
The addition of exportRecordsTyped opened a great deal of flexibility and potential for customization when exporting data from REDCap and preparing them for analysis. The tasks of preparing data are broadly categorized into three phases

  1. Missing Value Detection
  2. Field Validation
  3. Casting Data

This document will focus on casting data and customizing casting to fit the user's preferences.

url <- "" # Our institutions REDCap instance

unlockREDCap(c(rcon = "Sandbox"), 
             envir = .GlobalEnv,
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             url = url)
ExistingProject <- preserveProject(rcon)
purgeProject(rcon, purge_all= TRUE)

importArms(rcon, Arms)
importEvents(rcon, Events)
importMetaData(rcon, MetaData)
importRecords(rcon, Records)


Casting Data

The default casting functions were chosen with consideration for what is believed to be the most frequently desired results (the default casting list is shown in the appendix). It is inevitable that the circumstances of a particular project will necessitate customization. Furthermore, the decisions regarding default casting are inherently opinionated, and some users will prefer different castings. This section will discuss how to customize casting for field types as well as how to customize the casting of a single field.

A full listing of the casting functions provided by redcapAPI are listed in the "Value" section of ?fieldValidationAndCasting.

Customizing a Field Type Casting

Using the cast argument, the user may issue alternative casting instructions for any of the supported field types (listed in the appendix). In the following call, any fields having the type date_ will be cast using the as.Date() function instead of as.POSIXct(). Meanwhile, all other field types will be cast using the default casting list.

# Demonstrate default casting behavior
Rec <- exportRecordsTyped(rcon,
                          fields = c("date_example"))

# Demonstrate casting with as.Date()
Rec <- exportRecordsTyped(rcon,
                          fields = c("date_example"), 
                          cast = list(date_ = as.Date))

Radio button and drop down fields are field types where users frequently need a value different than the default. In most cases, the user desires that these fields be cast to their coded values instead of the labeled values. Compare the results of these three commands:

# Returns a factor with levels "Balalaika", "Ukulele", "Banjo", "Guitar"
Rec <- exportRecordsTyped(rcon, 
                          fields = c("radio_example"))

# Returns a factor with levels "3", "4", "5", "6"
Rec <- exportRecordsTyped(rcon, 
                          fields = "radio_example", 
                          cast = list(radio = castCode))

# Returns a character value of the labeled values
Rec <- exportRecordsTyped(rcon, 
                          fields = "radio_example", 
                          cast = list(radio = castLabelCharacter))

Customizing Field Casting with User-Made Functions

It is also permissible to use user-made functions in casting. Consider the scenario where it is necessary to multiply a numeric field by 3 when performing the export. This may be accomplished by first defining a function then passing it to the override for the number field type.

Custom functions should have the arguments x, field_name, and coding. These arguments are necessary, even if they will not be used by the function.

multiply3 <- function(x, field_name, coding) as.numeric(x) * 3

# Return the actual values from the project
Rec <- exportRecordsTyped(rcon, 
                          fields = c("radio_example", 

# Return the values with the custom casting function
Rec <- exportRecordsTyped(rcon, 
                          fields = c("radio_example", 
                          cast = list(number = multiply3))

It should be noted that applying a custom function in this way would impact all of the fields of type "number". It would be rare that such an outcome is desirable. These custom functions can also be written in a manner that impacts only one specific field.

Customizing a Casting for a Single Field

User-written functions used in casting overrides must contain the arguments x, field_name, and coding, even if these arguments are not intended to be used by the function. Their inclusion, however, makes it possible to write casting overrides that target only a specific field. In this example, a function is written that rounds number_example to two decimal places, but other "number" fields are cast using the default function. By adding an if statement, a test can be performed against the field name and modifications can be applied only to the targeted field.

round2_one_field <- function(x, field_name, coding){
  x <- as.numeric(x)
  if (field_name == "number_example") round(x, 2) # round to two decimal places
  else x                                          # return other fields unaltered

# Default casting behavior
Rec <- exportRecordsTyped(rcon, 
                          fields = c("number_example", 

# Use the user-defined function for casting
Rec <- exportRecordsTyped(rcon, 
                          fields = c("number_example", 
                          cast = list(number = round2_one_field))

Radio buttons and drop down fields are, again, field types where such customization is frequently needed. Consider the case of a radio button field where the coded values have special meaning. However, other radio button fields in the project are desired to return the labeled values for categorical analysis. A user-defined function can be written to accommodate this scenario.

