
# Copyright (C) 2016 Ramon Novoa <ramonnovoa AT gmail DOT com>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# We will need the magnitude and station datasets.
data(madrid.air.magnitudes, envir = environment())
data(madrid.air.stations, envir = environment())

# Supress warnings.
Month <- NULL
Day <- NULL
Hour <- NULL
Value <- NULL
ValidationCode <- NULL

#' Air quality data parser.
#' Parses raw air quality data published by \url{http://datos.madrid.es/} and returns
#' a clean data frame.
#' @param input Input file containing the raw air quality data.
#' @param output Optional CSV file where the air quality data data frame will
#' be saved.
#' @param station Filter data by station code (see
#' \code{\link{madrid.air.stations}}).
#' @param magnitude Filter data by magnitude name (see
#' \code{\link{madrid.air.magnitudes}}).
#' @return A data frame containing air quality data.
#' @examples
#' # Download and parse daily data.
#' download.file('http://datos.madrid.es/egob/catalogo/201410-14-calidad-aire-diario.txt',
#'               '201410-14-calidad-aire-diario.txt')
#' madrid.air.parse('201410-14-calidad-aire-diario.txt')
#' # Save air quality data to disk.
#' madrid.air.parse('201410-14-calidad-aire-diario.txt',
#'                  output='201410-14-calidad-aire-diario.csv')
#' # Download and parse hourly data.
#' download.file('http://datos.madrid.es/egob/catalogo/201200-29-calidad-aire-horario.zip',
#'               '201200-29-calidad-aire-horario.zip')
#' unzip('201200-29-calidad-aire-horario.zip')
#' madrid.air.parse('Ene_mo01.txt')
#' # Check station information.
#' data(madrid.air.stations)
#' madrid.air.stations
#' # Filter by station.
#' madrid.air.parse('Ene_mo01.txt', station=28079001)
#' # Check magnitude information.
#' data(madrid.air.magnitudes)
#' madrid.air.magnitudes
#' # Filter by magnitude.
#' madrid.air.parse('Ene_mo01.txt', magnitude='CO')
#' @export
madrid.air.parse <- function (input,
                              output = NA,
                              station = NA,
                              magnitude = NA) {

  # Read the first record to parse the year and period.
  air_data <- utils::read.fwf(input, widths = c(8, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2),
                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE, n = 1)
  period <- air_data[1, 4]
  year <- air_data[1, 5] + 2000

  # Parse air quality data.
  if (period == 2) {
    air_data <- madrid.air.parser.hourly(input)
  } else if (period == 4) {
    air_data <- madrid.air.parser.daily(input, year)
  } else {
    stop("Invalid file format.")

  # Filter by station.
  if (!is.na(station)) {
    air_data <- air_data[air_data$Station == station, ]

  # Filter by magnitude
  if (!is.na(magnitude)) {
    air_data <- air_data[air_data$Magnitude == magnitude, ]

  # Save the dataset to disk.
  if (!is.na(output)) {
    utils::write.csv(air_data, file = output, row.names = F, quote = F)


## Helper functions.

# Parses daily air quality data and returns a data frame.
# Args:
#   input: Source file containing the raw air quality data.
#   year: The year the data was collected.
# Returns:
#   A data frame.
madrid.air.parser.daily <- function (input, year, output = NA) {

  # There was an extra column before 2011 with the value 00 in daily
  # data.
  if (year < 2011) {
    air_data <- utils::read.fwf(input, widths = c(8, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
                                rep(6, 31)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    # Remove the extra column.
    air_data <- air_data[, -7]
  } else {
    air_data <- utils::read.fwf(input, widths = c(8, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
                                rep(6, 31)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  # Remove the measurement technique and period columns.
  air_data <- air_data[, -c(3, 4)]

  # Set appropriate column names.
  names(air_data) <- c("Station", "Magnitude", "Year", "Month", c(1:31))

  # Leave one daily observation per row.
  air_data <- tidyr::gather(air_data, Day, Value, 5:35)

  # Perform common parsing operations.
  air_data <- madrid.air.parser.common(air_data)

  # Rearrange the columns.
  air_data <- air_data[, c("Station", "Year", "Month", "Day", "Magnitude",

  # Sort by date.
  air_data <- dplyr::arrange(air_data, Month, Day)


# Parses hourly air quality data and returns a data frame.
# Args:
#   input: Source file containing the raw air quality data.
# Returns:
#   A data frame.
madrid.air.parser.hourly <- function (input) {

  air_data <- utils::read.fwf(input,
                              widths = c(8, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, rep(6, 24)),
                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  # Remove the measurement technique and period columns.
  air_data <- air_data[, -c(3, 4)]

  # Set appropriate column names.
  names(air_data) <- c("Station", "Magnitude", "Year", "Month", "Day",

  # Leave one hourly observation per row.
  air_data <- tidyr::gather(air_data, Hour, Value, 6:29)

  # Perform common parsing operations.
  air_data <- madrid.air.parser.common(air_data)

  # Rearrange the columns.
  air_data <- air_data[, c("Station", "Year", "Month", "Day", "Hour",
                          "Magnitude", "Value")]

  # Fix some column types.
  air_data$Hour <- as.integer(air_data$Hour)

  # Sort by date.
  air_data <- dplyr::arrange(air_data, Month, Day, Hour)


# Performs parsing operation common to daily and hourly data.
# Args:
#   input: A data frame containing daily or hourly air quality data.
# Returns:
#   A data frame.
madrid.air.parser.common <- function (air_data) {

  # Separate the validation code from the actual value.
  air_data <- tidyr::separate(air_data, Value, c("Value", "ValidationCode"),
                              sep = 5)

  # We will only keep valid data (validation code "V").
  air_data <- dplyr::filter(air_data, ValidationCode == "V")

  # Sanity check.
  if (nrow(air_data) == 0) {
    stop("Invalid file format.")

  # Remove the validation code from the dataset.
  air_data <- air_data[, -which(names(air_data) %in% c("ValidationCode"))]

  # Convert values to double precision numbers.
  air_data$Value <- as.double(air_data$Value)

  # Save magnitudes as a factor.
  air_data$Magnitude <- factor(air_data$Magnitude,
                               levels = madrid.air.magnitudes[, "Magnitude"],
                               labels = madrid.air.magnitudes[, "Abbreviation"])

  # Remove unknown magnitudes.
  # Note: There is no description for magnitude 85 in the docs!!!
  air_data <- air_data[!is.na(air_data$Magnitude), ]

  # Some station codes changed after 2011. Rename old codes to new codes.
  # Pza. del Carmen.
  air_data[air_data$Station == 28079003, "Station"] <- 28079035

  # Barrio del Pilar.
  air_data[air_data$Station == 28079005, "Station"] <- 28079039

  # Cuatro Caminos.
  air_data[air_data$Station == 28079010, "Station"] <- 28079038

  # Vallecas.
  air_data[air_data$Station == 28079013, "Station"] <- 28079040

  # Moratalaz.
  air_data[air_data$Station == 28079020, "Station"] <- 28079036

  # Tres Olivos.
  air_data[air_data$Station == 28079086, "Station"] <- 28079060

  # Fix the Year column.
  air_data$Year <- air_data$Year + 2000

  # Fix some column types.
  air_data$Year <- as.integer(air_data$Year)
  air_data$Month <- as.integer(air_data$Month)
  air_data$Day <- as.integer(air_data$Day)
  air_data$Station <- as.factor(air_data$Station)

nramon/madrid.air documentation built on May 23, 2019, 9:34 p.m.