
##' abba15ex_raw
##' @format An object of class \code{data.table} (inherits from
##'   \code{data.frame}) with 48 rows and 4 columns.
##' \itemize {
##'     \item Elev: "double" variable with 7 unique values in the range [1040, 1380], 0 NA values.
##'     \item HThalfM: "double" variable with 7 unique values in the range [1, 4], 0 NA values.
##'     \item EX_cm: "double" variable with 31 unique values in the range [4, 54], 0 NA values.
##'     \item Location: "character" with 2 unique values and 0 NA values.
##'     \tabular{rr}{
##'     \strong{CR} \tab \strong{SP}\cr
##'     30 \tab 18
##'     }
##' }
nverno/moosedata documentation built on May 24, 2019, 10:54 a.m.