxode2 family of objects
#' @return rxode2 model
#' @export
rxGetrxode2 <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxGetrxode2`, obj)

#' Checks if the rxode2 object was built with the current build
#' @inheritParams rxModelVars
#' @return boolean indicating if this was built with current rxode2
#' @export
rxIsCurrent <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxIsCurrent`, obj)

#' Assign pointer based on model variables
#' @param object rxode2 family of objects
#' @return nothing, called for side effects
#' @export
rxAssignPtr <- function(object = NULL) {
    invisible(.Call(`_rxode2_rxAssignPtr`, object))

#' Return the DLL associated with the rxode2 object
#' This will return the dynamic load library or shared object used to
#' run the C code for rxode2.
#' @param obj A rxode2 family of objects or a character string of the
#'     model specification or location of a file with a model
#'     specification.
#' @return a path of the library
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Matthew L.Fidler
#' @export
rxDll <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxDll`, obj)

#' Return the C file associated with the rxode2 object
#' This will return C code for generating the rxode2 DLL.
#' @param obj A rxode2 family of objects or a character string of the
#'     model specification or location of a file with a model
#'     specification.
#' @return a path of the library
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Matthew L.Fidler
#' @export
rxC <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxC`, obj)

#' Determine if the DLL associated with the rxode2 object is loaded
#' @param obj A rxode2 family of objects
#' @return Boolean returning if the rxode2 library is loaded.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Matthew L.Fidler
#' @export
rxIsLoaded <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxIsLoaded`, obj)

#' Load rxode2 object
#' @param obj A rxode2 family of objects
#' @return Boolean returning if the rxode2 library is loaded.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Matthew L.Fidler
#' @export
rxDynLoad <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxDynLoad`, obj)

#' Lock/unlocking of rxode2 dll file
#' @param obj A rxode2 family of objects
#' @return nothing; called for side effects
#' @export
rxLock <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxLock`, obj)

#' @rdname rxLock
#' @export
rxUnlock <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxUnlock`, obj)

#' Allow unloading of dlls
#' @param allow boolean indicating if garbage collection will unload of rxode2 dlls.
#' @return Boolean allow; called for side effects
#' @examples
#' # Garbage collection will not unload un-used rxode2 dlls
#' rxAllowUnload(FALSE);
#' # Garbage collection will unload unused rxode2 dlls
#' rxAllowUnload(TRUE);
#' @export
#' @author Matthew Fidler
rxAllowUnload <- function(allow) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxAllowUnload`, allow)

rxUnloadAll_ <- function() {

#' Unload rxode2 object
#' @param obj A rxode2 family of objects
#' @return Boolean returning if the rxode2 library is loaded.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Matthew L.Fidler
#' @export
rxDynUnload <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxDynUnload`, obj)

#' Delete the DLL for the model
#' This function deletes the DLL, but doesn't delete the model
#' information in the object.
#' @param obj rxode2 family of objects
#' @return A boolean stating if the operation was successful.
#' @author Matthew L.Fidler
#' @export
rxDelete <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxDelete`, obj)

setRstudio <- function(isRstudio = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_setRstudio`, isRstudio)

setProgSupported <- function(isSupported = 1L) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_setProgSupported`, isSupported)

getProgSupported <- function() {

rxUpdateTrans_ <- function(ret, prefix, libName) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxUpdateTrans_`, ret, prefix, libName)

dropUnitsRxSolve <- function(x) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_dropUnitsRxSolve`, x)

#' Silence some of rxode2's C/C++ messages
#' @param silent can be 0L "noisy"  or 1L "silent"
#' @keywords internal
#' @return TRUE; called for side effects
#' @export
rxSetSilentErr <- function(silent) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxSetSilentErr`, silent)

#' Invert matrix using RcppArmadillo.
#' @param matrix matrix to be inverted.
#' @return inverse or pseudo inverse of matrix.
#' @export
rxInv <- function(matrix) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxInv`, matrix)

#' Get Omega^-1 and derivatives
#' @param invObjOrMatrix Object for inverse-type calculations.  If
#'   this is a matrix, setup the object for inversion
#'   [rxSymInvCholCreate()] with the default arguments and return a
#'   reactive s3 object.  Otherwise, use the inversion object to
#'   calculate the requested derivative/inverse.
#' @param theta Thetas to be used for calculation.  If missing (`NULL`), a
#'     special s3 class is created and returned to access `Omega^1`
#'     objects as needed and cache them based on the theta that is
#'     used.
#' @param type The type of object.  Currently the following types are
#'     supported:
#' * `cholOmegaInv` gives the
#'     Cholesky decomposition of the Omega Inverse matrix.
#' * `omegaInv` gives the Omega Inverse matrix.
#' * `d(omegaInv)` gives the `d(Omega^-1)` withe respect to the
#'     theta parameter specified in `thetaNumber`.
#' * `d(D)` gives the `d(diagonal(Omega^-1))` with respect to
#'     the theta parameter specified in the `thetaNumber`
#'     parameter
#' @param thetaNumber For types `d(omegaInv)` and `d(D)`,
#'     the theta number that the derivative is taken against.  This
#'     must be positive from 1 to the number of thetas defining the
#'     Omega matrix.
#' @return Matrix based on parameters or environment with all the
#'     matrixes calculated in variables `omega`, `omegaInv`, `dOmega`,
#'     `dOmegaInv`.
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @export
rxSymInvChol <- function(invObjOrMatrix, theta = NULL, type = "cholOmegaInv", thetaNumber = 0L) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxSymInvChol`, invObjOrMatrix, theta, type, thetaNumber)

