

grphf <- ~A:B
adj   <- ug(grphf, result="matrix")
f0 <- function(y){ as.numeric(c((y==1),(y==2)))}

n.states <- 2
known.model <- make.crf(adj, n.states)

# First lets get a sample of configurations from a "true" model:
# The "true" theta is: (1.098612, -0.7096765) which translates to the potentials below.
# True node pots:
PsiA <- c(3,1)
PsiB <- c(3,1)

# True edge pots:
PsiAB <-
    c(3, 6.1),
    c(6.1, 3)

known.model$node.pot[1,]  <- PsiA
known.model$node.pot[2,]  <- PsiB
known.model$edge.pot[[1]] <- PsiAB

# So now sample from the model as if we obtained an experimental sample:
num.samps <- 25
samps <- sample.exact(known.model, num.samps)

# Now examine the pseudo-likelihood and likelihood surfaces given these samples over a grid of parameter values

# Instantiate a two node two parameter model to fit:
fit <- make.crf(adj, n.states)
fit <- make.features(fit)
fit <- make.par(fit, 2)
fit$node.par[1,1,] <- 1
fit$node.par[2,1,] <- 1

fit$edge.par[[1]][1,1,1] <- 2
fit$edge.par[[1]][2,2,1] <- 2
#n2p <- nodes2params.list2(fit, storeQ = T)

# Set up a grid of theta's overwhich to compute the sample pseudolikelihood:
log(known.model$node.pot)                                            # True theta1
log(known.model$edge.pot[[1]]) - max(log(known.model$edge.pot[[1]])) # True theta2

theta1 <- seq(from =   0.0, to=2.5, by = 0.05)
theta2 <- seq(from =  -2.0, to=1.0, by = 0.05)
theta.grid <- as.matrix(expand.grid(theta1,theta2))

# Test new condtional energy/log pseudo likelihood functions:
# thi <- sample(1:nrow(theta.grid), size = 1)
# neglogpseudolik(par = theta.grid[thi,], crf = fit, samples = samps, conditional.energy.function.type = "feature.function", ff = f0, update.crfQ = TRUE)
# neglogpseudolik(par = theta.grid[thi,], crf = fit, samples = samps, conditional.energy.function.type = "feature", ff = f0, update.crfQ = TRUE)

# Compute the sample log pseudolikelihoods and likelihoods over the theta grid:
neg.log.psls  <- array(NA, nrow(theta.grid))
neg.log.psls2 <- array(NA, nrow(theta.grid))
neg.log.lik   <- array(NA, nrow(theta.grid))
fit$par.stat <- mrf.stat(crf = fit, instances = samps)

for(i in 1:nrow(theta.grid)) {
  theta.i          <- theta.grid[i,]
  neg.log.psls[i]  <- neglogpseudolik(par = theta.i, crf = fit, samples = samps, conditional.energy.function.type = "feature.function", ff = f0, update.crfQ = F)
  neg.log.psls2[i] <- neglogpseudolik(par = theta.i, crf = fit, samples = samps, conditional.energy.function.type = "feature", ff = f0, update.crfQ = F)
  neg.log.lik[i]   <-       negloglik(par = theta.i, crf = fit, samples = samps, infer.method = infer.exact, update.crfQ = F)

# Look for the rough minimum:
min.idx <- which(neg.log.psls == min(neg.log.psls))
# Rough minimum:
c(theta.grid[min.idx,1], theta.grid[min.idx,2], neg.log.psls[min.idx])

# Look for the rough minimum, check the other formulation:
min.idx <- which(neg.log.psls2 == min(neg.log.psls2))
# Rough minimum:
c(theta.grid[min.idx,1], theta.grid[min.idx,2], neg.log.psls2[min.idx])
# Minimum in the right ball park?
log(known.model$node.pot)                                            # True theta1
log(known.model$edge.pot[[1]]) - max(log(known.model$edge.pot[[1]])) # True theta2

# Look for the rough minimum of the likelihood formulation:
min.idx.lik <- which(neg.log.lik == min(neg.log.lik))
# Rough minimum:
c(theta.grid[min.idx.lik,1], theta.grid[min.idx.lik,2], neg.log.lik[min.idx.lik])
# Minimum in the right ball park?
log(known.model$node.pot)                                            # True theta1
log(known.model$edge.pot[[1]]) - max(log(known.model$edge.pot[[1]])) # True theta2

