R/shapeQTL: shape QTL mapping experiment with R


Nicolas Navarro

R/shapeQTL is an R package to perform statistical analyses to map quantitative trait locus for geometric morphometric data

Geometric morphometrics defines shape as a multivariate trait. Gene pleiotropy on landmark coordinates is the underlying genetic model by definition and multivariate methods are required to map QTL. The package provides Haley-Knott mapping for shape data derived from other R packages: R/geomorph, R/Morpho, R/Momocs or other open source softwares for geometric morphometrics : e.g., Java/MorphoJ, and for genotype probabilities derived from specific packages depending on the type of crosses (for example calc.genoprob from R/qtl for inbred strains).


Install R/shapeQTL from its GitHub repository.

Install prerequisites

Install devtools package.


Then install R/shapeQTL


nnavarro/shapeQTL documentation built on April 30, 2021, 12:10 p.m.