rxSymInvCholEnvCalculate <- function(obj, what, theta = NULL) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxSymInvCholEnvCalculate`, obj, what, theta)

rxOptRep_ <- function(input) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxOptRep_`, input)

rxStack_ <- function(Data, vars = NULL) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxStack_`, Data, vars)

rxModelVarsStack <- function(x) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxModelVarsStack`, x)

rxRmvn_ <- function(A_, mu, sigma, ncores = 1L, isChol = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxRmvn_`, A_, mu, sigma, ncores, isChol)

rxMvnrnd <- function(n, L, l, u, mu, a = 0.4, tol = 2.05) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxMvnrnd`, n, L, l, u, mu, a, tol)

rxCholperm <- function(Sig, l, u, eps = 1e-10) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxCholperm`, Sig, l, u, eps)

rxGradpsi <- function(y, L, l, u) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxGradpsi`, y, L, l, u)

rxNleq <- function(l, u, L) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxNleq`, l, u, L)

rxMvrandn_ <- function(A_, mu, sigma, lower, upper, ncores = 1L, a = 0.4, tol = 2.05, nlTol = 1e-10, nlMaxiter = 100L) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxMvrandn_`, A_, mu, sigma, lower, upper, ncores, a, tol, nlTol, nlMaxiter)

#' This seeds the engine based on the number of cores used in random number generation
#' @param ncores is the number of cores to use.
#' @keywords internal
#' @return Nothing, called for side effects
#' @export
#' @examples
#' rxSeedEng()
rxSeedEng <- function(ncores = 1L) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxSeedEng`, ncores)

rxnbinomMu_ <- function(size, mu, n, ncores) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxnbinomMu_`, size, mu, n, ncores)

rxnbinom_ <- function(size, prob, n, ncores) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxnbinom_`, size, prob, n, ncores)

rxbinom_ <- function(n0, prob, n, ncores) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxbinom_`, n0, prob, n, ncores)

rxcauchy_ <- function(location, scale, n, ncores) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxcauchy_`, location, scale, n, ncores)

rxchisq_ <- function(df, n, ncores) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxchisq_`, df, n, ncores)

rxexp_ <- function(rate, n, ncores) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxexp_`, rate, n, ncores)

rxf_ <- function(df1, df2, n, ncores) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxf_`, df1, df2, n, ncores)

rxgamma_ <- function(shape, rate, n, ncores) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxgamma_`, shape, rate, n, ncores)

rxbeta_ <- function(shape1, shape2, n, ncores) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxbeta_`, shape1, shape2, n, ncores)

rxgeom_ <- function(prob, n, ncores) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxgeom_`, prob, n, ncores)

rxnorm_ <- function(mean, sd, n, ncores) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxnorm_`, mean, sd, n, ncores)

rxpois_ <- function(lambda, n, ncores) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxpois_`, lambda, n, ncores)

rxt__ <- function(df, n, ncores) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxt__`, df, n, ncores)

rxunif_ <- function(low, hi, n, ncores) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxunif_`, low, hi, n, ncores)

rxweibull_ <- function(shape, scale, n, ncores) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxweibull_`, shape, scale, n, ncores)

rxRmvn0 <- function(A_, mu, sigma, lower, upper, ncores = 1L, isChol = FALSE, a = 0.4, tol = 2.05, nlTol = 1e-10, nlMaxiter = 100L) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxRmvn0`, A_, mu, sigma, lower, upper, ncores, isChol, a, tol, nlTol, nlMaxiter)

rxRmvnSEXP <- function(nS, muS, sigmaS, lowerS, upperS, ncoresS, isCholS, keepNamesS, aS, tolS, nlTolS, nlMaxiterS) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxRmvnSEXP`, nS, muS, sigmaS, lowerS, upperS, ncoresS, isCholS, keepNamesS, aS, tolS, nlTolS, nlMaxiterS)

rpp_ <- function(nS, lambdaS, gammaS, probS, t0S, tmaxS, randomOrderS) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rpp_`, nS, lambdaS, gammaS, probS, t0S, tmaxS, randomOrderS)

rxordSelect <- function(u, cs) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxordSelect`, u, cs)

#' Get the rxode2 seed
#' @return rxode2 seed state or -1 when the seed isn't set
#' @export
#' @seealso rxSetSeed, rxWithSeed, rxWithPreserveSeed
#' @examples
#' # without setting seed
#' rxGetSeed()
#' # Now set the seed
#' rxSetSeed(42)
#' rxGetSeed()
#' rxnorm()
#' rxGetSeed()
#' # don't use the rxode2 seed again
#' rxSetSeed(-1)
#' rxGetSeed()
#' rxnorm()
#' rxGetSeed()
rxGetSeed <- function() {

isNullZero <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_isNullZero`, obj)

rxErf <- function(v) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_rxErf`, v)

binomProbsPredVec_ <- function(n, m, Y, M, doP = TRUE, tol = 1e-7) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_binomProbsPredVec_`, n, m, Y, M, doP, tol)

binomProbs_ <- function(x, probs, naRm, nIn, cont) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_binomProbs_`, x, probs, naRm, nIn, cont)

meanProbs_ <- function(x, probs, naRm, useT, pred, nIn) {
    .Call(`_rxode2_meanProbs_`, x, probs, naRm, useT, pred, nIn)
nlmixr2/rxode2 documentation built on Jan. 11, 2025, 8:48 a.m.