
ForIT_test_data <- dplyr::tribble(
  ~UC, ~IdF, ~specie, ~d130, ~h_dendro,
  # UC: Plot Id (Unità Campionaria)
  # IdF: Stem ID (Identificativo Fusto)
  # specie: EPPO species code (see
  #  - ACRCA: Acer campestre
  #  - ABIAL: Abies alba
  #  - FAUSY: Fagus sylvatica
  # d130: trunk diameter at breast height [cm]
  # h_dendro: tree height [m]
  # Example data in Tabacchi et al. (2011) pag. 25

  # Example continuation, pag. 27

  # Extra lines, to test for 'out of domain'
  "U0","01","ACRCA",22,14,   # pag. 24
npuletti/ForIT documentation built on Dec. 29, 2021, 7:50 a.m.