  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

weighting a stype to update the data_summary

The weight function updates a the data_summary of a stype vector with a weight.

a single stype vector

x <- v_binary(c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE))
w <- c(10, 10, 1, 1)

z <- weight(x, w)

However, the weights are not part of the data, thus when subsetting the vector the data_summary no longer includes the weighted summaries:


a list of stype vectors

Here, we use lenses to weight only certain variables within a tibble.

weight_var_l <- weight_l %.% lenses::index_l(1) %.% vec_data_l

otcm <- context(purpose = purpose(study_role = "outcome"))
# note the different ways of setting the context
dt <- tibble::tibble(
  x1 = v_binary(c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), context  = otcm),
  x2 = v_binary(c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)) %>% set(context_l, otcm),
  x3 = v_continuous(c(1.5, 1.6, 0.1), context = otcm),
  x4 = v_continuous(c(1.5, 1.6, 0.1)) %>%
    set(context_l, context(purpose = purpose(study_role = "weight"))),

tail(view(dt[[1]], data_summary_l), 2)

# Just weight binary variables
dt1 <- over_map(dt, outcome_l %.% binary_l, function(x){ 
  weight(x, view(dt, weight_var_l))
tail(view(dt1[[1]], data_summary_l), 2)
tail(view(dt1[[3]], data_summary_l), 2)

# Weight all outcomes
dt2 <- over_map(dt, outcome_l, function(x){ 
  weight(x, view(dt, weight_var_l))

tail(view(dt2[[1]], data_summary_l), 2)
tail(view(dt2[[3]], data_summary_l), 2)

Estimating cumulative risk

ctimes <- list(
   v_continuous_nonneg(c(5, 6, 10, Inf, 1, Inf, 19), 
                internal_name = "cA"),
   v_continuous_nonneg(c(4, 1, 15, Inf, Inf, Inf, 21), 
                internal_name = "cB")

otimes <- list(
  v_continuous_nonneg(c(2, 6, 11, 12, Inf, Inf, 25),
               internal_name = "oA"),
  v_continuous_nonneg(c(1, Inf, 10, Inf, Inf, Inf, 23), 
               internal_name = "oB")

x1 <- v_rcensored(
  outcomes = otimes, censors = ctimes, end_time = 15,
  extra_descriptors = list(
    crisk = function(x) { 
      list( riskimator::cumrisk(x, w = riskimator::product_limit) )
    } ))

get_data_summary(x1, "crisk")
get_data_summary(x1[c(3,5,6)], "crisk")

Cumrisk in a data pipeline


dt <- tibble(
  x1 = v_rcensored(outcomes = otimes, censors = ctimes, end_time = 15),
  x2 = v_rcensored(outcomes = otimes[[1]], end_time = 15),
  x3 = v_binary(as.logical(rbinom(7, 1, prob = 0.5)),
                context  = context(purpose = purpose(study_role = "covariate"))),

est_cph <- function(x, df){
  cph <- survival::coxph(
    formula = as_Surv(x, censor_as_event = TRUE) ~ as_canonical(x3),
    data = df)
  exp(-predict(cph, type = "expected"))

weight_rcensored_outcomes <- function(dt){
  over_map(dt, rcensored_l, function(x) {
    over(x, data_summary_l, function(ds) { 
      c(ds, list(crisk = cumrisk(x, w = est_cph, df = dt)))

dt2 <- weight_rcensored_outcomes(dt)
view(dt2$x1, data_summary_l)

novisci/stype documentation built on July 28, 2022, 7:44 a.m.