# Plot the sample pseudo-likelihood over the theta grid and the rough minimum:
plot3d(theta.grid[,1], theta.grid[,2], neg.log.psls, xlab="theta1", ylab="theta2", zlab="", main="feature.func")
text3d(theta.grid[min.idx,1], theta.grid[min.idx,2], neg.log.psls[min.idx], texts = "min")
lines3d(c(theta.grid[min.idx,1],theta.grid[min.idx,1]), c(theta.grid[min.idx,2],theta.grid[min.idx,2]), c(neg.log.psls[min.idx], max(neg.log.psls)))
text3d(theta.grid[min.idx,1], theta.grid[min.idx,2], max(neg.log.psls), texts = "min")

# Checking the other formulation:
# Plot the sample pseudo-likelihood over the theta grid and the rough minimum:
plot3d(theta.grid[,1], theta.grid[,2], neg.log.psls2, xlab="theta1", ylab="theta2", zlab="", main="feature")
text3d(theta.grid[min.idx,1], theta.grid[min.idx,2], neg.log.psls2[min.idx], texts = "min")
lines3d(c(theta.grid[min.idx,1],theta.grid[min.idx,1]), c(theta.grid[min.idx,2],theta.grid[min.idx,2]), c(neg.log.psls2[min.idx], max(neg.log.psls2)))
text3d(theta.grid[min.idx,1], theta.grid[min.idx,2], max(neg.log.psls2), texts = "min")

# Examine the likelihood now:
# Plot the sample likelihood over the theta grid and the rough minimum:
plot3d(theta.grid[,1], theta.grid[,2], neg.log.lik, xlab="theta1", ylab="theta2", zlab="", main="negloglik")
text3d(theta.grid[min.idx,1], theta.grid[min.idx,2], neg.log.lik[min.idx], texts = "min")
lines3d(c(theta.grid[min.idx,1],theta.grid[min.idx,1]), c(theta.grid[min.idx,2],theta.grid[min.idx,2]), c(neg.log.lik[min.idx], max(neg.log.lik)))
text3d(theta.grid[min.idx,1], theta.grid[min.idx,2], max(neg.log.lik), texts = "min")

# Plot the sample pseudo-likelihood over the theta grid and the rough minimum:
plot3d(theta.grid[,1], theta.grid[,2], neg.log.psls, xlab="theta1", ylab="theta2", zlab="", main="neglogpseudolik")
text3d(theta.grid[min.idx,1], theta.grid[min.idx,2], neg.log.psls[min.idx], texts = "min")
lines3d(c(theta.grid[min.idx,1],theta.grid[min.idx,1]), c(theta.grid[min.idx,2],theta.grid[min.idx,2]), c(neg.log.psls[min.idx], max(neg.log.psls)))
text3d(theta.grid[min.idx,1], theta.grid[min.idx,2], max(neg.log.psls), texts = "min")

# Gradient of the sample neg. log pseudo-likelihood:
# Compute and plot gradient:
npll.mat        <- array(NA, c(length(theta1), length(theta2)))
grad.npll.mat.u <- array(NA, c(length(theta1), length(theta2)))
grad.npll.mat.v <- array(NA, c(length(theta1), length(theta2)))

count <- 1
for(i in 1:length(theta1)) {
  for(j in 1:length(theta2)) {

    theta            <- c(theta1[i], theta2[j])
    npll.mat[i,j]    <- neglogpseudolik(par = theta, crf = fit, samples = samps, ff = f0, update.crfQ = TRUE)
    neg.log.psl.grad <- grad.neglogpseudolik(par = theta, crf = fit, samples = samps, ff = f0)

    grad.npll.mat.u[i,j] <- neg.log.psl.grad[1]
    grad.npll.mat.v[i,j] <- neg.log.psl.grad[2]

    count <- count + 1

# Make a 2D plot of the gradient:
u <- grad.npll.mat.u
v <- grad.npll.mat.v

# Sample negative log pseudo-likelihood:
image2D(x = theta1, y = theta2, z = npll.mat, contour = TRUE, xlab="theta1", ylab="theta2")

# Gradient:
quiver2D(x = theta1, y = theta2, u = u, v = v, add = TRUE, by = 6)
npetraco/CRFutil documentation built on Nov. 23, 2023, 11:30 a.m.