
Defines functions get_label get_label.default get_label.data.frame

Documented in get_label get_label.data.frame get_label.default

#' @name get_label
#' @title Extract Label Attribute From a Labelled Vector
#' @description Retrieve the label attribute of a labelled vector. If the
#'   vector has no label, the vector name is returned as a string.
#' @param x An atomic vector.
#' @param ... Arguments to pass to other methods.
#' @param vars A character vector of variable names in \code{x} for which
#'   to retrieve labels.  If \code{NULL}, all labels are returned.
#' @param return_vector \code{logical}. When \code{TRUE}, a vector of 
#'   the variables is returned. Otherwise, a named list mapping 
#'   variable names to labels is returned.  The named list can be useful
#'   for restoring labels after various transformations that may 
#'   drop attributes.
#' @seealso \code{\link{set_label}}
#' @examples
#' x <- 1:10
#' x <- set_label(x, "Integers")
#' get_label(x)
#' y <- letters
#' attr(y, "label")    # NULL
#' get_label(y)        # "y"
#' # Set labels for variables in a data frame
#' mtcars2 <-
#'   set_label(mtcars,
#'             am = "Automatic / Manual",
#'             mpg = "Miles per Gallon",
#'             gear = "Number of gears")
#' get_label(mtcars2)
#' @export

get_label <- function(x, ...){

#' @rdname get_label
#' @export

get_label.default <- function(x, ...){
  if (!is.atomic(x)){
    stop("`x` must be an atomic vector")

  lbl <- attr(x, "label")
  if (is.null(lbl)){

#' @rdname get_label
#' @export

get_label.data.frame <- function(x, vars = NULL, ..., return_vector = TRUE){
  if (!inherits(x, "data.frame")){
    stop("`x` must inherit class 'data.frame'")

  if (is.null(vars)){
    vars <- names(x)

  not_in_data <- vars[!vars %in% names(x)]

  if (length(not_in_data)){
    stop("The following are not variables in `x`: ",
         paste0(not_in_data, collapse = ", "))

  is_atomic <-

  if (any(!is_atomic)){
    stop("The following variables in `x` are not atomic: ",
         paste0(vars[!is_atomic], collapse = ", "))

  has_label <-
    vapply(X = x[vars],
           FUN = function(x) !is.null(attr(x, "label")),
           FUN.VALUE = logical(1))

  lbl <- vars
  lbl[has_label] <-
    vapply(X = x[vars][has_label],
           FUN = get_label.default,
           FUN.VALUE = character(1))

  if (return_vector){
  } else {
    lbl <- lapply(lbl, identity)
    names(lbl) <- vars
nutterb/labelVector documentation built on Feb. 17, 2020, 9:15 p.m.