
context("User Role Assignment Methods Functionality")

            data = data.frame(username = EXPENDABLE_USER))

  "Import and Export of User Role Assignments",
            "User Assignment tests without an expendable user could have negative consequences and are not run")
    # we don't really want to run these until we have an expendable user. 
    # otherwise we run the risk of cutting off access a user running the
    # test suite would need to continue testing.
    the_user <- EXPENDABLE_USER
    # Delete any existing roles if script crashed previously
    for(i in rcon$user_roles()$unique_role_name)
      if(!is.na(i)) deleteUserRoles(rcon, i)

    # Make sure you include api_import and api_export rights in the
    # role so you don't lock someone out of testing.
    NewRole <- data.frame(unique_role_name = NA_character_,
                          role_label = "Temporary role",
                          api_import = 1,
                          api_export = 1,
                          user_rights = 1,
                          design = 1,
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    the_role <- rcon$user_roles()$unique_role_name

    ImportAssignmentTest <-
      data.frame(username = the_user,
                 unique_role_name = the_role,
                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    n_imported <- importUserRoleAssignments(rcon,
                                            data = ImportAssignmentTest)
    expect_equal(n_imported, "1")

    CompareFrame <- rcon$user_role_assignment()
    CompareFrame <- CompareFrame[CompareFrame$username == the_user, ]
    ImportAssignmentTest <-
      data.frame(username = the_user,
                 unique_role_name = NA_character_,
                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    n_imported <- importUserRoleAssignments(rcon, 
                                             data = ImportAssignmentTest)
    expect_equal(n_imported, "1")
    CompareFrame <- rcon$user_role_assignment()
    CompareFrame <- CompareFrame[CompareFrame$username == the_user, ]

    n_deleted <- deleteUserRoles(rcon, the_role)
    expect_equal(n_deleted, "1")

  "Import User Changes when User is Assigned a Role", # Issue 206
    UserRole <- data.frame(role_label = "Temporary Role", 
                           design = 1, 
                           user_rights = 1, 
                           reports = 1)
    importUserRoles(rcon, data = UserRole)
    THIS_ROLE <- rcon$user_roles()$unique_role_name[1]
                              data = data.frame(username = EXPENDABLE_USER, 
                                                unique_role_name = THIS_ROLE))
    importUsers(rcon, data = data.frame(username = EXPENDABLE_USER, 
                                        data_access_groups = 1))
    NewUser <- exportUsers(rcon, labels = FALSE)
    NewUser <- NewUser[NewUser$username == EXPENDABLE_USER, ]
    # The user is still assigned to the role, so the role permission should
    # be displayed (no access)
    expect_equal(NewUser$data_access_groups, 0)
                              data = data.frame(username = "bstat_api_user", 
                                                unique_role_name = NA_character_))
    NewUser <- exportUsers(rcon, labels = FALSE)
    NewUser <- NewUser[NewUser$username == EXPENDABLE_USER, ]
    # Now that the role has been unassigned, the permission we uploaded (access)
    # should be returned.
    expect_equal(NewUser$data_access_groups, 1)
    importUsers(rcon, data = data.frame(username = EXPENDABLE_USER, 
                                        data_access_groups = 0))
    deleteUserRoles(rcon, user_roles = THIS_ROLE) 
nutterb/redcapAPI documentation built on Aug. 31, 2024, 4:37 a.m.