Man pages for nufflytics/nufflytics
Blood Bowl Statistics and Analysis

add_turn_infoAdd turn information
api_callGeneric API call method
api_coachesCoach information
api_halloffameHall of Fame stats for a league/competition
api_ladderCompetition Ladder
api_leagueLeague information
api_matchDetailed match information
api_matchesList matches for a league/competition
api_teamTeam information
api_teamsTeams information
bb_plot_addonsBlood Bowl
calc_game_probsCalculate game probabilities
coord_bbBlood bowl coordinate system
extract_game_stateExtract game state
extract_replay_metadataExtract replay metadata
fill_nullsConvert null values to specified value
find_starsFind Star Players
flip_yFlip y values
format.bb2_replayFormat a 'bb2_replay'
get_game_statsGet game statistics
get_turn_stepsGet replay steps for game turn
helloHello, World!
id_to_casualtyID to Casualty
id_to_playertypeId to Playertype
id_to_raceID to Race
make_teamFormat team data
modify_rolled_diceModifies rolled dice types
parse_dataParse arbitrary xml data
parse_injuriesParse injuries taken in a game
parse_permsParse permanent injuries for a player
parse_player_turnParses an entire player turn from a 'bb2_replay' object
player_dataGet Player Data
plot.bb2_game_stepPlot a BB2 game step
print.bb2_replayPrint a 'bb2_replay'
process_gameSimulate game
process_roundSimulate Round
read_replayRead BB2 replay file (.bbrz)
read_replay_stepRead BB2 replay step
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
scale_shape_bbBlood bowl shape scale
scale_x_bbPosition scales for blood bowl pitch
scoreGet team score
set_up_new_test_fileSets up a new test replay file on restart without long data...
SimulateSimulate season
star_player_nameStar Player Names
state_to_casualtyCasualty state to effect
stat_totalTotal match statistics
test_fileReturn a .bbrz filepath for testing
theme_bbBlood Bowl theme
theme_nufflyticsNufflytics theme
update_probsUpdate win probabilities
update_tvUpdate TV
nufflytics/nufflytics documentation built on Oct. 10, 2020, 5:27 p.m.