
### config.R --- 
## Filename: config.R
## Description: Make sure packages are installed and whatnot
## Author: Noah Peart
## Created: Fri Oct 23 06:00:03 2015 (-0400)
## Last-Updated: Wed Dec 30 17:22:20 2015 (-0500)
##           By: Noah Peart

## Special package notes:
## Versions off github:
## - leaflet for mark labels/awesomeMarkers among other things
gihubs <- c('rstudio/leaflet')

required_packages <- findPacks(dirs="../", recursive = FALSE)
missed <- !(required_packages %in% rownames(installed.packages()))
if (any(missed))
    install.packages(required_packages[missed], dependencies = TRUE)

## Need to ensure data is available from github,
## Rscript is in the path
## and write a batch file to do all of this
nverno/mooseapp documentation built on May 24, 2019, 10:54 a.m.