knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)


This document serves as a guide to utilizing the RCleaner gadget from the RClean package.

Instructions Tab

Instructions on the gadget itself

Every Tab can either finish and close or cancel all actions using buttons at the bottom of the screen

Data Manipulation Tab

Data imported is visually displayed. The following actions are available:

-NOTE: To highlight a column, click the variable name at the bottom of the data

Rename Columns Tab

Data imported is visually displayed. The following actions are available:

Encode Dummy Tab

Allows a user to create dummy variables from a specified variable in the dataset

Download/Save Tab

This tab allows users to download (open in excel) or save the current working dataframe displayed on the screen.

Reset Tab

The sole function of this tab is to allow a user to re-initialize the gadget environment with a clean dataset. Previous changes to the dataset ARE NOT SAVED.


nuhorchak/RClean documentation built on May 31, 2019, 2:50 p.m.