
The addition of exportRecordsTyped opened a great deal of flexibility and potential for customization when exporting data from REDCap and preparing them for analysis. The tasks of preparing data are broadly categorized into three phases

  1. Missing Value Detection
  2. Field Validation
  3. Casting Data

This document will focus on data validation and how the user can customize validation to support their data analysis.

url <- "" # Our institutions REDCap instance

unlockREDCap(c(rcon = "Sandbox"), 
             envir = .GlobalEnv,
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             url = url)
ExistingProject <- preserveProject(rcon)
purgeProject(rcon, purge_all= TRUE)

importArms(rcon, Arms)
importEvents(rcon, Events)
importMetaData(rcon, MetaData)
importRecords(rcon, Records)

Data Validation

Data validation operates in a similar manner to casting data (see vignette("redcapAPI-casting-data", package = "redcapAPI")). When data are exported from REDCap, the field type of each field is determined and an appropriate validation function is applied to the field to determine which, if any, values do not adhere to the expected format. This section describes the default behavior of data validation and discusses how to customize these behaviors.

Default Validation Behavior

When data are exported from REDCap, each field is compared against the expected format for the field type. A record of values that fail validation is recorded and available for review using reviewInvalidRecords.

Validation is performed after missing data detection. Values that are determined to be missing are not included in the validation report.

Customizing Data Validation For a Field

The default validation functions are designed to match the format expected by REDCap for each data type. Users can customize validation to unique circumstances by writing custom functions and/or regular expressions. Functions must return logical values and may utilize arguments x, field_name, and coding (the last argument is used when validating multiple choice fields).

Consider an scenario where researchers are recording ICD-10 diagnosis codes. ICD-10 codes are 3 - 7 character, alpha-numeric codes where the first character is any letter except U, the next two characters are numbers, and the remaining (up to) four characters are numbers or letters. A regular expression to match this pattern is [A-T,V-Z][0-9]{2}\\.[A-Z,0-9]{0-4}.

The user may write a function to validate the ICD-10 codes as follows:

validateICD10 <- function(x, field_name, ...){
  regex <- "[A-T,V-Z][0-9]{2}\\.[A-Z,0-9]{0-4}"

  if (field_name == "icd10"){
    valRx(regex)(toupper(x), ...)
  } else {
    rep(TRUE, length(x))

Rec <- exportRecordsTyped(rcon, 
                          fields = c("icd10"), 
                          validation = list(text = validateICD10))

After noticing the warning about failed validations, the listing of invalid data can be reviewed by calling reviewInvalidRecords.




Data Validation Field Types

Default Validation Settings

The values of the REGEX_* regular expressions can be quite long and several would not fit on the page. Users who wish to review the definitions of the regular expressions can retrieve them using, for example, redcapAPI:::REGEX_DATETIME.

.default_validate <- list(
  date_              = valRx(REGEX_DATE),              
  datetime_          = valRx(REGEX_DATETIME),
  datetime_seconds_  = valRx(REGEX_DATETIME_SECONDS),
  time_mm_ss         = valRx(REGEX_TIME_MMSS),
  time_hh_mm_ss      = valRx(REGEX_TIME_HHMMSS),
  time               = valRx(REGEX_TIME),
  float              = valRx(REGEX_FLOAT),
  number             = valRx(REGEX_NUMBER),
  calc               = valRx(REGEX_CALC),
  int                = valRx(REGEX_INT),
  integer            = valRx(REGEX_INTEGER),
  yesno              = valRx(REGEX_YES_NO),
  truefalse          = valRx(REGEX_TRUE_FALSE),
  checkbox           = valRx(REGEX_CHECKBOX),
  form_complete      = valRx(REGEX_FORM_COMPLETE),
  select             = valChoice,
  radio              = valChoice,
  dropdown           = valChoice,
  sql                = valChoice,
  bioportal          = valChoice
purgeProject(rcon, purge_all = TRUE)
importProjectInformation(rcon, ExistingProject$project_information)
importArms(rcon, ExistingProject$arms)
importEvents(rcon, ExistingProject$events)
importMetaData(rcon, ExistingProject$meta_data)
importMappings(rcon, ExistingProject$mappings)
importRepeatingInstrumentsEvents(rcon, ExistingProject$repeating_instruments)
importRecords(rcon, ExistingProject$records)

nutterb/redcapAPI documentation built on Aug. 31, 2024, 4:37 a.m.