
#' Truncate Outliers based on z distribution
#' This function truncates outliers using a specified z-score cutoff point
#' @keywords outliers
#' @param data a dataframe object
#' @param ... dataframe columns
#' @param z a z-score cutoff point
#' @import dplyr 
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' trunc.out()

trunc.out = function(data, ..., z){
  upper = NULL
  lower = NULL
  argList = match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$...
  cat(paste("_________________________________________", "\n"))
  ##loop over column names
  for (i in 1:length(argList)) {
    colName = argList[[i]]
    series_colName = eval(substitute(colName), envir = data, enclos = parent.frame())
    series_scaled = scale(series_colName, scale = T)
    ##print original values to be truncated
    for (a in series_colName){
      zs = ((a - (mean(series_colName))) / sd(series_colName))
      if (zs > z){
        upper$input = a
      if (zs < -z){
        lower$input = a
    ##print z scores for values to be truncated
    for (a in series_colName){
      zs = ((a - (mean(series_colName))) / sd(series_colName))
      if (zs > z){
        upper$Z_Score = zs

     if (zs < -z){
        lower$Z_Score = zs
    #zs = (x - (mean(dat2$dat))) / sd(dat2$dat) ##z score formula
    ##compute truncated values from z scores
    for (j in series_scaled){
      ##greater than z standard deviations above mean
      if (j > z ){
        g1 = (z * sd(series_colName) + mean(series_colName))
        upper$truncated = g1
      } ##figure out how to store these in a table/dataframe w/ original value
      ##less than z standard deviations below mean
      if (j < -z){
        g2 = (-z * sd(series_colName) + mean(series_colName))
        lower$truncated = g2
  to_return = rbind(upper, lower)
  if (empty(to_return) == FALSE){
    return(to_return) }
  if (empty(to_return) == TRUE) 
  {cat(paste("No Outliers Detected", "\n"))} 

npm27/domo documentation built on July 2, 2019, 11:09 p.m.