In this example, the radio_example labels identify an stringed instrument, and the coding indicates the number of strings on that instrument. The user is able to single out radio_example to return numeric values in the following manner:

special_cast_radio <- function(x, field_name, coding){
  if (field_name %in% "radio_example"){
    as.numeric(x)                    # Cast target field as numeric
  } else {
    castLabel(x, field_name, coding) # still uses the default for 
                                     # the non-targeted fields

# Using the default casting
Rec <- exportRecordsTyped(rcon, 
                          fields = c("radio_example", 

# Use the user-defined function to change casting of one field
Rec <- exportRecordsTyped(rcon, 
                          fields = c("radio_example", 
                          cast = list(radio = special_cast_radio))

While all of the examples so far have focused on alternate casting for a single type, the user is not restricted to only one type. The user may designate alternate castings for as many types as they choose.

Rec <- exportRecordsTyped(rcon, 
                          fields = c("date_example", 
                          cast = list(date_ = as.Date, 
                                      radio = special_cast_radio, 
                                      number = round2_one_field))
Rec[c("record_id", "date_example", "radio_example", "number_example")]


Defining Custom Casting Lists

The default casting list is populated with functions that are expected to meet the needs of most analyses. Users may have different preferences they wish to apply on a regular basis, and typing out their customizations to every call could be burdensome and time consuming. An option for expediting casting preferences is to save the preferred casting list as an object that can be retrieved for regular use.

The user may define objects within a script, such as

round2_one_field <- function(x, field_name, coding){
  x <- as.numeric(x)
  if (field_name == "number_example") round(x, 2) # round to two decimal places
  else x                                          # return other fields unaltered

special_cast_radio <- function(x, field_name, coding){
  if (field_name %in% "radio_example"){
    as.numeric(x)                    # Cast target field as numeric
  } else {
    castLabel(x, field_name, coding) # still uses the default for 
                                     # the non-targeted fields

preferred_casting <- list(date_ = as.Date, 
                          number = round2_one_field, 
                          radio = special_cast_radio)

It is important to note that the user need not specify a casting function for each type. Any types not specified in preferred_casting will utilize the default casting function.

Some options for retrieving the preferred_casting list include:

  1. Save the code in a script and run it using source.
  2. Save the objects from a script to a .Rdata file and add them to the environment using load.
  3. Include the list as part of an internally used package.
  4. Save the objects to the user's .Rprofile.

If the user were to choose to use source to load the objects, utilization of the preferred casting list would look like

Rec <- exportRecordsTyped(rcon, 
                          casting = preferred_casting)



Casting Field Types


Casting Functions Provided by redcapAPI

| Function Name | Object Type Returned | |---------------------------|----------------------| | castLabel | factor | | castLabelCharacter | character | | castCode | factor | | castCodeCharacter | character | | castRaw | character | | castChecked | factor | | castCheckedCharacter | character | | castCheckLabel | factor | | castCheckLabelCharacter | character | | castCheckCode | factor | | castCheckCodeCharacter | character | | castCheckForImport | numeric | | castDpNumeric | numeric | | castDpCharacter | character | | castTimeHHMM | character | | castTimeMMSS | character | | castLogical | logical |


Default Casting List

.default_cast <- list(
  date_                    = function(x, ...) as.POSIXct(x, format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
  datetime_                = function(x, ...) as.POSIXct(x, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"),
  datetime_seconds_        = function(x, ...) as.POSIXct(x, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
  time_mm_ss               = function(x, ...) chron::times(ifelse(,
  time_hh_mm_ss            = function(x, ...) chron::times(x, format=c(times="h:m:s")),
  time                     = function(x, ...) chron::times(gsub("(^\\d{2}:\\d{2}$)", 
                                                                "\\1:00", x), 
  float                    = as.numeric,
  number                   = as.numeric,
  number_1dp               = as.numeric, 
  number_1dp_comma_decimal = castDpNumeric(),
  number_2dp               = as.numeric, 
  number_2dp_comma_decimal = castDpNumeric(),
  calc                     = as.numeric,
  int                      = as.integer,
  integer                  = as.numeric,
  yesno                    = castLabel,
  truefalse                = function(x, ...) x=='1' | tolower(x) =='true',
  checkbox                 = castChecked,
  form_complete            = castLabel,
  select                   = castLabel,
  radio                    = castLabel,
  dropdown                 = castLabel,
  sql                      = castLabel, 
  system                   = castLabel, 
  bioportal                = castLabel
purgeProject(rcon, purge_all = TRUE)
importProjectInformation(rcon, ExistingProject$project_information)
importArms(rcon, ExistingProject$arms)
importEvents(rcon, ExistingProject$events)
importMetaData(rcon, ExistingProject$meta_data)
importMappings(rcon, ExistingProject$mappings)
importRepeatingInstrumentsEvents(rcon, ExistingProject$repeating_instruments)
importRecords(rcon, ExistingProject$records)

nutterb/redcapAPI documentation built on Aug. 31, 2024, 4:37 a.m.